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Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

SAUVE said:
I was put ahead a few years back in grade school, applied for ROTP last year and already had time under....

That doesn't make you a 4th year cadet? If you were accepted last year, that would make you a first year ROTP.
Ok in my fourth year of school...should have made that clear.  Didn't join till I was 17.
SAUVE said:
Ok in my fourth year of school...should have made that clear.  Didn't join till I was 17.

So you're in your 4th year at Guelph, and are a 1st (2nd?) year ROTP cadet?
Technically first year ROTP, yes, first year subsidy, completed IAP this summer.
871 S,

Your profile, posts and information you've conveyed here don't match.  While the forum has a degree of anonymity, once you open that can of worms and start posting things relating to your personal situation/station/status/experience, to maintain credibility you should back up your statements and come clean or else cease and desist.

This is your chance to come clean and straighten out the who/what you purport to be once and for all.  Please do so and clarify your status - your information discrepancies lead us to believe that you are trolling.

This is your friendly warning.

The Army.ca Staff
Lumber said:
So you're in your 4th year at Guelph, and are a 1st (2nd?) year ROTP cadet?

And 18 years old in 4th year because you skipped a grade ?
I think it's time to man up and correct some errors SAUVE.

On a different note, for all of those Nursing ROTP candidates out there, there is a selection board in early March I was told (something tells me around the 9Th, I may be wrong). I was also told there is only 25 spots this year for the NO position.

Information is from CFRC Ottawa, and please, correct me if I am wrong,

Piper said:
I can clear this issue up for ya'll.

There are only two people currently at U of Guelph in their 3rd year of ROTP, and none in their fourth (he graduated last year).

Also, there are only two ROTP types here in 3rd year, and none in fourth.

I should have said something when I first saw the post, but I did not in an attempt to keep my army.ca use in the closet, haha. Now that its out, well, SAUVE, start explaining.

Count me in the Guelph mob.  Second year of university now, and will be a 1st year ROTP Cadet starting my third year of school.  I was hoping for some information from one of the experienced Guelph hands, actually, mind if I PM you?
Piper said:
I ask because there's a guy in my muay thai class who is interested in applying as a nursing officer

   Nurses who kick ass...even more so than regular CF nurses...awesome  :rage:
Piper said:
My recent rampant army.ca use is indictive of my not having anything else to do.   

Hey, after next weeks ski trip I got lots of work at my place for ya..................minimal pay and maximum alcohol.
[can ya tape/sand drywall joints?]
A.) I think it's too late for ROTP ( for your friend who is thinking of applying)
B.) If he is going DEO I have no idea about the number of spots, this was what the recruiter said in regards to ROTP Civie-U spots this year for NO.
C.) Jiu Jitsu is better :P

Piper said:
However, if the profs go on strike here

Forgot about that.......from the news this morning some pretty strong posturing.

Trust you?.....I hung the drywall by myself yesterday, yet the wife doesn't trust me to do the joints.
Piper said:
However, if the profs go on strike

   Yeah I heard about that too. Good luck Piper, Corps of Guides, 871 S, and the rest of you Guelphies, I hope that doesn't happen it could get ugly  :-\
That's the best part about it Piper!!!
And plus we have a few women at the club too!

Piper said:
I'm scared of the girls in my class, they could break my nose without breaking a sweat. But, the whole rough and tumble thing is kinda....getting a little racy in here ain't it?

Sounds like the strike will probably happen. We're looking at two, CUPE 1334 can strike as of this saturday and the profs can strike next week. From the looks of it, both unions will probably walk out. Yippie.

There are some there that can take you out without even thinking, kinda scary, but good that they can defend themselves,

As for the strike, sounds like it's just in time for exams!!!

Now on a more topic related note, any nurses get a call recently?