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5000 regular force over 5 years..... just a little question about that

So, in your opinion, will there be any problem in recruiting the extra 5000 bodies and filling out the ranks?

Not at 1000 per year for the next five years.

Also, as per this link, http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/about/family_e.asp,  the official limit on regular force strength is 62,000.  This number has been up on this site for some time now and predates Paul Martin's additional 5,000.  Presumably that means that the cap on strength is to go up to 67,000.

Way above my pay grade.

Of the current authorised strength of 62,000 we are regularly informed that there are only 52,000 or so effectives.  This means 10,000 ineffectives or 10,000 vacant positions. Now while recognizing that Canadian society, the Government and the CF owe a debt to those members that have served faithfully and have become "ineffective" in service, and thus need to be rewarded and taken care of, is it your position that these "ineffectives" are of better quality, or more precisely of better value, to the CF than the young folks applying and being turned away?

Unfair question comparing apples to oranges.

What would be the effect on the CF if those "ineffectives", again assuming that the positions weren't vacant, were replaced by "effectives"?  Would it not be reasonable to suppose that 10,000 replacements for the "ineffectives", together with Martin's additional 5,000, or 15,000 new bodies in total would breathe new life into the CF and create a much more effective force?

Way above my pay grade.  

Or am I totally misconstruing the concept of Effective Strength and Authorised Strength?


Also you state that the problem with the Reserves is "poor attraction of suitable applicants".   What can your people at the CF Recruiting System/Service do to Recruit more suitable applicants?  Seeing as how the matter has apparently been taken out of the hands of the Units themselves.

Wrong, reserve units are responsible for their own attraction.

Remember YTEP in 1983?  We had a youth unemployment problem, and someone in DND let it slip that, even though we were taking in 8,000 a year, we could easily take in 5,000 more.  It went to cabinet, where some were "against the expansion of the military for any reason" (in other words "I have a job - screw him").  Eventually, the program was a go.  Bases all over the country brought in recruits.  In Petawawa, units trained their own recruits under the Battle School in Pet, then ran their own TQ3s.  

We got some good people with that plan.  Only prob was, it was a year long contract. If, after a year, your trade was overborne, you had to re-muster on your re-engagement to a RegF three year contract.  So, if you started as a widget tech, then ended up as a mess tin repairman, not so good.

(Sung to the tune of the Puppy Chow commercial):"Y-Tep, for a full year, till they're full-grown!"

These 5000, I would assume they would be spread across the board and split among Army, Airforce and Navy. Who decides who gets what? And for what trades?
Stirling N6123 said:
These 5000, I would assume they would be spread across the board and split among Army, Airforce and Navy. Who decides who gets what? And for what trades?

Mostly to the army.
Ghost said:
No I passed all the testing but I still have not recvied a job offer.

The CFAT was a cakewalk and the guy giving me the interview didn't know what a GED is.

Well then stop whining and wait like so many others on this board are.
Well, I have the goal of becoming an MP. But, I am slogging away on working  on a Police Foundations Diploma. It's going to take me about 3 years to get it completed part-time, as I still have a family to feed and house. I would like to join 4999 other folks wishing to join the CF, would it be possible to get in on an army trade, maybe SIG OP, or VEH Tech or MAT Tech and then when I have the diploma, if I choose too, change trades to the Military Police?
Stirling N6123 said:
Well, I have the goal of becoming an MP. But, I am slogging away on working  on a Police Foundations Diploma. It's going to take me about 3 years to get it completed part-time, as I still have a family to feed and house. I would like to join 4999 other folks wishing to join the CF, would it be possible to get in on an army trade, maybe SIG OP, or VEH Tech or MAT Tech and then when I have the diploma, if I choose too, change trades to the Military Police?

Yes join as a Sig Op now and there will be no trouble for you to transfer to MP later on. Honest. >:D

kincanucks said:
Yes join as a Sig Op now and there will be no trouble for you to transfer to MP later on. Honest. >:D

Yeah, once you join us you won't wanna leave!  >:D ;D
Well then stop whining and wait like so many others on this board are

I guess your right I really shouldn't be complaining.

If WW3 breaks out you really think the army is gonna be saying hey this guy can't be a soldier he didn't go to university or will MP's be kicking my door down to drag me off to BMQ because I meet the minimum requirements.
Well I guess i can take what ever i can get from the above statements, basically, I can get in, but would need an act of god to get into an MP trade? If i am reading this right.
Well as I understand it you would need to do 4 years before you can re-muster ( and thats 4 LONG years as a sig op.lol) and then your trade has to be open to letting you OT (ocupational transfer) and your destination trade has to be accepting. All in all a "do-able" situation but also a gamble. :salute:

p.s. sig op is always closed to ot OUT of!
Is signals that bad? I would Imagine it to be a popular trade as one would have to be slightly more intelligent to operate comms gear and the like. So a gamble you say?.....Hmmmm...thanks for the info.
Dont get me wrong. I love being a sig op but you have to be sure that it's what you want because it may be hard to get out of later. :salute:
Thats a pretty good ratio actually.  RCMP recruiting numbers are much lower than that.  If you post any job you get a lot of unqualified applicants, not just a few, a LOT.  I don't see all this complaining going on about "STUPID" applicants as being justified, especially on a public forum. 

Love793 said:
To add to what Kincanuck has said, here's an example of the 3 to 1 ratio.   We've placed ads on the HRDC site, for 6 trades here in Windsor (Reserve Jobs), we've received over 120 resumes, walk ins and other email/phone enquiries.   From that after weeding out initially about 20 (no citizenship, criminal records or lacking gr 10), we're left with about 100 "Contacts", of that we'll probably get 30+ applicants.   Of the thirty plus applicants, after all the stages of recruiting, we might get 10 new soldiers.
Stirling N6123 said:
one would have to be slightly more intelligent to operate comms gear

HAHAHAHA Sorry I found that very funny for some reason.  ;D Some of the people I've been on course with... makes me wonder how they were one of the "1 in 3"...