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Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

billypark said:
So sick of waiting. :mad:

Some of us have been in the application process for a very long time. I've been going since August and other surely longer than that. Even better, is that supposing I pass BMOQ this summer I still have to wait a year to find out the actual job offer's career. Get used to waiting.
billypark said:
So sick of waiting. :mad:

Perfect_Clark said:
Some of us have been in the application process for a very long time. I've been going since August and other surely longer than that. Even better, is that supposing I pass BMOQ this summer I still have to wait a year to find out the actual job offer's career. Get used to waiting.

I started my CT / ROTP process in November of 2006.  :)
Get ready for a lot of this.  Your entire career in the CF can be described as, "hurry up and wait".
Perfect_Clark said:
...supposing I pass BMOQ this summer...

You're going to need a little more self-confidence than that.
Lumber said:
You're going to need a little more self-confidence than that.

It's not lack of confidence, it's acknowledging there are no guarantees. What if I break my leg or something? There are too many factors to say I will pass, but that's not saying I'm not going to try my very hardest with the utmost determination.
Perfect_Clark said:
It's not lack of confidence, it's acknowledging there are no guarantees. What if I break my leg or something? There are too many factors to say I will pass, but that's not saying I'm not going to try my very hardest with the utmost determination.

Alright then, "Barring the possibility of being unable to complete the course do to unforeseen sickness or injury, you should otherwise be completely confident that you shall pass the course."

Lumber, does your problem with the wording here contribute to the thread or serve to derail it?

We can all pick fly dung from pepper if we want but some prefer to let those small things go. Try it.

Scott said:
Lumber, does your problem with the wording here contribute to the thread or serve to derail it?

We can all pick fly dung from pepper if we want but some prefer to let those small things go. Try it.

Let me put it this way them,

For those of you who have been relieved of the practically unbearable anxiety of awaiting an acceptance/refusal to your application, you should now be filled with excitement for your summer course (whatever the hell it is that's going on), and for you subsequent first year at RMC (it's not THAT bad). Don't be worried about your summer course, most of us here found FYOP to be more strenuous than IAP. Don't let that degrade your idea of IAP though, we learned more important things on IAP, it's basic training after all.


P.S. Anyone from Hamilton, ON., get an acceptance yet?
Just to confirm things: The CFRC will let you know if your application was declined, right?
Oh, for anyone who is waiting for a call in Vancouver, the review board will sit on the 18th of March and calls will be sent out sometime around then.

I am not so sure what the time between when the board first sits and when the first calls are sent out is.  A good estimate would be from the first round of calls that were sent out in February.

This is actual information I got from CFRC Vancouver, so I think it is trustworthy...
...so talk to you guys in a couple weeks!
thats odd, i talked to CFRC Toronto and they told me that the results from the second round of selection were due last Friday. Someone has to be wrong
Outrak said:
thats odd, i talked to CFRC Toronto and they told me that the results from the second round of selection were due last Friday. Someone has to be wrong

Are you sure they didn't say applications were due for selection round two?
Seriously people, if you are accepted or if you are not you will be contacted in due time.  If you don't hear from your CFRC/D for a month or two then you should start worrying.  You are not the only applicants and these things do take time.  I remember calling people in August to see if they still wanted a position.  Shit happens you just have to wait for it.
Here's a quick question, is the completion of ACS a requirement of the selection board before they will look at your file? The reason I ask is that I was contacted yesterday and was given 3 possible dates for ACS but was not told anything about the status of my application.

I have been going through the application process myself. Through the whole process an RMC Liason Officer has been helping me out, and he told me that is that the Second Board will sit on March 18th, then offers will go out shortly after that.

Has anyone thought of joining The Reserves if they don't get accepted?
whitehead said:
Here's a quick question, is the completion of ACS a requirement of the selection board before they will look at your file? The reason I ask is that I was contacted yesterday and was given 3 possible dates for ACS but was not told anything about the status of my application.


  You can get a conditional acceptance on the condition that you pass ASC.

That's what they gave me.  A few weeks later, I called them and asked for the possible dates for ASC. They gave me a number of choices, and I chose 3 I would be available for.

Looks like I'm heading off to ASC in Late April :)
Corey Darling said:

That's what they gave me.  A few weeks later, I called them and asked for the possible dates for ASC. They gave me a number of choices, and I chose 3 I would be available for.

Looks like I'm heading off to ASC in Late April :)

Did your CFRC call you to let you know you were conditionally accepted?
