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A Friendly Letter to Bell ExpressVu

Perry said:
Mud RECCE Man has done much worse than this to people. Trust me I know. He can be a hateful man.  ;D

ya like made them watch "Peacekeepers" over and over...

From my past experiences you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
I would have indeed called Bell and asked to speak to customer service but I would have insisted on speaking to whomever answered the phones supervisor.
Kindly explain your disappointment and concern to this individual. 
Expressing during the conversation that you had heard that Bell was a great company to deal with and that you are really surprised this happened...you would hate to have to tell your friends about such an unfortunate and most likely unusual occurrence.
Quite often you will get an apology and occasionally some free service.

By the way...Mud let's me deal with any and all issues like these...he does though provide a humorous running commentary of what he WOULD do...

Best of luck

Hot Lips said:
Expressing during the conversation that you had heard that Bell was a great company to deal with and that you are really surprised this happened...

So lie? :P  I do agree though that yelling and screaming will usually just make them become defensive and not want to give you anything.  In the end it's best to expect nothing, but hope for at least an apology and them recognizing the situation.
I would have kept the tools (or chucked em into the Recycling)
I would have called the Police
I would call BEV and have em uninstall their system.......
(and maybe then place a new order for a BEV system)
geo said:
I would have kept the tools (or chucked em into the Recycling)
I would have called the Police

What would you tell the Police, though? That some dude left a box in your backyard and so you just commited theft in retaliation?  ??? I don't say this to just anyone, but you would definitely make a lousy criminal.  ;D
My 2 cents here, just to show the other side of the picture, no pun intended ;)

A few years ago I worked for a cabling company that was subcontracted to install Look TV (microwave) antennas on buildings around Montreal and when Look had financial problems a few years back they pretty much treated us like mushrooms, meaning they kept us in the dark and fed us with manure all the time.

A big part of the problem is that BEV et al. always subcontract their installs to the lowest bidder (nothing new here) to keep initial subscription costs low for potential customers. I've seen fly-by-night contractors drilling holes for coax about anywhere they could, even once thru the roof membrane (!), so the coax runs would be as short as possible (to save $$). Probably your installer was a subcontractor who makes pennies (i'm almost not joking here) for each installation.

Some larger companies (like the one I was with) will also bid on installs when they have a projected lull in their work schedule, just to keep the trucks and technicians on the road and not in the shop. One practical aspect of all this subcontracting for content providers is that it isolates them from civil lawsuits that might arise from installer's negligence.

We always tried to make quality installs, but our margins were so tight that there was always pressure to keep costs down, especially with time consuming situations like no line-of-sight coverage or interference problems. That doesn't excuse someone like in your case who leaves his tools on the job. That's just poor work ethics, especially given the price of quality crimping tools and other supplies.

Anyways my point is that there are good installers and bad ones, you struck a really bad apple in my opinion.

As a sidenote, the key word for Bell these days is 'customer retention'.  Myself I call Bell every once in a while to say i'm gonna cancel my subscription and everytime I did I got 20$ off my monthly DSL bill for the next 3 months. That's reminds me, I got to make a phone call  >:D 


Luis Mariano said:
A big part of the problem is that BEV et al. always subcontract their installs to the lowest bidder (nothing new here) to keep initial subscription costs low for potential customers. I've seen fly-by-night contractors drilling holes for coax about anywhere they could, even once thru the roof membrane (!), so the coax runs would be as short as possible (to save $$). Probably your installer was a subcontractor who makes pennies (i'm almost not joking here) for each installation.

Yeah I had two of these subcontracted guys come over and install my BEV dish. The installation was free, a promotion from Bell, and I got what I paid for. One of the guys left a mess in my house with his dirty boots (it was winter). While the signal strength was good, the dish almost fell off a couple months later.

If you feel they owe you something, you can always pirate their signal. ;)

I worked for BEV in Wpg for 3 months. They pay the installer 25.00 a dish and the few people I worked with didnt care about how they looked or what mess they left behind. The idea was do as many as you can a day. On the other hand I learned all the wrong ways to run wire and install dishes!!! Keep on BEV they hand out free months like candy!!!
Michael Dorosh said:
What would you tell the Police, though? That some dude left a box in your backyard and so you just commited theft in retaliation?  ??? I don't say this to just anyone, but you would definitely make a lousy criminal.  ;D
what to tell the nice constable?... it's 9PM and some bozo thinks he left tools in my yard.  They ain't there (have a look see) and this guy is tresspassing.  Can also point out that the BEV installer abandoned garbage in your yard - have him arrested for littering.    ;D
My only complaint about our BEV installation is that the guy ran the cable from the dish across the front of my gutters, down the front of the house then along the deck and to the side of the house. The only reasoning I can think of is because we have a hill on the side of the house and he didn't want to take the risk of falling. Other than that, the installer was pretty good. Cleaned up his mess, was friendly towards my son and had no issues with my dogs kissing him...lol

My hubby installed mine... having an LCIS tech at home sometimes comes in handy ;)

Can he come over and fix that wire for me?
I just want to have it run along the roof line and come down the side of the house.
I'd have my husband do it but he isn't allowed, doctor's orders.

Had BEV installed, by sub contractor. He did a good job, no complaints, but I am sure this is not always the case. Any time you get a trades person, who leaves a mess for his customers to deal with, doesn't take much pride in his work. That reflects on his company, and himself, as well as BEV. Also, how could he miss his tools until later at night. He obviously never did any work for the rest of the day. On another note, as for Bell Expressview, I had it taken out, because the service was horrible. I was paying a chunk of change for a dish that would go off line if the sun went behind a cloud.It became so unreliable the signal would cut out, and be out for days. Trying to get a service tech was like pulling teeth, and the customer service number I had mostly connected me to an automated system. Very disappointed with Bell, and personally do not recomend it to anyone who asks my opinion. I switched to digital cable, high speed internet, and pay less than I was paying for just the dish. My advice, take your dish out, go get a package that includes cable internet, and phone, you'll save a lot of money....unless of course your tied into one of their contracts, then your stuck until it runs out, or you'll pay heavy penalties........