(After my last witty comment, I'm not sure if I want to follow it up with this one, but here goes
Whilst painting my house today, my wife and I shot the shit about some of the things posted ref this thread, and I did some thinking (uh oh, smoke damage to a freshly painted house.... damn!!!). As much as I hate agreeing with Mo-Litia on something

, I have to agree with him, in that we have to agree to disagree on this subject(that's a lot of agree's....).
People are either going to think that it is right for women to go into battle, or not. Not much will convince either camp differently (and to think, at the beginning of the whole mess (reading the initial threads) I would have argued "hell, no!!!", and believe me, in discussions with my buddies, those words probably came out of my mouth more than a few times). But, if I am to not be a hypocrite, I have to say that if a woman is physically and mentally capable (more on that in a bit.....) to go into combat, do battle, kill, and possibly be killed alongside men, let her have the chance to be able to. I say I don't want to be a hypocrite, because I have 3 beautiful young daughters, and we always tell them that they can do anything they want to when they grow up, and we will support them 100%. Hopefully I never have to answer a door at 3AM, to see a padre and an officer, but hopefully no father will have to go through the same scenario if they have a son. But if any of my 3 daughters decide to serve their country, decide that they want to join a Combat Arm (they will be discouraged with some vigour, mind you) or a supporting Arm that could see combat, who am I to say they can't?
Who here, reading these 29 pages of posts, is able to say what makes someone able to go into combat? And if they can lay out the conditions, have they done it themselves (gone into battle)? And is merely surviving good enough justification to be an expert? Women have survived the aftermath of war since the dawn of time (who is left behind to clean up the messes than men have caused? And thanks to getting the vote, they can help cause some messes. Yay for democracy!!!!) and I'm sure will continue to survive, no matter how much chest thumping any of us do. My mother was trained to run into the snow with a white blanket to cover herself up with (winter cam) if the Russians bombed her home in WWII. To me, that shows she's tougher than me, as I would have probably muddied me knickers before I thought to pick up a blanket when bombs were dropping at the age of 13, but I'm allowed to go to war, and according to some people here, my wife shouldn't, even though she has (Afghanistan '02), and I haven't (when I went to Cyprus and Bosnia, they weren't considered war-zones.....). Strange world, no?!?!
Maybe my wife, who went on a combat operation (Op Cherokee Sky) should tell people (males included) that they shouldn't go, because she has the "combat" experience, and they don't. Who sets the policy for who can and can't go?? Politicians???? The same people who we chastise for every bone-head thing that happens (mad cow, Sponsorship scandal, floods, locusts, 9/11, whatever...). So, we agree with them on the things we like, and vehemently disagree with the things we don't. The luxury of living in a democracy, no?!!?? The example of women fighting in Russia, Israel, and Viet Nam are quickly swept under the rug by people, who point out that those policies reverted to "men only" after a time.... Hmmmm, why were they implemented in the first place???? I would guess, neccesity. After all, they must have clued in that they would be pretty foolish to exclude 50%+ of their population just because of "the old ways".
One of the things that I thought about with this whole argument (besides how it actually made me use my hamburger-fed computer (my brain...) for once) was something I saw on the news a little while back: there was a school district in the States that got a slap on the pee-pee for putting a label in their text-books that basically said that evolution is just a theory, and that students need to be open minded (link to CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/01/13/evolution.textbooks.ruling/). Well, if people still want to think that evolution is just a theory (HELLLLLOOOO!!!!! Dinosaurs, people!!!!!!), people will continue to think that women shouldn't go into combat, well after my great-great-great-great-great granddaughter cures cancer.
Anyway, while I'm glad that this prompted some interesting discussion, remarkably few (if any) personal attacks, and only the odd pissing contest (speaking of which, I'm proud to say that 'combat_medic' learned me about the "freshette".... I'm still not 100% sure on the application (or design), but enough was implied that I get the theory....you learn something new (not neccesarily useful) every day) arose. Until someone can point out any compelling reasons why women shouldn't go into combat (other than what has already been pointed out ad nauseam) I will continue to monitor the thread, but will refrain from rehashing my opinions (and a great cry was heard across the land!!!! ^-^).
Have a good one,