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hi,i'm new on here, and i was just wondering how old people are. are you?

  • 13-15

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • 16-19

    Votes: 22 20.2%
  • 20-24

    Votes: 29 26.6%
  • 25-29

    Votes: 21 19.3%
  • 30-34

    Votes: 8 7.3%
  • 35+

    Votes: 27 24.8%

  • Total voters
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being a teenager is actually quite gd,ur trusted more so u can actually do most thngs ya like...we dnt ave 2 work,we gt payed 4 all the time,we ave no stress,and we can eat loads yet not put any w8 on as we're still growing.plus.if ya ave a cool m8 thtz olda thn u thn she'll/he'll gt u in2 clubs etc.

well done phoenix guy,,,wow! i'm so happi 4 u...u've sean "a nekkid"real live girl/female...lol
He's saying that you're writing a post as if you were talking to us over msn. Also known as ebonics.

wen u abbreviate ur typin caus u wana save time n not write out evry single wurd. it works ova msn but not on here caus it makes readin ya post hard on da eyes. word dawg
ok sorry,i'll try to do it properly nxt time,i mean...next time.wow! it's quite hard his.but i'll get there sum time soon.

You've got this thread running already, quit spamming the board with the same thing.
i ave dun,,,,if u quit buggin me.

it's just a forum OK>?

it's not gunna harm you if i do sumthin exactly the same...hoh!  shock horror!!!!!!!

g,how old are you?  50 thousand or summit?
ok,,,,my,,,i am so sorry 4 putting sumthing on a different topic,i had no idea it wud b offensive 2 u...i mean...who knew any1 cud b so cruel in puttin the same kinda post sumwhere else...g...grow up wud ya!

and no,,,tht int a threat...thtz jus a word of advice!
You got the "Verbal" for not following the guidelines. Your use of MSN speak, after being warned, and your condecending, snarky attitude. Not for your multiple posts of the same thread. Your above reply shows you still haven't read, or refuse to follow, the guidelines. Maybe Step 2 will give you some time to reflect.
ok ur all f****n harsh people i mean i try and be nice and start a conversation wit u all but u throw it in my face. so u can all go screw urself and canada sucks c**k. so u shud try being nicer more often. Knob heads.   :threat:    :cdn: burn that flag    :skull:

Edit by recceguy:

Exactly the reason you don't belong here. There should be a Smurf or Teletubby forum that needs your expertise. Try there.
Well now that was mature!  (Yes I am being sarcastic!).

Just because this is an online forum, doesn't mean that you get to be offensive and write in an annoying abbreviated form. This forum has rules for a reason!

I also don't get the purpose of getting a new screen name.  The moderators will just get you again.....especially for the last stupid thing you said.  Grow up little child!

kimseb said:
ok ur all f****n harsh people i mean i try and be nice and start a conversation wit u all but u throw it in my face. so u can all go screw urself and canada sucks c**k. so u shud try being nicer more often. Knob heads.   :threat:    :cdn: burn that flag    :skull:

Edit by recceguy:

Exactly the reason you don't belong here. There should be a Smurf or Teletubby forum that needs your expertise. Try there.

I don't care how old you are, you don't go into a forum, and start bashing Canada, or any other country, and then tell them to burn their flag. How disrespectful is that. I'm appalled..and yet I pity her for not having any common sense. If she did have some, she would not have exploded after being advised to read the rules. Honestly.

OK. He/she/it is gone. Let's move along and keep the thread on line. Personally, I don't think much of the thread anyway, but if it stays civil and on track, we'll leave it be. Back to the subject.
Back to the subject?  Okay, it doesn't matter what age we are. We behave like adults.  G'bye!
I'm Sixteen, its a good age, I can drive. I can also pay for gas and get a job at timmys to get money to pay for said gas, which isn't as fun as driving the car.

PS If someone has a transmission for a 1994 Eagle Talon pm me
26 year old Cape Bretoner entering his last semester at SMU in Halifax. I've completed the paperwork, tests, interviews and am hoping to be offered a DEO 23 Infantry Officer posistion by around December.
RyanNS said:
26 year old Cape Bretoner entering his last semester at SMU in Halifax. I've completed the paperwork, tests, interviews and am hoping to be offered a DEO 23 Infantry Officer posistion by around December.

Good Luck with that!!


Slim2 said:
I don't care how old you are, you don't go into a forum, and start bashing Canada, or any other country, and then tell them to burn their flag. How disrespectful is that. I'm appalled..and yet I pity her for not having any common sense. If she did have some, she would not have exploded after being advised to read the rules. Honestly.


Yah! What I (I mean she ) said! ;D
Nice Slim, very well said...yet very familiar lol.  ;D

I am a 27 yr old stay at home mother of 3 and I am a navy wife. I am also in the midst of getting in myself, so this should prove to be a very exciting, and stressful, time once I get the word.

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