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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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First off - yay basic training Monday.  Level four isn't all that fast.  Do a search for beep (or bleep test)  and you should be able to find the audio file you're looking for.  Also, I believe there's a youtube video regarding the beep test (20 msr).  Remember doing the Canada Fitness Test in school?  (what ever happened to that btw?)  The shuttle run is just like that, only we're not hyper 8 year olds doing it anymore.
Thanks Lil T - I'll do a search for the beep test.. glad to hear level 4 isn't too bad.. that's music to my ears :O) (I'll check out the Youtube video)
I just wouldn't recommend stopping at level 4.  LOL.... else you'll be in for a world of hurt on your runs.  Just keep going until you can't go anymore.
You ladies are lucky that you only have to get to level 4 for the CF Expres. We have to do that too, but we have to do the PPT at RMC too, and the ladies standard is 7.5, plus an agility run and long jump. We also have to be able to do 16 pushups for the PPT. Be very thankful you're only doing the expres! I'm sure you'll all do fine though, when I did it last August I managed to exempt (don't have to do it next year, but the year after), and I almost met the men's standards for my age group. Yippee!
Hi Ladies and Guys ;),
Ok first I want to thank everyone for still using this forum that I started. Since that I have finished my BMQ, soldier's qualification and am just now doing my 404's and still waiting for my med tech course to start on Feb 23, 2009. Yeah!! Let me tell you my fitness standards were not totally up tp par, but now for my age group. I am exempt. If I can do it you all can. Good luck with everyone's career choices.

Never give up, never surrender!!
Kawigirl :salute:
HansonSherren said:
Hi all - I go to basic training on Sunday (I start Monday) and am nervous as hell!  I was in cadets so I have a teeny tiny bit of preparation for it but am still really nervous.  I expect to love every minute of it and hate every minute of it.  The hardest part for me I think will be being away from my husband and two kids - but I know it's worth it in the long run.  I'm also very nervous about the PT test - I can do the push ups and sit ups but I'm worried about the running test ..  it says I need to get at least a level 4 but I have no idea what a "level 4" is - can anyone give a good clarification on that?

Level 4 basically means you have to run for 4 minutes on the shuttle run.  For a more detailed breakdown as to the speed intervals ect.. refer to my earlier post in this thread.  I laid it all out in miles per hour and someone else converted it to km per hour.  That should tell you everything you need to know.  Good luck.
Great topic! I have not applied to the CF yet because I am trying to get myself in a little bit better shape first but I am committed and working hard towards it.

2 weeks ago I was a bartender that smoked, drank and could run maybe 5 minutes, I was able to do 2 sit-ups and only a handful of girl push ups. My exercise regimen had been lifting and carrying 24s of beer.  I stopped working there and am now at a call center which gives me plenty of time to work out as well as keeping me away from the drinking every night because you are in a bar lifestyle.

I am now running 30 minutes (alternating hard and easy days) can do  4 sets of 10 sit ups and 2 sets of 10 girl push-ups. While I am not in premium shape yet I am working on it and hopefully will be able to apply in a couple weeks feeling confident. My main problem is those darn push-ups I know the only way to improve is by doing them but I just can't keep the plank position when I try to do real ones. I always buckle at the hips.

Anyway, just wanted to say Hi, share in my pt experience and tell you how much I appreciate the thread.
f0x said:
Great topic! I have not applied to the CF yet because I am trying to get myself in a little bit better shape first but I am committed and working hard towards it.

2 weeks ago I was a bartender that smoked, drank and could run maybe 5 minutes, I was able to do 2 sit-ups and only a handful of girl push ups. My exercise regimen had been lifting and carrying 24s of beer.  I stopped working there and am now at a call center which gives me plenty of time to work out as well as keeping me away from the drinking every night because you are in a bar lifestyle.

I am now running 30 minutes (alternating hard and easy days) can do  4 sets of 10 sit ups and 2 sets of 10 girl push-ups. While I am not in premium shape yet I am working on it and hopefully will be able to apply in a couple weeks feeling confident. My main problem is those darn push-ups I know the only way to improve is by doing them but I just can't keep the plank position when I try to do real ones. I always buckle at the hips.

Anyway, just wanted to say Hi, share in my pt experience and tell you how much I appreciate the thread.

I recommend that you start the application process right away.  There is so much about it that can potentially go wrong or get held up that you will likely be in pristine physical shape long before they swear you into the CF anyway.  As long as you are in shape by the time you do your basic course you are fine.  Get the paperwork started asap!
wow everyone seems to be a lot older...well, I'm only 16 years old (female) :-[. i can do about 20 pushups now, and 30 situps
last week i ran about 4.5km, i didn't time my self though, i was planning on doing that for 2.4km however, i seem to be having ankle problems now =/
i workout at the gym, and just yesterday I think I pulled a back muscle, so I'm really sore. My CFAT is on the 3rd =)  and I'm not sure when my fitness test will be...I'm just extremely nervous/excited, I'm not good at math, so i really hope i can pass the CFAT, and running 2.4 km in less than 14 minutes...? I'm stressing out about that. I really hope that i'll be able to go for BMQ by this summer... ???
namal24 said:
wow everyone seems to be a lot older...well, I'm only 16 years old (female) :-[. i can do about 20 pushups now, and 30 situps
last week i ran about 4.5km, i didn't time my self though, i was planning on doing that for 2.4km however, i seem to be having ankle problems now =/
i workout at the gym, and just yesterday I think I pulled a back muscle, so I'm really sore. My CFAT is on the 3rd =)  and I'm not sure when my fitness test will be...I'm just extremely nervous/excited, I'm not good at math, so i really hope i can pass the CFAT, and running 2.4 km in less than 14 minutes...? I'm stressing out about that. I really hope that i'll be able to go for BMQ by this summer... ???

At your age I really would not stress about about the physical side too much.  Besides Im sure alot of us would love to rewind back to 16!  I would get that ankle looked at if it is causing you trouble.  Better to get it sorted out now then have it flare up on y ou later.  Otherwise you sound like you are further ahead of the curve physically then most are when the come into the recruiting center.  Just keep at it.
ltmaverick25 said:
I recommend that you start the application process right away.  There is so much about it that can potentially go wrong or get held up that you will likely be in pristine physical shape long before they swear you into the CF anyway.  As long as you are in shape by the time you do your basic course you are fine.  Get the paperwork started asap!

Thank you for your recommendation, I am seriously considering applying this week but am just slightly worried I would end up with my medical really soon and have the fact I am heavier than usual and out of shape reflect negatively on my application. In any case I have my transcripts and other documents in the mail on the way to me as of today so paper wise I should have everything set up... just need to contact a couple references.
f0x said:
Thank you for your recommendation, I am seriously considering applying this week but am just slightly worried I would end up with my medical really soon and have the fact I am heavier than usual and out of shape reflect negatively on my application. In any case I have my transcripts and other documents in the mail on the way to me as of today so paper wise I should have everything set up... just need to contact a couple references.

To the best of my knowledge the recruiting center is not doing PT tests anymore, rather you have to pass the PT test on your basic course before you can move on and gain the qualification.  I may be wrong about this though, perhaps someone who knows for sure can weigh in.

As for weight, I suppose alot of that would simply depend on weather your weight affects your medical well being or not.  Also, the last few guys I have taken to the recruiting center did the medical as the last step.  You could always delay that part if you wanted while the rest of the paper and process took its course.  I would recomend booking a complete physical with your civilian doctor.  Ask him or her to do a complete run down on you, blood test, urine, eyes, the works.  Find out there if there is anything that may stop your entry.  If they pick something up, resolve the issue, then do your CF medical.  If the CF medical guys pick something up it is an administrative nightmare trying to get past it.
ltmaverick25 said:
To the best of my knowledge the recruiting center is not doing PT tests anymore, rather you have to pass the PT test on your basic course before you can move on and gain the qualification.  I may be wrong about this though, perhaps someone who knows for sure can weigh in.

Right you are!  Unless one is joining the reserves, the Expres test isn't administered until early in basic training.  Even then if you fail the expres test you'll be sent to RFT (remedial fitness training), which will slow down your progress but isn't necessarily a showstopper unless you continue to fail.
About the DEPO shot being able to stop periods, I find that is only with use of longer than a year. I was on the DEPO for six months, and had random and annoying bleeding, on no set schedule. It was more of a hinderance than a help. Not sure if the pills would work to delay it? Maybe there is some way I haven't heard of?
Tulach Ard said:
About the DEPO shot being able to stop periods, I find that is only with use of longer than a year. I was on the DEPO for six months, and had random and annoying bleeding, on no set schedule. It was more of a hinderance than a help. Not sure if the pills would work to delay it? Maybe there is some way I haven't heard of?

Depo Provera usually takes at least two to three shots before you will stop having a period.  It is also not intended for long term use (over 2 years).  Another side effect is weight gain, although I suspect that on BMQ that might not be an issue.  Realistically, it would be great to start at least six months before a tour, however, to take it just not to have a period during BMQ seems a bit extreme.  The only time I would worry about having a period is during the field phase.  Can one just continue taking the pill (ignore the placebo ones at the end of the pack) to prevent having one at that time?  I must admit, in my time on the pill, I never tried that.  As a matter of fact, in BMQ, I don't even think I thought about it.

Depo Provera

Side note:  Tulard Ard, are you a Mackenzie?
Moe, you can get an Rx for seasonale, you only get 4 periods a year.  Or you can take your pills continuously *no placebos* to avoid a period.  Both are equally safe.  I'm considering getting back on BC pills for that very reason.  Not something I want to deal with while on BMQ. 
I love the nuvaring, I highly advise ladies to check it out if they are looking for hormonal birth control not in pill form. It releases gradually so your system as opposed to a daily dose, you CAN use them back to back as well to skip periods.

When I get to go I am sure it will be a head scratcher if a male is doing the inspection.
Lil_T said:
Moe, you can get an Rx for seasonale, you only get 4 periods a year.  Or you can take your pills continuously *no placebos* to avoid a period.  Both are equally safe.  I'm considering getting back on BC pills for that very reason.  Not something I want to deal with while on BMQ.

Thanks for the info, Lil_T.  It was just a curiosity thing.  I am way beyond needing any birth/period control!