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A moratorium on immigration and refugee intake from terrorist-exporting countrie

  • Thread starter Thread starter reilly
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So Reilley, the point is that the bureaucracy needs to be fixed and tracking needs to be fixed.  Not the wholesale moratorium on refugees coming from specific countries.
cplcaldwell said:
No its not just you....

Anyway it took me a few minutes to write this so I'll post it anyway...

I followed this link that Crantor provided around a bit. I was interested in skilled workers. It seems that skilled workers who want to immigrate to Canada have to provide their credentials and may have them assessed for each province they want to immigrate to. It also seems that Provinces encourage certain skilled workers and will help set them up.

Of course all the pages seem to say something to the affect that no guarantees apply.

Sort of makes one wonder, reading the stories about Doctor's or Lawyers who have come to Canada only to have their credentials rejected, could this be true? Or did these folks come to Canada anyway, hoping to reach equivalency , or heck just escape the Taliban.....

Yes, and in many cases some of these people are informed of the requirements to achieve equivalencies ie further education, provincial testing etc, etc. 

No doubt there are people who fall through the cracks though.
I started this topic to discuss it. Your intention is to disrupt this discussion by making personal attacks on me. Any impartial moderator would actually consider you to be the troll. Afterall, the flame bait is from you, not me. Maybe you should look up the definition of troll:

"Trolls are recognizable by the fact that they have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand -- they simply want to utter personal attacks and flame members."
Yeh, of course they fall through the cracks, at what 250,000 a year, a few are going to get away.

I think one of the points that comes out of that is that, and I am often amazed by it, how many Lawyers and Accountants and Engineers come to Canada, knowing full well they will spend years taking night courses, after a ten hour shift at the local Mac's.

Yet they are as happy as well.. you know...
I have not the intent nor the actual abusive nature to launch personal attacks toward anyone. The fact that you want to discuss this topic is not wrong, its the posts that you make, which have very little to no intelligent meaning. It's just the facts.
cplcaldwell said:
I think one of the points that comes out of that is that, and I am often amazed by it, how many Lawyers and Accountants and Engineers come to Canada, knowing full well they will spend years taking night courses, after a ten hour shift at the local Mac's.
yep. Them's the folks that make this nation great. No matter where they're from.
Well, he says, stepping over flaiming pots to get back to the point  ::)

Relax Mike your inboard on this one IMHO.

Para's point goes to the problem of a moratorium, isn't the country getting diligence when it gets an immigrant.

What was that book... umm Huxley.. you know the one about how the whole world was engineered humans.. go easy I don't want to flog the analogy... anyway, they tried to build a colony of only Alfa's (the strongest, cutest and smartest... hmmm only Alfas smartest, strongest and cutest hmmm... ) on Cyprus or Crete or something, and it all caved in in months, because all these dudes wanted to do was sit around and drink sherry and talk about things they weren't qualifed to talk about...

Like I said, I don't even want to go to the place where we characterise immigrants as short hairy people who operate the elevators.

Point is immigration in this country is imperative given the value that immigrants add to the country. We get immigrants from places that people want to leave, today that is places like Sri Lanka and Sudan, and Somalia and Sudan.

Which are incidentally......
Cdn. Royal said:
I have been trying to resist but...can't take it anymore.

Not everyone in the world wants to live here...( I personally don't understand it but it's their choice...loss). The only crucial restriction we need on immigration now is SECURITY. Those who do want to live here, be they doctors, teachers, garbagemen, floor sweepers maids etc. They are all entitled to live the dream and better themselves if they so wish to do this.

That is part of the freedom we here at ARMY.ca have sworn our lives to defend.....how about you Reilly what do you believe in?

"The only crucial restriction we need on immigration now is SECURITY." I can't believe this statement. What about belief and support for Canada's charter of rights and freedoms. In particular:

"15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability." -- That's what I've sworn to defend.

Or is okay to grant citizenship to someone who believes women are inferior to men, or that their race or religion are superior?

I find it ironic that some people on this form are the first to suppress "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression," which they have sworn to protect.

Okay everyone... repeat after me:

I will not feed the troll.
I will not feed the troll.
I will not feed the troll.

reilly:  You have been told repeatedly that you would garner more respect for your opinion if you were to complete your profile.  Whether to obstinance or ill manners, you have chosen not to do so.  Until you do so, people can only assume that you are a troll.
reilly said:
"15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability." -- That's what I've sworn to defend.

Or is okay to grant citizenship to someone who believes women are inferior to men, or that their race or religion are superior?

What a stupid question.........I can believe what I want to believe, now what I espouse and what I do are totally different matters.
>Immigrants should be young and healthy.
>Discrimination on the basis of age and medical status?

Why not?  What is the point of allowing immigration at all?

>They must be willing to integrate (not be assimilated).
>Discrimination on race, creed, religion?

A requirement to integrate is not discrimination against race, creed, or religion.  This of course assumes that the point of Canada is to be Canada, and not to be a collection of cultural communities representing the rest of the world like some sort of permanent transcontinental Expo exhibit.

>Preference should be given to people that already have learned one of the two official languages.
>Discrimination on the basis of language?

And again, why not?

>Applicants should have skills that the country requires.
>Discrimination on the basis of trade or practice.

And again, why not?

Immigration isn't there simply to provide an annual lottery so that a lucky few hundred thousand people each year get to escape their present circumstances without regard to their needs or ours.  It is entirely reasonable that an immigration policy, like every other government policy, should be crafted to serve the needs of the nation; and, that with the privilege of living in Canada come some obligations and expectations.  We are under no obligation to invite the world and no obligation to invite people without asking whether they will be useful mammals, or irritants and sponges.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
What a stupid question.........I can believe what I want to believe, now what I espouse and what I do are totally different matters.

When I talk to people that refuse to acknowledge that we are at war and then I see responses like this, it's just another reminder of what kind of role apathy and ignorance play in this conflict. This is the reason terrorists thrive in Canada.

CBC News: 38 dead, 700 injured in London blasts. Maybe you'll wake up, not if, but when this happens in Canada.

Push your heads back in the sand.

Oh! I forgot, its women that are being discriminated against, not men.

Were/Are you also in support of imposing Sharia law in Ontario.

So it doesn't really matter. Does it!
Lets see if I got this right......you are trying to tell the men and women who visit this site that we are at war, when many of them have been there?

Here's the verbal, sunshine.
Oh boy.

Look Reilly, I don't know where that last statement came from.  Some of us have tried to discuss the issue with you in a civil matter.

Maybe you should look a little closer at where some of the london bombers came from before making the statements you are making in support of your arguments.  Plus, you're bringing up stuff that really has no bearing on the immigration and refugee issues.