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A Deeply Fractured US

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I'm not sure how much easier it can be to define. There are folks who literally wear it on their hats, shirts, maybe even tattooed onto their bodies (I don't know about that last one, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit). It is a brand that they latched onto voluntarily.

Here's a picture of Jan 6th. Once the pictures/video came out (and not when the arrests were starting), MAGA Republicans who disagreed with this could have disavowed the group's actions. Did they?
There are tons of terms to characterize groups of people. It doesn't pre-determine their actions.
I would suggest there’s also a significant difference between those who bought into a campaign slogan and Republican candidate in 2016, and those who still give the guy fealty now after everything we’ve seen him do and heard him say in the years since.
I would suggest there’s also a significant difference between those who bought into a campaign slogan and Republican candidate in 2016, and those who still give the guy fealty now after everything we’ve seen him do and heard him say in the years since.
Hence why I said "supported"
I would suggest there’s also a significant difference between those who bought into a campaign slogan and Republican candidate in 2016, and those who still give the guy fealty now after everything we’ve seen him do and heard him say in the years since.
As an ideal, it’s not at all a bad sentiment. The clip of Jeff Daniels’ character in The Newsroom describing why America isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore, rang true for many, so the sentiment of making it great again, doesn’t have to be dismissed as an insincere aspiration.
As an ideal, it’s not at all a bad sentiment. The clip of Jeff Daniels’ character in The Newsroom describing why America isn’t the greatest country in the world anymore, rang true for many, so the sentiment of making it great again, doesn’t have to be dismissed as an insincere aspiration.
At the heart of it, it is a fantastic ideology.
More US manufacturing, more growth etc.

However due to the marketing of it, it left a lot of holes to be picked at for partisan reasons. Part of that to my eyes was the failure of the Republican Party to also tie to the Party of Lincoln, and reach back to remind people of the Eisenhower Administration, and the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and his use of Federalized National Guardsmen to Force desegregation in Arkansas. Which I suspect is probably because DJT’s ego couldn’t accept comparisons to things like that.
USA Today OpEd.

“At that point Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I would not have cared. … First of all it’s Hunter Biden, it’s not Joe Biden," Harris said. "(But) whatever scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is … it is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in. It’s like a firefly to the sun. … That doesn’t answer the people who say it’s still completely unfair to not have looked at the laptop in a timely way and to have shut down the New York Post’s Twitter account, that’s a left-wing conspiracy to deny the presidency to Donald Trump. Absolutely it was, absolutely. But I think it was warranted.”

In a follow-up podcast, Harris offered context and clarification of his remarks. He pointed out that the host in the original interview cut him off as he began to offer an equivocation, stated that he misspoke in using the word “warranted” when he ought to have said “justifiable,” and that in truth his mind is still not made up on the question.

Trump’s and his allies’ wild claims of election fraud

The man of The Establshment, after having decided to employ a multi-syllable word in debate discovered that his position proved contentious. He resiled from the contest by declaring that he had Misspoken. He then went on to offer another multisyllable word, with just as many nuanced overtones. This, in my opinion, as an attempt at conflict resolution.

Trump, in my opinion, chooses one syllable words without nuance. And never resiles from any contest. This trades well with many people who don't spend their lives with dictionaries and thesauruses who respond to many arguments with an exasperated "Dammit! You know what I mean!!" Their conversations continue. And their conflicts are resolved differently. Not by agreeing on a different word but agreeing on different substance - a signed contract, an exchange of funds, a transfer of goods.

The Establishment Man perceives civility as the ultimate good.
The Trump Man perceives resolution as the ultimate good.

Peculiarly, given the nature of system Established as necessary to manage conflict, a system of multiple levels of debate, in my opinion the Establishment Man feels uncomfortable with conflict generally.

Trump, and his ilk, on the other hand, seem, in my opinion, to be quite happy in the adversarial system that defines public debate, the Courts and the Legislature.

To put it another way. Having selected a point of aim they then work to maintain it and achieve it. And if things get a bit noisy, a bit fractious then so be it. It is no different that what you hear in many boardrooms every day of the week.
“The Court is mindful that restraints on criminal prosecutions are disfavored,

Is this a true statement?

If so, Why? Why should prosecutions, especially criminal prosecutions, be unrestrained? We are talking about the State taking on an Individual. Should the Individual not be given additional protections, leeway? Isn't that in keeping with the spirit of the presumption of innocence?

Investigations, within the law, are one thing.

Prosecutions are something else.

There were lots of things that needed to be said in Biden’s speech, but there were several own-goals that distracted from the message and gave non-Democrats reason enough to dismiss it.

  • That weird, evil looking background. WTF were they thinking? I could have come up with a nicer backdrop for a fraction of what that brain trust gets paid.
  • The use of military personnel for a clearly partisan speech. Just because Trump did it doesn’t make it ok.
  • Equating legitimate policy differences to the MAGA extremists. So much for appealing to non-Democrats.

I weep for our once great neighbour.
I'm not sure how much easier it can be to define.

Biden tried to tie "MAGA Republican" to "extremist", which is basically an association fallacy. MAGA Republicans, like everyone else who claims an identity that isn't obviously a fixed visibly identifiable characteristic, decide for themselves whether they are MAGA Republicans. For any broad political movement, there isn't exactly one set of principles to which all its members subscribe. MAGA Republicans who are not members of the KKK are not responsible for members of the KKK who attach themselves to MAGA Republicans, any more than Democrats are responsible for their long-tail extreme sub-factions. In neither case is the moderate middle required to actively denounce the extremists in the tent in order to satisfy purity requirements imposed by half-witted partisans outside the tent.
You must have missed me shaking my head and calling it dumb.
I have a MAGA hat, and had donated to Trump’s campaign.
And there's the problem. The dems and the left decry the minority Trump MAGA supporters as traitors, insurrectionists🤣, idiots and whatever. The whole time forgetting they are talking about millions and millions of people. And the ones here in Canada that whine and complain are no different. It can be one MAGA supporter or 10 million. It matters not to the left. And the reason being, MAGA represents something the dems have demonized and as with all democrats and liberals, they think their opinion is the only one that matters and fuck everyone else.
To summarize, "if a conservative doesn't like aspirated mechanical cars, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like them, nobody can buy them."

People like biden and trudeau operate at their best when they sow division and hate and create a maelstrom of chaos and confrontation as their battlespace.
There were lots of things that needed to be said in Biden’s speech, but there were several own-goals that distracted from the message and gave non-Democrats reason enough to dismiss it.

  • That weird, evil looking background. WTF were they thinking? I could have come up with a nicer backdrop for a fraction of what that brain trust gets paid.
  • The use of military personnel for a clearly partisan speech. Just because Trump did it doesn’t make it ok.
  • Equating legitimate policy differences to the MAGA extremists. So much for appealing to non-Democrats.

I weep for our once great neighbour.
I don't. There are many solutions. They will find a way. Will it be extreme? Maybe, maybe not.
I'm more worried about the country I belong to.
People like biden and trudeau operate at their best when they sow division and hate and create a maelstrom of chaos and confrontation as their battlespace.
They're rank amateurs at that sport. One could say that 45 is the master at those tactics except for the fact that he is so blatantly obvious at it that only his own followers are lulled into accepting his nonsense as gospel.

" Accepting his nonsense as gospel." You mean like the House, Senate and Oval office aren't immersed in the socialist garbage of Obama and the squad? You are saying that millions and millions of people don't have the mental capacity to follow your truth. People that live it every day. Who suffer with joblessness, bad health care, racial strife and tensions, caused by their government. But you, being totally detached, expect them to submit to your explanations and what you think is right. 150 million +/- morons, right and you have a better grasp of their politics than they do.

It'd be much simpler if people started out their attacks with "This is my opinion only."
He doesn’t have 150 +/- followers and neither does Biden. People vote sometimes for the lesser of two evils. Some are ok with the politics but hate the individual. Some don’t vote at all and some just stay away and ignore.

He’s talking about Trump’s hard core followers who can’t see or hear anything that might besmirch him or paint him in a bad light.

The same ones that smashed their way into the halls of democracy and sought to undo what they felt was wrong because Trump told them so.

Most here have said that Biden’s speech wasn’t helpful. Then Trump who had a golden chance to respond went full retard and proved Biden right by falling into a trap ( deliberate or not or even of his own making ).

He isn’t good for the US or the world. I hope the GOP find someone else just like I hope the democrats find someone else. Both parties can do better but their staunchest supporters won’t let that happen. So a pox on them all. They all get what they deserve.

Meanwhile I’m more concerned about the CPC self imploding here and giving Trudeau another 10 years in power.
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