So, just for future reference, you accept Newsweek as a credible media source?Newsweek is considered left centre. If they wrote a glowing peice on DeSantis, he deserved it. They are noted for their factual reporting.
So, just for future reference, you accept Newsweek as a credible media source?Newsweek is considered left centre. If they wrote a glowing peice on DeSantis, he deserved it. They are noted for their factual reporting.
Your diatribes are getting tiresome.I don’t see me or anyone else stopping you. It’s up to you and everyone else to decide if they heed a call for accuracy on basic facts or not.
Duly noted. You’re free to scroll on.Your diatribes are getting tiresome.
Reporting, sure. I don't know enough about that.Newsweek is considered left centre. If they wrote a glowing peice on DeSantis, he deserved it. They are noted for their factual reporting.
Not exactly unbiased, is it.The Palm Beach Freedom Institute promotes education and public policy defending the principles of the American Founding, the exceptionalism of the American experience, and the free exercise of civil rights and civil liberties as protected by the Constitution of the United States.
Freedom should not be a controversial concept in American life today, and yet it is. Even worse, it is under relentless assault. Almost every day, we hear of a new word we may no longer use, a book we may no longer read, a movie we may no longer watch, a voice we may no longer hear. Long-established elements of our culture become taboo overnight, usually at the dictate of unelected and unaccountable “authorities,” or at the insistence of online mobs who destroy but never create, proscribe but never enlighten, and put down but never lift up.
The Palm Beach Freedom Institute stands in proud opposition to this ugly and unhealthy trend in our society and seeks to promote the vigorous defense of civil rights and civil liberties, which are essential and undeniable features of our American heritage. By rejecting “wokeness” and “cancel culture,” we uphold freedom of expression, freedom of thought, and freedom of inquiry for ourselves and future generations, and we do it with style!
The Palm Beach Freedom Institute serves the world’s most exciting and fastest growing metropolitan area by engaging unapologetically with controversial ideas and subjects across the spectrum of our society. Our efforts will include:
- Regular seminars featuring dynamic specialists from our community and around the world in dialogue with our friends and supporters as well as our enemies and opponents
- Social occasions for free and open discussion, set within the beautiful and stimulating landscape of Palm Beach
- Events promoting a better understanding of our nation’s cultural heritage for the benefit of our society today
- Ventures to ensure the free circulation of ideas, unrestrained by “political correctness” or the impositions of “wokeness” and “cancel culture”
- Legal assistance to individuals facing violations of their rights of free expression and other civil liberties
- Scholarships for individuals studying now disfavored subjects essential to understanding our nation’s heritage and founding principles
- Courses on topics ignored or marginalized by our troubled and increasingly deficient system of higher education
- Curated travel (when possible) to sites of importance for understanding our Western inheritance
Bussing or flying them off with no actual real info on where they are going, who will receive them and what there next steps are and no warning to the intaking state/city etc. a Governor three states over spending his own state money to move people to targetted political opponents isn’t doing it for altruistic reasons. No surprise that various litigation has been initiated.
Illegal or asylum seekers that need appropriate processing? There is a difference I think. And maybe that is what they need to fix. But certain politicians aren’t putting them on planes or busses back to their own countries of origin. Why is that?
So sending a bunch of people to places like the VPs home is great for political points. It isn’t because they are being so awesome to these people. It’s political. And it’s wrong.
There are ways to wrongly react to any ignored situation.
It was on Wednesday, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes carrying 50 illegal immigrants to the playground for the rich and famous in an attempt to highlight the massive influx of illegal immigrants at the US southern border, which has overwhelmed border towns and exhausted their resources.
I'll need a source on that. I've read one opinion piece (from the founder of the Palm Beach Freedom Institute on Newsweek) that suggested that, but it was so biased that it might as well have DeSantis 2024 ads on it.
Meanwhile, the Associated Press, which is pretty much as centrist as it gets (along with Reuters), reported this:
Migrants sue Florida governor over Martha's Vineyard flights
Venezuelan migrants flown from San Antonio to the upscale Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard have sued Florida
Post-Millenial isn't exactly unbiased, and the accuracy is mixed.This quote from my link below:
I can understand you may find it distasteful, I cant argue with your personal tastes. But you can only push people so far and then things will start to happen. I think its a brilliant and desperate move by DeSantis.
MUST WATCH: Martha’s Vineyard residents CHEER as illegal immigrants shipped out: ‘They enriched us’
Residents of Martha’s Vineyard could be see cheering, clapping, and waving as the immigrants left town, with some even running alongside the
Weird that Post Millennial tries to claim that “Martha’s Vineyard” activated the National Guard. That’s plainly false; that’s not a power held at the county level. That activation would have been ordered by Massachusetts’ (Republican) governor.This quote from my link below:
I can understand you may find it distasteful, I cant argue with your personal tastes. But you can only push people so far and then things will start to happen. I think its a brilliant and desperate move by DeSantis.
MUST WATCH: Martha’s Vineyard residents CHEER as illegal immigrants shipped out: ‘They enriched us’
Residents of Martha’s Vineyard could be see cheering, clapping, and waving as the immigrants left town, with some even running alongside the
I just watched the link and the video lol. Some people should actually read and watch it. I’ll leave it at that…Post-Millenial isn't exactly unbiased, and the accuracy is mixed.
The Post Millennial - Bias and Credibility
RIGHT BIAS These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They
MUST WATCH: Martha’s Vineyard residents CHEER as illegal immigrants shipped out: ‘They enriched us’
Residents of Martha’s Vineyard could be see cheering, clapping, and waving as the immigrants left town, with some even running alongside the
You're completely misunderstanding the nature of that cheering. They weren't cheering because "those dirty immigrants will final be out of our pristine community"; these were the volunteers that had helped them for the previous few days and they were cheering them goodbye and good luck.Exactly what you said, they couldn't get them on a bus and ship them to a National Guard base fast enough. They even cheered as the left Martha's Vineyard. Really compassionate Liberals. Pop that cork.
Like I said. People,should read and watch beyond that headline…You're completely misunderstanding the nature of that cheering. They weren't cheering because "those dirty immigrants will final be out of our pristine community", these were the volunteers that had helped them for the previous few days and they were cheering them goodbye and good luck.
All they have to do is dust off Trump’s border policies and reinstate them. But the democrats won't let themselves believe what he did was the best border policies in decades. If it was Trump’s idea, they need to destroy it, whether it works or not.It certainly seems that nobody really has any answers on stopping the problem. Do any of the Republican politicians currently have a solid plan on how this could be fixed, or are they just blaming Democrats?
What did Trump's border enhancements accomplishment? Didn't Biden also want to "build the wall" to some extent in his post-election speeches?
It seems they have no issues getting through. Maybe they need the US Army / USMC patrolling the border. It seems like a crisis that has lots of people pissed off but there's few real plans / answers to fix it. I suspect as the world continues to plunge in poverty we'll just see more desperate attempts from the 2nd and 3rd world to get into the US / Europe.
One thing is for sure, Canadian's are lucky there is a second border and cold weather keeping these migrants South of here. The few that make it this far North can easily be dealt with, I mean we leave the border basically open at spots and relatively few come in. We have nowhere near the same level of problems in this regard.
All they have to do is dust off Trump’s border policies and reinstate them. But the democrats won't let themselves believe what he did was the best border policies in decades. If it was Trump’s idea, they need to destroy it, whether it works or not.
As far as our southern border, while not the same as the US, we've had, probably thousands, cross to Roxham Rd through our illegal hole in the fence, in the last two years. They are in a safe country (US), with no legal recourse to flee persecution. We should not be accepting them, period. Unless they go through the normal process, which they are completely screwing up, pushing legal, follow the rules immigrants to Canada to the back of the line.
I wonder how pissy trudeau would get if a few citizens went down there and fixed the fence.![]()
Is it biased if it's true?Reporting, sure. I don't know enough about that.
This is an opinion piece by the founder of the Palm Beach Freedom Institute. Straight from their website, this is what the Institute does:
Not exactly unbiased, is it.
MUST WATCH: Martha’s Vineyard residents CHEER as illegal immigrants shipped out: ‘They enriched us’
Residents of Martha’s Vineyard could be see cheering, clapping, and waving as the immigrants left town, with some even running alongside the
Uh, yes it is.Is it biased if it's true?
Uh, yes it is.
You can have truth with a bias. That's how you end up with right and left-leaning news media reporting on the same thing, sometimes with the same quotes.
Not necessarily “is”, but certainly “can be”. You and I and most of us here have at some point (probably many times) taken issue with an article that did include relevant and truthful facts, but that was skewed in how it’s presented so as to lead the reader to reach certain conclusions or form certain opinions based on how we interpret those facts.Is it biased if it's true?
But what if they're using the same facts to say two very different things?Again, if you have right and left agreeing to a set of facts and writing it up the same way, including quotes, that's concensus.
You asked a question. I answered that specific question.Again, if you have right and left agreeing to a set of facts and writing it up the same way, including quotes, that's concensus.