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6 Feb 12: Charges laid against CIC officer

Where the CIC officers do have the least taxing of recruitment standards, they do have the most in-depth interview and background check of anybody joining the CF (personally witnessed when I was with CFRC) The 1 hour interview is a no holds barred in depth chat with a specifically trained MCC.  More do not make it then do.

The big problem is that these predators (not making any judgment on this case, I am talking sexual predators in general) are excellent actors.  Most are victims of abuse themselves and leared to adapt, then took over the role of the abuser later on.  The wacko's on "To Catch a Predator" are the dumb bottom of the barrel idiots that can't see through a simple ruse.  The ones that are in positions of power over children are easy to spot, but so so so difficult to prove.

Bottom line, never use a broad brush with these monsters, lets just do our best to train our kids to come to us when something is wrong. 

On a lighter note, the cadet problem is far from perfect, but I hate to think where I would be today without it.
Teeps74 said:
As someone who has volunteered with the local Army cadets, and was an Air Cadet, your comment lacks an informed opinion and smacks of prejudice and malice.

The cadets is the ONLY free youth organization out there. The only one. All the others (Scouts etc.) require some sort of money to participate.

I'll have to call you on this comment. Maybe you should have qualified this with "to the best of my knowledge".
I know of one other and there be others I'm not aware of.
St. John Ambulance Cadets are a free youth organization. No cost to participate. Money is never required to participate.
Only time money is asked for is for some rare weekend trips and then it's minimal. Usually some form of fund raising is used to make it free. At times it's a cost of around $10 per day to cover food.
If a cadet  is unable to pay a way is found for them to go any way.
At daily events many times lunch is provided free although sometimes cadets are asked to bring their own lunch.
Occasional free BBQ's, pizza nights, movie nights or similar type of things are not unheard of.
And this is also at no cost to the tax payers unlike the cadets you are referring to.
Don't take my comment wrong as I in no way have a problem supporting the cadets with my tax dollars. It's just that there is more options out there then you portrayed.
I was a cadet 30 years ago.  I knew many CIL (as they were then) officers.  Some I respected.  Others I did not.  None of them molested me and to the best of my knowledge, anyone else.  Most were dedicated people who worked hard and honestly wanted to do the best they could to make the program work.  Thirty years later, I'm still in contact with some of the folks I met as a cadet and regret losing touch with some of the others.  One of my best friends from that period of my life is now the CO of our old corps.  He's one of the finest people I know and it pains me to see him tarred with the same brush as others who have done bad things.

My younger son has now joined the Army Cadets and I couldn't be more thrilled.  He loves it and I see that the officers in his corps are still the same type of dedicated individuals that were involved when I was his age.  If anything, they're more professional than they were then.  It's a fantastic organization and the CF is right to support it.  Sure there are idiots and slimy people in the CIC, but there are idiots and slimy people in the Logistics, Naval Operations, Music and may other branches.  They exist in amateur sport, church groups and probably every organization.  There is no shortage of idiots and slimy people in the world, but that doesn't mean we should stop patronizing these organizations.  All we can do is try to identify the idiots and slimy people as early as possible and then deal with it.  A Police Record Check (Vulnerable Sector) is only a start, but it cannot screen out every bad person (only the ones who've been caught).

It used to be that CF members could not be court-martialed for sexual offences within Canada.  When the CF asked to take over responsibility for this, there was an outcry from the usual suspects that the Code of Service Discipline would only whitewash over sexual offences and perpetrators would not see justice (implying that all perpetrators are male who would be protected by the Old Boys Club).  Once it was pointed out that in fact, the CF's record for dealing with sexual offences is actually stronger than the civilian court system (based on statistics from charges laid overseas), the restriction was lifted and CF members can now be charged under the Code of Service Discipline.  In short, CIC officers who do bad things can be court-martialed, which in many cases is perceived to be a much harsher system.
The system works. The victims told their chain of command and now the individual charged will have his day in court. This should encourage all cadets that they matter and their safety and well being is important. The failure here would have been if these incidents had been swept under the rug. The staff took action and brought in the MP's. Good job by the unit staff.
X Royal said:
I'll have to call you on this comment. Maybe you should have qualified this with "to the best of my knowledge".
I know of one other and there be others I'm not aware of.
St. John Ambulance Cadets are a free youth organization. No cost to participate. Money is never required to participate.
Only time money is asked for is for some rare weekend trips and then it's minimal. Usually some form of fund raising is used to make it free. At times it's a cost of around $10 per day to cover food.
If a cadet  is unable to pay a way is found for them to go any way.
At daily events many times lunch is provided free although sometimes cadets are asked to bring their own lunch.
Occasional free BBQ's, pizza nights, movie nights or similar type of things are not unheard of.
And this is also at no cost to the tax payers unlike the cadets you are referring to.
Don't take my comment wrong as I in no way have a problem supporting the cadets with my tax dollars. It's just that there is more options out there then you portrayed.

The same is also true of Scouts. We have a sponsorship program where youth from disadvantaged families or those whom are working poor etc can have their membership fees, uniforms, camps covered. If the financial need is there, it is possible to go no-cost to the child.
X Royal said:
I'll have to call you on this comment. Maybe you should have qualified this with "to the best of my knowledge".
I know of one other and there be others I'm not aware of.
St. John Ambulance Cadets are a free youth organization. No cost to participate. Money is never required to participate.

Why is it I always forget the SJA cadets? My girlfriend is going to kill me for that. And fair enough... A belated "as far as I know...".

The cadet program has it's issues, but but it is a good program because of the volunteers (in and out of uniform).

Further, SJA and CF Cadets, are free by default. No need for sponsorship.
.... with the latest:
A court martial is expected to begin (Monday) at CFB Esquimalt, west of Victoria, for a cadet instructor who faces several charges.

Captain Daniel Moriarity is accused of sexual exploitation, sexual interference and sexual assault.

The charges involve two cadets, a 16 year old girl and a boy who was 15 when the alleged assaults began.

Investigators say the attacks allegedly occurred between 2008 and 2011, at the Vernon army camp in the North Okanagan and at the Lt. Gen. Ashton Armoury in Victoria ....
A military judge has found a former army cadet instructor guilty of three sex-related charges.

The judge found Capt. Daniel Moriarity guilty on two counts of sexual exploitation and one count each of sexual assault at Moriarity’s court martial hearing at CFB Esquimalt on Monday.

The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) charged Moriarity in February after he committed crimes against two teenaged cadets at the Lt.-Gen. E.C. Ashton Armoury in Saanich and the Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre.

The incidents occurred between 2008 and 2011. The case was brought forward by the chains of command for the two cadets, who contacted the military police about the allegations.

When the accusations were made, Moriarity was deputy commanding officer of 3005 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, which is based at the Ashton Armoury.

Moriarity is slated to be sentenced on Oct. 31. The three charges were laid pursuant to the National Defence Act and Criminal Code of Canada ....
Oak Bay News, 25 Oct 12
.... according to this news report:
A former B.C. cadet instructor found guilty of sex offences in a court martial will find out his punishment later today.

Capt. Daniel Moriarity was convicted of sexual assault and two other charges in a military court in Esquimalt in October.

The incidents involved a 16-year-old girl and 15-year-old boy between 2008 and 2011 at camps in Vernon and Victoria ....
Considering the subject it might be a bit petty of me but: the Province article is using a stock pictures of troops in Multicam something else than Cadpat.

Edit: My camo patern recognition skills were lacking.
NinerSix said:
Considering the subject it might be a bit petty of me but: the Province article is using a stock pictures of troops in Multicam.
Good catch - looks more Aussie than Canadian....
ESQUIMALT, B.C. - A military court has sentenced a former deputy commander of the Victoria-based military cadet corps to one year in prison and banished him from the military for sexually abusing teenage cadets.

Twenty-six-year-old Capt. Daniel Moriarity was also demoted to a 2nd Lieutenant by military judge Lt-Col. Louis-Vincent D'auteuil (doe-tay), who says he took advantage of vulnerable young people he was entrusted to lead.

Moriarity was found guilty of sexual exploitation, sexual assault and sexual interference by a military court last October in connection to attacks on a 15-year-old boy and 16-year-old girl in separate incidents at the Vernon, B.C., army camp.

In a joint submission, the military prosecutor and Moriarity's defence lawyer called for the 12-month sentence, rank demotion and military expulsion.

Moments after the judge delivered his sentence, the defence submitted an application to release Moriarity pending the outcome of an appeal.

Moriarity was deputy commanding officer of the Victoria Signal Armoury Cadet Corps 3005 at the time of his arrest.
armyguyswife said:
Stripping him of his commission would take an act of Parliament. Unfortunately.

So because it is hard we don't do it? This is not directed at you armyguyswife, as I presume you would also like to see him stripped of his commission.

FJAG et al, what do we need to do to make this happen?
How long does it take for an appeal to happen?

I'm glad its over...........hopefully, we can all move on. It has been a challenge........not everyday that one of your co-workers ends up CM'd.

armyguyswife said:
Stripping him of his commission would take an act of Parliament. Unfortunately.
Not quite that much process - GG appears to be able to do it on recommendation from the military, as has been done in the recent past

Given the horrendousness of event that caused this to happen (what appears to be) the first time ever, I doubt it would be easy to build a convincing case in this situation, in spite of how bad an abuse of power this represents.
For what tis worth, any time spent in custody will be quite miserable for him. Not only do the staff if a prison detest sex offenders, the inmates have a pretty well set up tiering system as well. Guess who is on the bottom.....
Jim Seggie said:
For what tis worth, any time spent in custody will be quite miserable for him. Not only do the staff if a prison detest sex offenders, the inmates have a pretty well set up tiering system as well. Guess who is on the bottom.....

Yes but, as this was a CM, would the sentence not be served at DB in Edmonton?

And why was this done under a CM anyway when the victims were civilian? Is there some odd loophole because they are cadets? I would have thought this would have gone through civilian courts. Or is it because of where the offences took place? I am quite curious as to why this wasn't dealt with by civilian courts as I have seen in the past.