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Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

I said Army, but told them I'd be open to anything.  I've been army for a few years now (not that it really matters), but I like the Army INT stuff the most.

If they don't offer me INT (although that was my only occupation choice), I hope they come back with something else (a counter-offer, if you will) - although they likely will not.


Hmmmm.. you mean this game? http://www.rafcareers.com/altitude/games/suave/gameloader_raf.swf

Very funny game, by the way!
I have heard of a few people getting offered alternate offers. I think if the forces wants a person badly enough based on their file, they might try to give them something.

Wrong game, but that one is quite funny. The one I am thinking of is:
all you IntO wannabes....take it somewhere else. The title of this thread is NOT "IntO acceptance - when sent out ?"

Milnet.ca staff
Sorry CDN Aviator, topic got a little bit away from us. Back to the regular show!

Has anyone from BC heard anything yet?
hey IntlBr, whats this you say about CFRC Halifax making some calls? interesting how the grapevine works huh? haha anything you can pass along would be mighty appreciated!

All I've heard from an acquaintance out in Halifax is that one of this chaps friends was called today, and told he's been accepted to RMC.

I'd wait until the end of the business day tomorrow if you're going to call - just give them time to call you first, I know they prefer it that way.
yeah for sure! good for the fellow too! i figured i will wait untill the end of the month since i was told "sometime" in Feb. this feels like a great time of year though! its like christmas, except you don't know when its coming...or if you will get anything hahaha  cheers
HockeyDude007 said:
[T]his feels like a great time of year though! its like Christmas, except you don't know when its coming...or if you will get anything hahaha  cheers

That is the best analogy I've heard all day! :D

Best of luck in your application HockeyDude007.
So, if Halifax is getting calls out, that means I shoudn't be too far behind! :)
God I hate waiting
I received my conditional offer to RMC for pilot today. Now all I have to do is pass ASC and my Meds.  I’m in Ontario, anyone else?
airman87 said:
I received my conditional offer to RMC for pilot today. Now all I have to do is pass ASC and my Meds.  I’m in Ontario, anyone else?
Did you receive it by mail or by phone?
I just got conditional ROTP from CFRC Kitchener.

dwalter, this is important for you: even though during the application process I was told I'd get a specific occupation, the CFRC has just found out too that you instead get accepted to a general category.

I hope everyone else gets a call soon :)
Congrats Clark!  What grouping??

I caved, and called Kitchener today.. haha - turns out my file is still "at selection" because they need to review my prior service.

Hmmm.. I was told to call back next week, so hopefully this is all leading to good things.
I just got the call!

Unfortunately, I didn't get an occupation - I'm Land Operations Support.

Best day of my life.  Ever.
No praise for me? :(

Perfect_Clark said:
dwalter, this is important for you: even though during the application process I was told I'd get a specific occupation, the CFRC has just found out too that you instead get accepted to a general category.

This is true for Air Operations ROTP which include pilot, anav and AEC. All dependant on factors including the CFAT, interview, education and passing the anav/ASC tests.
sorry airman87! miss your post there, congrats! its awesome so many are getting their calls! hopefully mine will come next week, as now it is past 1700 on a friday haha so do people know if they will be attending IAP this summer? or have you still to find all that out?
Well even if I end up getting Air Operations Support, that would be fine by me, as would Land Ops Support. Then again support often means Log doesn't it? Oh well, maybe I'd like it, who knows.
Hi all, this is my first post here, but I thought some of you would be interested to hear that I just got into RMC! Just got the call at work today (so hard trying to play it cool, cause my bosses have no clue!), and I got my second choice, Air Nav for Air Operations Support. Waaay cool! My first choice was intelligence, but air nav is a bloody nice second! My grandad used to be Air Nav in WWII in New Zealand. Anyway, I did my aptitude test and whatnot in Comox in November last year, they came up from Victoria. So, best of luck to all of you who are still waiting! Hope your phone calls come soon!

Oh, got told I would be doing my basic training after my 1st year at RMC, anyone ever hear of this happening? I don't care either way, just was expecting to go to basic and learn the ropes, then head to RMC. :cdn: