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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Latest update;

I found out I've had a broker for a little while, but my CC failed to mention that to me/felt I didn't need to know. It took getting through to someone in Ottawa that could tell me that they have my file and am in the system. The bad news is they said there were no positions last year for CT AESOP from the ResF. and so didn't expect to see any again this year. Time will tell I guess. It just depends how much time it will take to tell. There comes a point where you've got to start looking into other options. It's hard to put your life/plans on hold for a MAYBE.

DAA said:
My only suggestion........

You already have a full-time Class B posn and your CT Application is already in.  So keep doing what you're doing, add on to your quals as best you can and keep pursuing your CT aspirations.  I can't see many people wanting to CT from the Res to Reg every year for AES Op, so one day your number may get called.
Eye In The Sky said:
Sure there is; PM me a name.  ;)

Ok, new update in my quest. I have an interview upcoming at the recruiting centre! There are 2 pos for CT(U) and 3 applicants. I figure that is ResF....as DE and RegF get different number of positions. Was not expecting this as everything was looking like no positions for this year (FY 14/15). Getting all of my info sorted.....building a little file folder for the interview and prepping now. Going over the emails I have from speaking with people in the trade. Getting a bit excited. Just have to not mess up my interview. Send me Some good vibes folks!
Hmmm.  I haven't looked at the SIP but if there are CT (U), good. 

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, I'll answer what I can from the Aurora side of the trade.
Eye In The Sky said:
Hmmm.  I haven't looked at the SIP but if there are CT (U), good. 

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, I'll answer what I can from the Aurora side of the trade.

Yup, someone else posted a comment in another thread about the "internal" SIP for 14-15 being up on the website and sure enough, it's there for all to see.
It is a changing doc, the last one I saw had 1 CT (T), and it was for a RegF pers who'd CTd to ARAF, and was coming back.

Is the SIP being open an "oops!"?
Eye In The Sky said:
It is a changing doc, the last one I saw had 1 CT (T), and it was for a RegF pers who'd CTd to ARAF, and was coming back.

Is the SIP being open an "oops!"?

Not sure who controls the updating for that site but it does appear to be some sort of "live" document, which does change from time to time.
Eye In The Sky said:
It is a changing doc, the last one I saw had 1 CT (T), and it was for a RegF pers who'd CTd to ARAF, and was coming back.

Is the SIP being open an "oops!"?

I was able to view the FY 13/14 and FY 14/15......just had to figure out where to go...then saved to favs.  >:D
And you're already talking "wet/dry" so I know you've really been talking to folks in the trade.

Good luck!!

PS - MH is riding a big old eggbeater.  Acoustics makes you a pointy head.  Go NASO.  ;)
;D C'mon CFRC.....give me a call and let's book this thing..... ;D

There's a song about waiting being hard....Tom Petty pretty sure I'm thinking of.... :P

Eye In The Sky said:
No doubt about it...waiting sucks.

Well, not that I don't want to get the interview out of the way. Seems there's a course running right now, and the next will be in November, from what I've been able to source. Still, the sooner I can get the interview done, the sooner my file will take the next step down the line and into the hands of the people who will decide my fate....

:facepalm: Well, I shouldn't be shocked that with the latest step in getting this CT pushed through I have hit another roadblick....pretty sure I've had one every step of the way so far. Called CFRC today as the email from my broker instructed me to do if I hadn't heard from them in 2 weeks. I figured that I wouldn't hear from them, and that would be the hard part was waiting two weeks to call and schedule. Well, seems the hard part is getting them to open the email from my broker. Interview slots are booked through May and into June already. Bascially told to wait until they call, with no ETA of when that might be.

I'm determined to get through this process...but it has already been one of the least transparent, inefficient, time consuming processes I've ever had to face in the CF. Frustrations have returned.

On that note, can anyone give a timeline cutoof date to have things completed for a fall course selection?


No idea on the timeline for fall, or if there is a 3s course running in fall. 

I'd contact your broker and have see if they can shake the trees...
Eye In The Sky said:
No idea on the timeline for fall, or if there is a 3s course running in fall. 

I'd contact your broker and have see if they can shake the trees...

So, my broker shook the tree a little. Excerpt between a couple of folks at CFRC dated about 10days ago;

"....individual requires an Air Factor 2 for his trade, and he already has the AF.  If we can help out D Mil C by giving this individual a higher priority I’m sure both they and the applicant will appreciate it."

Will see what "higher priority" actually is/means.  :D

"....individual requires an Air Factor 2 for his trade, and he already has the AF.

Did you already have AF2 or another number? I have AF4 and am curious of the differences... And yes, have searched.

Good luck to you.
pylon said:
Did you already have AF2 or another number? I have AF4 and am curious of the differences... And yes, have searched.

Good luck to you.

I had Air Factor 5 previously. You must have AF2 for the trade. I'm not exactly sure what the differences are, but it's more in depth than just a regular physical. I believe eyesight is a big part, as well as blood work. Your BSurg should be able to tell you when you go for your Part 1 or 2 exam.
Eye In The Sky said:
Sounds like a *move file towards top of pile* thing to me.  8)

Also more (bad) news for my quest. CFRC in it's infinite wisdom is trying to say I don't hold Gr 10 Academic Math. I was in Gr10 18yrs ago. Agreed when I was in Ontario and went to Gr 10 I did general math. However when I did the UK syllabus overseas it was at a higher level than gr10 academic. When those credits were assessed and added to my transcript, they were I putted as "general education credits". So of course, CFRC can't understand that. Even though I've provided the UK syllabus, with report card....the Ontario syllabus, my transcript and explaination. EVERYONE including the BPSO has looked at me funny when I tell them this and are wondering why CFRC hasn't at least mentioned PLAR or Academic waiver to me.....all they've said is I don't qualify for the trade and can't move forward. I have jumped through so any hoops so far...now this roadblock because one recruiter thinks they know what's best. I am aware that one person has already gotten into one of the two positions for this FY. So there's two of us left and one position. Unless that's also already been filled. If I miss out on this because someone didn't understand how to read a transcript going to lose my GD mind. END RANT.
