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A request, suggestion, demand, whatever....

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You‘re right - I, too, have worked in IT (since 1977, which is probably why I don‘t triple post like you ... chuckle - JUST KIDDING!), and have been known to write the occasional letter to the editor ... resulting in phone calls from my adoring and not-so-adoring admirers (usually as soon as the newspaper is posted to the Net or hits the streets).

So, I now pay $5 per month for "Call Privacy" on my home phone, and I shred those junk mails that contain "too much information" ...

However, I still have a listed phone number vice unlisted - if somebody really needs to contact me in an emergency, I‘d rather they be able to do so.

But, you‘re right - it‘s a personal choice.
DNA, the only ones that can do something like that with IP addresses are police officers, and they need a warrant in order to requisition that information from the ISP. A really gifted hacker MIGHT be able to get personal info from an IP, however that always involves breaking into the computer of the individual who‘s using that IP (which is both difficult and illegal). And, since the majority of personal IP addresses are dynamicaly assigned (meaning you probably have a different IP address every time you turn on your computer), tracking an individual by his/her IP is not very reliable.
Well, on the forum, one of the guy‘s got that users info, and posted it on the forum. How he got it, I don‘t know.
I suspected that those who already use their real name, or at least post it in their profile, would have agreed with me (preaching to the choir, if you will), and the other people who are opposed trot out the usual reasons (stalkers, malicious intent, the ever-vague "security concerns", etc). I suspect the real reasons are: hiding behind a false identity, being able to post as multiple users to prop up your own argument (sound familiar?!?!), cowardice, a lack of commitment to principles, etc.

If someone wanted to stalk me, they could randomly pick my name out of a phone book, break into my mailbox, or look at my nametag on my combats when I‘m at the mall. I‘m not paranoid about these types of things. When my wife was in Afghanistan, we were botn paranoid about her name being released by the media because of the slim, but possible threat of extremists attacking our family because they were opposed to the CF being in Afghanistan. Edmonton has a sizable Muslim population, so anything was possible. No, I am not racist, I was stating a fact.

Anyway, I invite anybody to try a "malicious act" against my computer. I have to reformat anyway, so it would speed up my inclination to do it (try something simple, like rename "My Computer" on my desktop to "My Hunk-o-junk"). One of the bigger mistakes I have made in the past was putting my email address on a newsgroup, and did the spam ever pile up after that (a webcrawler was responsible for that I believe).

If you can‘t stand proudly behind what you have to say (in public) go back to lurking in the shadows with the other trolls.

I am going to draw a line in the sand and refuse to take anything seriously, nor discuss anything intelligently with anybody who won‘t disclose their name publicly. As my "rating" is already low (people don‘t like me.... boohoo), I will start targeting people‘s rating until they "come clean" with their name. Look at me, a forum "terrorist", making demands, and making the weak live in fear!!!!

My jihad for the week has thus begun,

Well, if you‘re going on a rating jihad ... be sure to do it like the federal Liberals (i.e. "vote early, vote often" ... chuckle ... "badges, we don‘t need no stinkin‘ ...")
Big brother is always watching. Don‘t kid yourself into thinking that there isn‘t always someone monitoring the means, looking for troops who are a little too liberal and open in telling the unvarnished, non-PC truth about what really goes on in the Army. Me, I don‘t have enough friends in high places or enough personal horsepower to give name, rank, and service number
with each post. If that causes you heartburn, well, buy some Tums or quit cryin‘.

If you think there will be repurcussions to saying something here, you shouldn‘t be saying them.
That‘s the kind of attitude that allowed standards to slide as far as they have and let the PC stupidity become so ******* entrenched. "Shut up and soldier, soldier" should only extend so far.
I have deleted your post! :mad:
As a Moderator on this site I find that you have crossed the line by posting Allen‘s personal info.

How dare you!! :mad:

Be for warned I‘ll be brining this up with my fellow moderator‘s.
Heh, don‘t be a dink Hogan. That info was freely published and is publicaly available. If he didn‘t want it publicaly available, he wouldn‘t have authorized it‘s release. I could give you my full name and I gaurantee you will not find one shred of info about me online, let alone anything useful.
1st to hogan, I‘m only 15 but when I have kids I don‘t want them used as proof about how easy it is to get info off the internet, expessially when they‘re 4 and 6 years old. Also since allan told me to look here I did and. I‘m, like my name says, Cam and I‘m a cdt. cpl. (well the name doesn‘t say cdt. but that was just a slip of the keyboard not an atempt to look like a CF member) and the part I didn‘t add (but didn‘t hide) was my last name, Kessler. There you go, nothing to hide from me.
My point wasnt‘t to be a dink or even to single out Allan I guess that is what I did though and I shouldn‘t have. I‘m not saying that with just your first name I can glean everything or even anything about an individual from their name and an intenet search. I‘m making a point in saying that when you provide your name you are really providing a way to consistently link what was formerly disparate information together. His name here provides a way to find his homepage where all the information listed was freely posted. My point is perhaps there are other reasons for not providing your name than simple "lack of principles". A "nom de guerre" here provides me with a way to draw boundaries to what information I want "easily" linked together. Not every one who uses a handle has something to hide. I don‘t need to be in danger to want to protect myself. On the flip side of what Allan said is the quote by Franklin "They that would give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." in other words I‘m not willing to give up my anonymity, which guarantees my free speech so that I can have the pleasure of naming my detractors. My name has nothing to do with the veracity of my posts. I‘ve attempted to keep my posts well thought out and avoid indicating that I have an informed opinions on subjects I do not. The information contained in my posts should speak for itself and knowing who I am in real life should neither detract nor add to the basic truth contained there-in. This site was based on an exchange of ideas regarding military topics, knowing each others names does nothing to improve or speed up that process.
As to being a dink... I‘m sure I am sometimes and I‘m sure I was in this case. I didn‘t mean any offence I simply wanted to prove my point. I‘ve obviously gone too far in proving it and I apoligize for any offence to Allan or anyone else who was offended.
The basic point is that without a first and last name I couldn‘t have linked any of that freely published information with anyone on his board. I have no particular skill with computers that any of you don‘t. All of that information was found by typing Allan‘s first and last name into google and clicking the first link. In essence a nick means you can still publish that kind of info on a homepage and still publish info in a forum and have a clear boundary between the two. If you feel I have something to hide send me a private message and maybe I‘ll tell you what you want to know.
If openness is the best policy then why did over a million people refuse to register their firearms under the auspice that they weren‘t a criminal?
And yes I realize i just broke my own promise and published another preachy post but internet security and savvy are somewhat of a sorespot. I work in IT and my hobby is working with computers. Everyday I see people who learned too late that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Think of it this way: everyday you jog to stay in shape for when you need to outrun an enemy soldier, everyday you train at your particular trade against the day that you go to war, every year you hold fire drills in case you have a fire in the future. Exercise personal and familial security against the day you will need it in the future. As the saying goes sweat more now bleed less later.
It‘s not you guys I presumably need to protect myself from. It‘s people linking the informtaion here with other information I‘ve presented elsewhere. You say to yourself "but I‘m nobody, I‘m not rich, I‘m not influential". Why would anyone want to steal my identity? It‘s your complete lack of defining detail, that you are a nobody, which is so valuable to a criminal. If I walked into a bank and said I was Donald Trump and asked for a $10 000 line of credit the teller would laugh. If I walked into a bank and said I‘m jim smith from edmonton and had documentation to prove it and poor jim had a good credit rating then Jim is on the hook. I think I‘ve said enough to prove my point and I‘m gonna let the subject rest. "Criminals can pick locks" is no reason to leave your front door unlocked.
This is a Military web site and as such you crossed the Personal Security Line !!!
Which we all observe,especialy in these times.
If Allen wished to notify us of his personal history he would have.
You had no right to post his history.

You stepped on your dick pal! :mad: :soldier:
Sapper the information posted is publically available in Allan‘s profile. When I posted that information I skipped using the link in Allan‘s profile and instead replicated the information using Google. I‘ve already addressed any offence and will not apologize twice. I‘m trying to tell all of not to give out personal information. The gist of my argument can be heard on TV when Oprah is on lecturing young kids. Or in every grade 5 class in North America when teachers advise students to be net savvy. It applies to everyone equally on the internet. When I see someone on line agitating for personal info it at best is irresponisble and at worst seems to have a hidden agenda. Should the impressionable (although they‘ll never admit it) cadets follow your leads and statt giving out personal info on the net so that they can have "better credability". Some of these kids are in their young to mid teens and when someone takes an unhealthy interest in them it is too late to hide their details and hope.
I‘ve seen a guy agitate to have a discussion closed as someone asked how intel was gathered, not looking for specifics just the theory behind it. So when it comes to information that our enemies have known fo ryears we all worry about op-sec but when it comes to something even more precious, our families, we should all give up our most effective security measure for some credibility on the ground.
Sapper if you feel what I did was so terrible then you should inform Mike. I posted information any one of you could have gotten from Allan‘s profile in essence Allan did tell all of you that you just never had the need to click on his profile and follow the link to his homepage. If Mike feels "disciplinary" measures need to be taken then I can abide by that. But it won‘t change the fact that some of you are publishing way too much personal info.
One if the difficulties of my job is not teaching people to be safe it‘s making them see there is even a problem. when you send out infomation to the internet it doesn‘t go away it is backed-up and stored away and cached by search engines and people re-publish it. Once it‘s out it‘s too late to hide it. The generations before me seem to suffer mostly from what I‘m seeing here. That is to attack the people highlighting the problem and not the problem itself.
Hogan,it‘s not the point!!!!
You or I do not have the right to post any ones personal info in the way you did!!
Even though it‘s in their pers. profile!!

If Allen wished it he would have made a post as to his family and Miltary Service!!

You crossed the line Buds! :mad:

Non of us have ever,ever have done what you did this evening!

Just don‘t ever do it again!!!

This is your first and last warning!
I haven‘t been glued to my computer lately, but I assume Hogan‘s Hero posted some of my personal info here to prove a point. Hmmmmmm..... Trying to prove a point, are we? I don‘t really care, to tell the truth, but you should indeed tread carefully.

Mine is uncommon last name. Probably less than 20 Luomala‘s in Canada, in fact. Very easy to find info on me. COngratulations, you can successfully use Google. Where do I sign up for a career in IT? My principle‘s are perhaps stronger than yours, in that I feel it is my responsibility to be accountable for what I post, as I feel strongly that to be credible, you must be accountable. I think that if a young cadet or a reservist, or a civilian, in particular, wants legit advice or information on the CF or the Army in particular, they should be able to receive it from a "real" soldier, not some Cyber-soldier, who can string sentences together. I do not pretend to represent the CF as an official spokesperson (I still have principles, and lying for a living doesn‘t sit well with me), but I think that people need to know the opinions (not neccesarily truths) of CF personnel. Hiding behind some BS nickname is crap, in my opinion.

I have no concerns about the safety of my family from a bunch of nerds sitting around their computers, their heads full of Counter-strike tactics, or Panzer General, or whatever, thinking that they are killers. I post my personal info freely, because I‘m not worried about some "boogy-man" that will come and get me. I am an adult, and a trained soldier. I can protect myself and my family. Teenagers, and pre-teens, on the other hand, can‘t and shouldn‘t give out pers info, since there are sick, twisted people who will take advantage of them, if given the opportunity.

I look at it this way: when I read MacLean‘s magazine, Paul Well‘s puts his real name on his articles, and a link to his Web-log. I could figure out where he lives based on any info that‘s there (doing the Google, 411, etc, etc searches). Do I do anything about it? (Not that I would, because I respect him as a journalist and his views on politics, I just use him as an example). I have a basic trust in human nature, and I don‘t concern myself with the "bad guys" that threaten to take over the world. If somebody wants to take action against me, or Hogan, or D-n-A, they will, and hiding behind some lame-*** name won‘t stop them. Yes, I make the job easier for them, but I have nothing to hide.

If somebody from NDHQ, or the Army wants to shut me down for what I post, well, I guess they can, and rather than 25 or more years, they will get 20 from good ol‘ Al, and then I can really start posting the goodies!!!! (Just kidding).

BTW, I will never post Op Sec sensitive stuff that would endanger the lives of soldiers serving overseas, and maybe some of you should consider that with some of the crap that is posted in an effort to boost your "cred".

I suggest you read this: conduct guidelines

Here‘s an extract:
In a nutshell, the hard and fast rules are as follows:

- You will not post sensitive or non-public information.
- You will not post any information that is defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person‘s privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
- You will not post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this site.
- You will not post any material which is knowingly false.
- You will not post advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or solicitations.
Postings which are deemed inappropriate may be modified or removed.
Users that ignore these rules or otherwise act inappropriately may be banned.
The information you register here will not be disclosed unless required by law. (You won‘t be added to any mailing lists, etc.)
Hogan‘s Hero broke the rules, regardless if the info is available elsewhere.

And another one:
I strongly encourage you to fill out all the sections of your public profule that you‘re comfortable with. We respect your privacy and won‘t force you to fill out your profile if you don‘t want to. Bear in mind though, that the amount of identifyable info in your profile will increase your general credibility here. Those with empty profiles are much harder to verify and will have to put a lot more effort into building a credible presence here.
Allan, a lot of us wish to remain anonymous, as is permitted by the rules of this site. The other Mods know who I am, and where I serve. That is enough. Should you choose to ignore me, or any other anonymous member, that‘s fine.
If Mr Bobbitt respects our privacy, then there is no reason you shouldn‘t.
I just went for a run, and thought about this a bit more. I have no doubt that Hogan did this to prove a point that we sometimes provide too much information to the public domain, and there are those that will take advantage of this, sometimes for profit, sometimes for more ominous purposes. Methinks people watch too many movies (Enemy of the State, and that one with Sandra Bullock, I think it was, where "they" changed her identity, or whatever..... I don‘t watch too many movies anymore, so excuse me for my movie ignorance).

Some people (the media, companies that make money off of peoples fears (security, IS security, etc) want people to live in fear. Sometimes it is justified. I remember reading a factoid about how violent crime is down so many percent since the 50‘s (the "Golden" era that so many people look back fondly on) but the media coverage of it is up some ridiculous amount like 600%. I know the Cecilia Zhang case in Toronto caused a lot of fear amongst parents, but I refuse to lock my children up in our basement because of one isoltaed incident. Yes, I will protect them to the death (that‘s a warning to anyone who cares to listen.....) but I have to let them live a normal life.

When I first joined, there were many rumours of the dreaded SIU (Special Investigations Unit, I believe it stands/stood for). We were lead to believe that anybody among us could be a member of this shadowy organization, so watch your back!!!! That guy over there that‘s sneaking a look? SIU!!! That cab driver taking you to the night club... SIU!!!! What a joke. My understanding, after all these years, was that the SIU did background checks, and the undercover MP‘s were the one‘s to be afraid of (watch out for the guy with slightly longer than regulation hair and the earring, and cheesy-*** moustache and sideburns trying to sell you dope at the Junior Ranks or nearest nightclub to a base......). I remember back in the early 90‘s watching a guy (dressed remarkably like I just mentioned) walk out of a side door of the base theatre (they must have worked upstairs) to an "unmarked" car (though there were 3 of them, identical, with consequetive N.B civilian license plates, backed into their spots, very military like). My keen untrained eye picked out those James Bond wannabe‘s.....

Anyway, I have no fears (other than not winning the 6/49 as my retirement back-up plan), and nothing to hide (my wife‘s undies are too small for me (I think.... not that I‘ve ever tried....honest) so there aren‘t any pictures of me that I need to hide on my computer). I do have lots and lots of pics of naked chix, and some "trial" software, so feel free to roam around my computer, and take what you want, if you have the "skillz". But, as a warning, don‘t EVER mess with my family, even if it‘s to prove a point. I have much faith in the abilities of the RCMP to deal with anybody who would want to try, and my own abilities as a protective father and husband.

Anyway, those that don‘t want to post their name, good for you, live in fear. Don‘t leave your house, a satellite may fall on you, or a dingo might take your baby. Or maybe your principles don‘t allow it. Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

Take care all,


I respect your privacy. I don‘t want to know anybody‘s address, sexual orientation, gender, preference of political parties, etc. A name, and perhaps a photo, go a long way in establishing an element of community and credibility.

I know that this is, and will always be, a sore point, as people are concerned about the darker elements of the Internet. Don‘t live in fear, however. If you put your name in the phonebook, you are at risk. Ever post an add at the Canex? Ever hear of reverse-411 (or whatever it‘s called) where you can find a persons name from the phone number)? You are at risk. Use a credit card? At risk. Drive a car? At risk. Life is full of risks. Putting your name in a public forum, where it is mostly army guys, and those interested in the army, is hardly a risk.

Have a good one,

I remember back in the early 90‘s watching a guy (dressed remarkably like I just mentioned) walk out of a side door of the base theatre (they must have worked upstairs) to an "unmarked" car (though there were 3 of them, identical, with consequetive N.B civilian license plates, backed into their spots, very military like). My keen untrained eye picked out those James Bond wannabe‘s.....

But Allan, they were obviously doing that on purpose to distract you from the real operatives.
I remember back in the early 90‘s watching a guy (dressed remarkably like I just mentioned) walk out of a side door of the base theatre (they must have worked upstairs) to an "unmarked" car (though there were 3 of them, identical, with consequetive N.B civilian license plates, backed into their spots, very military like). My keen untrained eye picked out those James Bond wannabe‘s.....

I think that they used to work overtop of the theatre in Gagetown. Not exactly a low profile bunch. :blotto:
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