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A Deeply Fractured US

If anyone interfered in the US election by doing for the CIA what the CIA may not do for itself constitutionally, trust is already dead. The issue here isn't about willy-nilly widespread revelations; it's very specific.

Almost all other parties need the US more than the US needs them. Again, anyone who wants to double down by expressing anger that a misdeed is revealed, is contributing to the erosion of alliances. When someone is wronged in a relationship, it's up to the transgressing party to try to make it up to the offended party to rebuild trust.
Have no fear; if in fact there’s any meat in this sandwich (which is a big if), Trump won’t let anything as mundane as international relations or preserving key national security partnerships stand in the way of the most hamfisted approach imaginable.
Setting aside Trump for a moment, if the allegations are true it is quite something else what people would seemingly excuse. There is more than enough evidence to properly and rigorously look into all of it.

But I actually don’t think most would excuse it if it were Bush, Obama, Harper, or Trudeau targeted. Most of the reactions here are only because the alleged victim is someone the media/establishment has conditioned a large portion of people to hate.
I don't know who you think I mean by "friendly", but I mean NATO, Australia, NZ, and probably a few others around the globe.

For Trump to get such information publicly disclosed would be very effective; it would zero out the last shreds of pretext for pretty much everything that was set in motion in 2016. Then the people responsible in the US could begin reckoning with offended American voters.
That's more or less the way I took it. And I reiterate, how would "getting such information publicly disclosed" be "very effective." It strikes me the only effect would be to have the usual group of suspects who cleave to conspiracy theories say "Aha! I was right all along!" That resolves nothing. The electorate and world opinion is deeply set on Trump. Nothing will change.

Trump, and by extension, millions of his followers, dwell on past slights as if the world turns on them. There is a pathological need to beat down everyone who doesn't love Trump. I'll concede that this pathological need is pretty much equal to that of those who wish to out Big Orange for every one of not only his crimes but misdemeanors as well. Trumpists aren't defending democracy, their trying to defend attacks against their a single and unworthy candidate. By contrast, anti-Trumpers are focusing on a deliberate and violent attack against the heart of American democracy.

All that I'm saying is that in the friendly foreign sphere you won't hold the "people responsible in the US." Nor will there be a "reckoning with offended Americans voters." Assuming that we're talking about Brits, all you'll do is damage the relationship of the US with Britain. Solutions exist in places other than the public forum. I don't know why Trumpists believe the solutions are through the public pillory. I assume it's because its the first step to the hanging tree. The whole thing is a distraction which sucks the energy away from solving the very real problems facing America.

Setting aside Trump for a moment, if the allegations are true it is quite something else what people would seemingly excuse. There is more than enough evidence to properly and rigorously look into all of it.

But I actually don’t think most would excuse it if it were Bush, Obama, Harper, or Trudeau targeted. Most of the reactions here are only because the alleged victim is someone the media/establishment has conditioned a large portion of people to hate.
Who’s excusing anything?
The Trump fraud trial decision is in, the numbers are huge but there is no published content yet, bigly maybe.
Edit: A report from The Hill, $355 million.
The Hill Link
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His lawyers rhetoric is interesting, the DA is hardly meddling in someone's business affairs in some kind of tyrannical fashion by proving they committed bank fraud.

Recently went through the loan process and it was very clear in all the papers I signed that I was saying I accurately listed my assets and values to the best of my knowledge, so I don't think an asterix would have gotten me off if I lied.


Nothing new here. Just more lawfare. Wait for the appeals.
I might be wrong, but I feel there's a huge reckoning coming to the US political system.
Nothing new here. Just more lawfare. Wait for the appeals.
I might be wrong, but I feel there's a huge reckoning coming to the US political system.
You need to have some actual grounds for appeals though, as well as lawyers that can make a competent arguement.

He may have the former, but he seems pretty terrible at keeping the latter. He is also his own worse enemy and if he just STFU in court and answered the questions asked like a rational human being he might have had a different outcome.

It's interesting that neither party seems to have a front runner at the moment that would meet basic mental competency checks that are common at their age.

Honestly, not sure what to say about this, other than...

1. Wow

2. BC best unfuck itself, it seems to enjoy following social models that everybody outside of the BC government knows don't work
There is a subtle difference between killing the enemy in combat operations and killing your political opponents. That might go over Tucker's head.
Sure. There's also a subtle difference between being at war and not being at war. Just so there's no misunderstanding: I don't take issue with assassinations of people responsible for prosecuting attacks (terror or otherwise) while no declared state of war exists.

Nevertheless, Tucker is correct. There isn't a righteous moral principle that upheld what the US did in Iraq. And Tucker isn't the first media personality or politician to make nice with Putin (or other similar leaders). Some of the past remarks being dug up and thrown back in people's faces in the wake of their sudden indignation has been wonderfully amusing.
For the Black vote, Biden has dropped 25%, from 93% approval to 68%. Democrats need Black and Hispanic voters. They can't win without them.

So to try get them back he tries some black outreach and has dinner with a black family.

He brought fried chicken take out dinners for the family, then announced he made sure he got himself a burger. Apparently, some people are not happy.

It looks like even his staff are warming to a night of the long knives.

I know any publicity is supposed to be good publicity, but..................

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