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41 pounds less and counting :D

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At my gym it ranges between $700-$2000 dollars depending on how many sessions you want. You can choose 12,24,36 and maybe 48 sessions , not so sure bout that. Plus you pay your monthly gym fees.
Great job on losing the weight.  I dropped 25 pounds since July.  The only problem is that I keep on losing weight and it is costing me a pretty penny keeping my ever shrinking bum in pants that fit. 
Congratulations to all of you, and keep up the good work. You are making a change that could extend your lives. The greatest challenge will be to keep with the routine once you reach your goal. Remember, energy out must equal or exceed energy in. Keep up a sensible "diet" and keep up the exercise! :salute:
Mission Statement said:
How much on average is a personal trainer? I know that varies but maybe tell me this, if you've had a personal trainer how much did it cost you?

FYI, When my trainer and I meet it's 70$ per session (usually 1 hour). If you can provide your own motivation during your workouts you shouldn't need one for more than a few sessions (to learn the exercises) and then only again when you want to change up your program (which is recommended every so often). Buying 20, 50 etc.. sessions is a bit much,  unless you need someone there kicking your *** to work out.

When I first was looking at joining I weighed 263. LOL

Holy shit, never again!

I joined back in November of 2006 and I just checked a couple days ago, and I'm down 35 pounds since then. I'm enrolled in my BMQ and I keep shedding the pounds and it feels great!

Keep up the good work man! I'll be passing you shortly! lol.

Just to let you  guys know that im now a 55 pounds lost...still lowering...


I now own pants size that I wore in college...long time ago....
Good on ya!

My wife started a program to lose weight for our 20th anniversary this year.  She's down about 18 pounds.

So, being I'm chained to a desk at NDHQ, I decided to follow her eating (no, not a diet) plan and do the Army Fitness Manual 12 week program.  I dropped 22 pounds since January 2007.

So, if anyone is curious... the Army Fitness Manual plans work!

Keep up the good work, mysteriousmind!
mysteriousmind said:
is it possible to get a pdf copy of this manual?


Knock yerself out!
Mission Statement said:
How much on average is a personal trainer? I know that varies but maybe tell me this, if you've had a personal trainer how much did it cost you?

Hubby and I decided to get me a personal trainer too, for all the same reasons as camochick and I love it...I needed the added accountablity and motivation.

My trainer cost $45 per session for a commitment of 6 months. It is $50/session when you only commit to 3 months. The initial appointment was free...Most trainers do that, they want to get to know you, and your goals and your current fitness level before devising a plan that works for you. People are more apt to sign up with the monetary commitment if they feel that they have the option of a no-obligation first meeting to be sure if this trainer is right for them.

I meet my trainer 2x per week and she checks in on my progress each month...but I have to give her my food journal and exercise journal each week...when I know I might get a guilt trip about bad food choices, I make better ones so the accountability is great.

Keep up the good work on all the pounds lost mysteriousmind!!!
Just a little FYI as I never knew till lately.
As we all know weight is irrelevant to a certain degree when it comes to body fat.I personally fluxuate up to 8 lbs a week due to food water retention and ammount of liquids I force into my body.

PSP staff has a electric body fat analysis machine which will tell you your body fat.My personal trainer also did it with calipers,however for those who do not wish to spend the money on trainers PSP does it for free.
(In gagetown anyway,I don't know about Petawawa as I was a land monster while posted there)

Flashback to the dark ages of BMI.

I applaud everybody trying to lose weight.

For me the battle is eternal so I try to do at least 20 minutes Cardio a day.

I use the Gym on ship at lunch and try and never miss a sports day.

Keep it up and never go to Costco on an empty stomach.
Something I haven't seen mentioned here.
Talk to PSP! They love giving you advice and its knowledgable and free.
Their job is to keep us fit, so they'll design you workout plans that suit your goals to a tee. Just go in a setup an appointment with one of their resident 'Fitness and Sport Instructors' and you'll be laughing. Granted they may not be as involved in your progress as a personal trainer, but they can guide you in your goals and ultimately it is your own motivation that will determine how fit you are. 
Okay im new here, but i reading this kind of stuff which is right up my alley, training, eating and what not as i am an amateur competitive bodybuilder, and although i am not yet licensed trainer...i have experience and my own personal time and research, plus some actual university studies done in this field.

Skin fold calipers as mentioned earlier to test body fat levels...are only 3% accurate...also that electronic bodyfat measuring instrument mentioned is only 30% accurate...the best and most accurate method is hydrostatic weighing...its not 100% accurate but it is the most accurate of the 3 tools.

Also dont take the numbers any of these machines give you to heart...so long as the next time you do measure that that number is lower...thats what counts.
All the stories are great. I'm getting in shape to enlist.
So far i have lost 25 pounds ( 215 down from 240)  Hitting the gym almost every day and finally being able to run without to much trouble. I Started doing 2.4 k in 18 minutes.
In 6 days I've knocked 3 minutes off that and am at 15 minutes. I would like to be around 200 pounds as i am 6' 1" and getting pretty muscular. I will try and keep you all posted of my progress. I went for my interview and medical. Waiting to be merit listed and hopefully will get word in a few weeks. Eating better is a big help and having a goal of making the grade in the forces has made getting in shape a lot easier. Maybe 190 lbs...  lol

:cdn:  :D
just to notify that to (May 11th),  I'm now at 67 pounds less..

Have a nice day!!!
Way to go everyone you should all be very proud of yourselves right now!! I know I have to hit the work outs and hard, but I have to get over the thinking and start the doing ya know! LOL
Keep it up guys because it seems to me you might just be the motivation I need!!
JM  ;)
WOW!  My hat off to everyone on this thread. 
Little bit of advice...do NOT show your personal trainer a copy of the CF Fitness Manual, you will live to regret it!  ;)
Y'all keep up the good work  :D