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A request, suggestion, demand, whatever....

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what is the big ****in deal... put down what ever u wants
I think this is stupid, okay, my name is Michael Moore, feel better? What does is really matter? Why prejudge someone because they choose not to post their name on the net for whatever reason? We‘re here to debate and discuss issues. If you don‘t like what I say cause you disagree, fine, that‘s your right. If you don‘t like what I say cause I don‘t use my real name, fine, your ignorant. I personally measure the experience and knowledge of members here by the quality of their posts, not whether they choose to post a name or not. Just cause I use my real name does not mean my posting is automatically going to be any better or worse, what does it matter? If you really have a problem with my credentials or what I claim to have done, screw you. I don‘t know you nor do I care to. I‘m not here to be your friend or buddy nor am I here seeking your approval, I‘m here to get in a good debate/pissing contest every now and then. If you have a problem with that, I couldn‘t care less.
Gate guard,

The concept of using your name doesn‘t make a post better or worse. Nor does it give you instant credibility. I suppose if you can‘t figure those things out, you may as well keep posting behind a nickname, so people who actually might know who you are can keep this in mind: "Best be thought a fool, than to open one‘s mouth and let out all shadow of doubt."

I already had my suspicions that people would vehemently defend why they don‘t want to use their name, and I suppose it all amounts to this: yes, you are defending yourself, but who but yourself knows whom you defended. Yes, there are people on this board who use nicknames, but I have figured out who some of them are, based on what they‘ve provided in their post, or using my hamburger-fed computer (brain) and deciphering some of their posts (ie I work with them, or know of them through the military). I won‘t let on who they are, as they wish to remain anonymous, and I‘ll respect that wish.

You‘ve already put out a warning not to piss you off, so I‘ll leave it at that. Wouldn‘t want to see you fly out from Surrey all the way to New Brunswick, Cpl. Cpl in a reserve infantry unit. That goes to school. And spent most of your time on gate guard in Bosnia. You give away enough clues that most people could figure it out anyway, but you choose to be coy. It‘s your life.

Take care,

IMHO Maurauder has said it best: (to paraphrase) always assume that the means are being monitored. Whether it's SIU, CSIS, CIA or Charlie â “ SOMEBODY is watching so keep that in mind.

Having said that, Foxhound (or a variation thereof) has been my nick since '94 on various sites and â Å“chatâ ? groups although you probably won't find me through google since I tend not to post until I have something to say. A nick is not necessarily the tree that one is hiding behind but rather a familiar reference. For years my designation at 1st parade roll call was â Å“Skullfaceâ ? not Violette, simply because that's what my Sect. Cmdr. called me. No shame in that, no hiding either. (BTW, â Å“Violetteâ ? turns up a few BDSM and lesbian sites at Google.) :rolleyes:

Also, as Allen said: â Å“If you put your name in the phonebook, you are at risk.â ? Too true, too sad. The best you can do these days is make it known that there will be consequences should the ubiquitous â Å“theyâ ? choose to offend.

Consequences? The .45 I keep (er, locked :p ) by the bed will put four rounds through one hole at 20 meters.

Bottom line: if you don't mind THEM knowing who you are and what you stand for, then get up on your hind legs and say it, but Op Sec ALWAYS APPLIES!! Watch your buddies backs!!

For your consideration, two quotes from Robert A. Heinlein:

â Å“No intelligent man has any respect for an unjust law. He simply follows the eleventh commandment.â ?


â Å“I will accept any rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.â ?
Horse Hockey.

I could invent any number of names, you‘d never know the difference.

There are several folk here who know me, most of whom I‘ve worked with before, and that‘s fine- matter of fact, it was old home week for awhile!

As for credibility, well, you earn it. Once you‘ve been here for awhile, it‘s not too tough to separate the posers from the soldiers. More to the point, who cares? Take what you learn here with a grain of salt- I‘m sure most do anyway.

As for internet security- do what you want. You choose to reformat from time to time, I choose to use a firewall and AV sotware. Who‘s right? Who cares- not of my (or your) business.

One thing leaps to my mind, though- Alan, why are you trolling for a scrap? Credibility.......

sorry to go off topic, but i‘ve seen this "grain of salt" thing be said many times and i just wanted to get it straight.

Are you relating it to the salt shooters take while drinking? Im just curious..
I‘m not trolling for a scrap. I put out an idea, see what comes of it, and then agree or disagree where neccesary. I lend advice when I see someone in need and I can lend a hand. I question things that I don‘t understand. Why does anyone go to a forum? Some people lurk to see what‘s being said. Some people make inflammatory remarks to start something (ie a pissing contest).

I don‘t feel that I need any credibility here, as credibility seems to be in short supply most times, and I can invent it as neccesary. I don‘t feel an overwhelming need to be accepted, so I feel free to say what I feel, whether it may ruffle feathers or not. Most of the time I agree with what I see (here), and rarely jump in to agree unless I feel compelled. But when I see something that I disagree with, I‘ll say something. Which is what did ref people not using their names. People said their piece, and I commented on what they had to say. Garry, I notice you have 184 posts. You must have had a lot to say, one way or the other (for or against something). Ever troll for a scrap? For credibility? If I were trolling for a scrap, I would outright insult people. I don‘t think I‘ve done that here (unless they were somebody I know, and then it‘s just kidding around).

As for my choice of Internet Security, I too use a firewall (a router, actually) and AV software. I reformat from time to time as I install a lot of crap, and it‘s suggested you reformat every 6 months or so, anyway.

Alan, you almost got me!

However, I went back and read your posts in this thread, and you‘re spoiling for a fight. You‘ve been condescending, agressive, and arrogant. You‘ve slapped the "old boys" backs, and hammered the kids. You picked on a segment of the board for no reason other than to stroke your ego.

More to the point, this ain‘t your board (nor mine). If Mike wants to change the rules, that‘s his business- not ours.

Harsh words, but you‘ve earned them. Said my piece. Want more, see ya on PM.


PS- Nice to see another Armoured guy on the board, hope you stick around.
Originally posted by Garry:
[qb] You picked on a segment of the board for no reason other than to stroke your ego.

Harsh words, but you‘ve earned them. Said my piece. Want more, see ya on PM.

Oh nonsense. He expressed an opinion on a position and vigorously defended it.
This thread is rapidly outgrowing its usefulness. Let‘s wander on back to nicknames and internet security. Without the examples of security "holes" please......

It‘s my choice to use my nickname if I choose. You want to post your name that‘s your perogative. I‘ve put my bonafides on this site more than once for the readers. It‘s not hard to figure out who I am if you really want to know. I do it to cut down on spam and such. A name can easily lead someone with enough savy to an email address. Then you get signed up for all kinds of stuff you never wanted. Just one example. Some of the much older hands at the school will vouch for me. As a matter of fact, go ask recce41, I‘m sure you know who he is. He‘ll be more than glad to tell you who I am. May be coming out there to DS shortly, if so, I‘ll look you up and we‘ll have a beer. If you really want to know before then PM me.
And that‘s really what it boils down to. What right do you have to demand that I post my "real" name. Let‘s look at reasons against:

1. security: hazy at best, if you‘re on the net you‘re going to be vulnerable at some point.

2. personal privacy: respectable, everybody should have some level of it, this is an informal military board, you choose how much privacy you want.

3. fake "real" names: I can make up a fake name just as easily as a nickname.

And reasons for it:

1. backing up opinions: as has already been pointed out, you‘ve figured out my experience and thus can take that in to consideration with whatever I post without ever knowing my real name, why should me posting my name really matter?
It isn‘t that hard to see when someone‘s talkin out the @ss, so to speak, so what if you know what his name is?

2. Keeps people from posting inappropriately: as has been shown on this thread already, the mods do a fairly decent job of policing this forum. But having a certain freedom to post without worrying about getting crapped on from your chain of command adds to the quality of the posts, in my opinion.


So as you can see, there doesn‘t seem to be any compelling reasons, in my opinion, for or against it. So WHO CARES?

Alan, by posting pictures of your family on the net, you obviously aren‘t too concerned with complete privacy, your choice to be a show queen, not mine.

As for my nickname, it is a tribute, perhaps, to the first time I posted, which incidently was on night gate guard. And no I won‘t fly from Surrey to New Brunswick to start a fight, that would just be dumb. :rolleyes:
Some people are well known even when using nicknames. It‘s very simple since most people who post in forums like this are on other forums as well under the same names.

Alot of people have also met in person so IDing one another is no big deal.

Yes I go by Farmboy on all other forums (except one, somebody took it :( )

You can also tell people by what they say, stories, where they are from, or how they end a conversation.

For one, I can tell you that Garry has quite a bit to offer in the way of advice and have never heard him bad mouth anyone, ever. This knowledge comes from another site though, not this one.

As for me, well, I like using my nickname.

As for credibility, it‘s kinda earned by people as you go, not just by putting your real name down.
One thing that I‘ve noticed here is, that like in the military, people interpret rules in the way that it suits them best. I‘ve re-read the Conduct rules, and looked at the the Profile settings page. Nowhere does it say that you can "hide" your identity to protect your privacy. There is a Log-in name setting (mine is ZipperHead) and there is a space for Publicly Displayed name, which defaults to your Log-in name if you wish. The Conduct rules state that you only have to fill in as much on your Profile as you are comfortable with (ie homepage, location, etc) and that you can‘t "knowingly publish false information".

People have, and always will, bend rules to suit there purpose or use the rules to avoid doing things they don‘t particularly want to (in the CF it‘s things like "no running in combat boots", "no taking apart C7 mags to clean them", "No smoking in DND vehicles", no running with scissors, etc).

Another disturbing thing I have noticed is people who drop in on threads, and state (from their high horse): "This thread is stupid/useless/outliving is purpose/etc, so let‘s end it!!!!". Sounds a little like censorship, or self-importance at the least. If a thread doesn‘t interest you, don‘t read it, and carry on. MODERATOR‘s are there to moderate, so let them do the dirty work, or the owner of this board can do what he wants. Yes I jump in on threads, but isn‘t that the point here: get people‘s different perspective on things, and maybe learn something.

Anyway, this forum initially interested me as there seemed to be a lot of good thoughts running around, and yes, many contrary views. If you want everybody to agree with you, go to a political convention, and toe the party line. Just because I disagree with your point of view doesn‘t mean I hate you, or hate all your points of view: I just disagree. I suppose that should be common sense, but if common-sense were so common, everybody would have it.

Take care,

Another disturbing thing I have noticed is people who drop in on threads, and state (from their high horse): "This thread is stupid/useless/outliving is purpose/etc, so let‘s end it!!!!"
Not sure if that was referring to my post or not. You using "outliving its purpose" as an example is pretty close to what I stated, which may or may not be coincidence. If so - I am a Moderator, and felt the thread was drifting away from topic. That is subjective, of course, but as a Moderator, I‘ve been entrusted to make such high-powered decisions.

If you weren‘t referring to my post - then carry on with your jihad :)
If you look in my profile you will not find my name but I am not trying to conceal who I am either.
If you are conderned and want to know to whome you speak, PM me and I will let you know.

Also with the information in the profile it would be a simple task to find out.

Muskrat, I was using your post as an example, as I‘m not sure if what a Kokapelli moderator has to
do with a Canadian Army topic forum (I did a Google search to find out what Kokapelli meant). Can I put down Kwakiutl Moderator under my name, and then feel free to impose my will on unrelated subjects? (I am not Kwakiutl, but grew up in the same area).

Anyway, you asked, I answered.

I‘m starting to get several idea‘s about what you can put under your name Mr. Luomala.
Possibly this should be locked before we have a major flame war? And we‘re using bandwidth that I‘m sure Mike would rather have used on things directly related to the forces.
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