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Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

It seems like everyone is starting to get calls but me :(

Is it traditional for people in Newfoundland to found out last? Because it seems that way with everything else. I'm going insane waiting. And it's even harder now that I know that some people have already been accepted.
rmc_hopeful said:
It seems like everyone is starting to get calls but me :(

Is it traditional for people in Newfoundland to found out last? Because it seems that way with everything else. I'm going insane waiting. And it's even harder now that I know that some people have already been accepted.

I'm in Southern Ontario and have no word yet either. Don't worry.
Ditto - I'm going to wait until next week, and then call.  I'm sure they're busy enough calling people if they've got news, and they may not have the information from Borden yet.
no worries yet. im in halifax area and was told sometime in feb, so i will wait untill the end of the month if i don't hear anything by then!
No one told me any of these odd ideas about being assigned to a broad group instead of a specific trade right away, then again I only qualify for a few trades due to my vision, and the fact that I'm already almost done my first year of Civvi U, and wanting to stay there haha.
im just finishing my first year at civie uni too. perhaps because i was qualified for more options that how they described it too me. the recruiter told me that you would be given an offer of rotp, but that waiting untill the end of phase II helps discern who is more suited to what trade? it all seems clear as mud to me at this stage of the game.
I guess it depends on the choices you put down. See I only applied for INT, mainly cause that's pretty nearly the only one I can do with a V4, and Log is just not my cup of tea. So that is probably why it is an all or nothing offer for me.
You should ask your recruiter tomorrow dwalter.

I know that because of my situation as a senior applicant, and a CT, I was brought in under last year's recruiting system - but the standard for the majority this year is the new occupational grouping standard.

Land Ops, Land Support, you get the idea.

Look into it!  Better to ask now before they potentially offer you something different out of left field.
Well I know when I submitted my application last year it was under that system. If I get thrown a curve ball, well I guess I'll take that as it comes. I would call the recruiters, but I have a bio mid term tomorrow and I'd rather focus on that without suddenly finding out "Oh hey, you won't get offered INT, you will get an ambiguous offer."

To me that seems like a rather poor way of doing it compared to the old way, because now someone might end up in a job they don't actually want. Like me with Log haha. Not that I have anything against Log Os, it's just that I had been looking forward to an operational trade until my vision threw me a curve ball, so INT was the only choice that really appealed to me. Well that and MP O, but they have some special selection center for that now it seems.
I absolutely hear you on that, and I too am skeptical about the new system.

Lets just hope we're both at CFSMI in a few years!
The general thing only applies to high school apps to ROTP, dwalter. I'm applying for ROTP as well, but I'm in 3rd year at a civvie u so I get to pick my occupations. If I were applying in high school, I'd only be slotted for air, land, or sea; nothing specific.
Ah yes, thats what it was.  I'm really hoping to hear soon.  From what I can tell of the other INT candidates on here seem competetive - I'm just worried there are 50 more "just like us" out there!
Ah perfect! That makes a lot more sense now, and makes me a little less worried about what job i will get. Now I just have to feel nervous about actually getting accepted, because as IntBr says, the INT candidates are all well qualified and there might be a good number of them, and only 12 spots. Oh well, I just hope it turns out well. Otherwise I might have to do something insane like switch to nursing, and go in as a NO.
I'm just listening to "I Wanna Be In the Cavalry" by Corb Lund to get me through it, haha - as the Intelligence Branch is descendant of the Corps of Guides - a cavalry force!

Just for everyone's information.. apparently offers are now getting sent out in Halifax too.

Edit: now getting sent out, corrected from "not" getting sent out.  :slaphead:
Wouldn't that be cool if the INT branch could be like some of the Infantry and Armour regiments and have the traditional 1700s style uniforms? (Who knows, maybe they get to) I was looking at the different ceremonial traditional dress that some of the regiments wear, and think it is a really cool idea. I bet someone in an infantry or armour unit is going to tell me those uniforms are bloody uncomfortable. :P

To get me through the wait I've been listening to Iron Maiden and studying for biology haha. Definitely a difference in waiting strategies eh?
Speaking of analytical skills, the RAF website has a mini game to test your skill as an RAF INT O. I nailed it 100% when I did it. Silly sort of, but a lot of fun none the less.

Now I know people say INT is purple, but from what the CFRC tells me element does matter somewhat since each element needs different types of intelligence, like army using a lot of human intelligence, and air force using image intellegence. So I'm curious as to what element you put down on your application IntBr. (You can guess that I put down air force, though I wouldn't mind army at all.)