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Airbus 340 crash at Toronto airport

Kiltmann said:
I was blinded by my ignorance and supposed intelligence as an 8-year veteran on flying in general, thinking I had more knowledge in the field of aviation. That earned me a mild consequence. Like I said above, we all make mistakes. I should have done supplementary research on the topic.

Let me rephrase the response(s) above. No aircraft are 'fault-free'. Whether it be the newer, all-digital, fly-by-wire/computer-controlled aircraft like the A380, A340, 777 series or the old-school, cable-controlled 707s, 727s and 737 classics, or those built in-between.

I guess what I am trying to say is, Airbus is just as safe as Boeing, but, in the aviation community, the Airbuses are mostly frowned upon because of the computerized systems.

Anyway, just wanted to make a point. Thank you aesop for pointing out my mistakes and faults. And thank you, PV for pointing out my faults as well. Maybe I shouldn't judge a plane make by it's accident reports. Just something to think about.



PS: aesop and PViddy. No hard feelings. We all have our good and bad days, eh?


your profile indicates you are 15......is this correct ? If it is you are the youngest person i know with no actual flying experience who consideres himself an 8-year veteran.

Now on you asessement of airbus,

Are you a member of the aviation community ? Are you a military/civil flight safety investigator ?  What airline/aircraft manufacturer/aviation publication do you work for ?  Are you aware that computerized flight control systems are used on almost all modern airlines and not just airbus industrie's products ?  What are your qualifications to state that airbus products are frowned upon ?  Do you have any experience as an investigator/pilot/crewmember/maintainer that would allow you to back up what you are stating ?  " mostly frowned upon "....suggest you read up on airbuse's comercial success with all its line of aircraft and the very promissing initial orders for the new A380.

I have been into planes since i was 5 so share your interest very much. Now i fly on 4-engined turboprops. before that i flew on twin-turbos.  My profession is all about knowing about aircraft and how they work.  Just so you dont think that i am dissing you, but if you have on academic knowledge on a subject ( got it from reading material that is often of questionable accuracy) then an expert it doesnt make.  I am an aviation professional and i still dont refer to myself as an expert or use " vast expertise"

EDIT: for clarification i'm not a pilot........i sit in the back and do my job ( for those who dont know what an aesop does)
Last I heard, 305 passengers and crew.... all survived. ;D
I guess some passengers climbed up to the 401 and hitched a ride to the terminal :o

Much as I hate to say it, I've only logged 5 1/2 hours on a Cessna in Air Cadets (yes, actually flew the aircraft).

I have friends, however, who work in Toulouse, France, whom I correspond with (in English, of course) about Airbus aircraft and electronics/avionics. Sometimes, I also like to do research on the Airbus series, studying schematics and aircraft specs.

The reason I have a vast experience is not because I have flown these flying computers, but because I have researched these things ever since I was 6, using books, computers and the internet. And yes, I do know about how the 380 is popular in sales. I read about it on a PDF press release from the Airbus website.

I had to clarify those so you guys don't kick me off this forum because of some contradicting issues about aircraft and Airbus accidents and the like.

Once again, thank you for correcting me and again, no hard feelings against you.

Kiltmann said:
The reason I have a vast experience is not because I have flown these flying computers, but because I have researched these things ever since I was 6, using books, computers and the internet. And yes, I do know about how the 380 is popular in sales. I read about it on a PDF press release from the Airbus website.

Sorry son, reading about a subject does not give you "vast experience" in that field... try to stay in your lane...

You got it, Mike. I'll keep to my little box of knowledge. If you guys ever need info on the Boeing 737 or 747 family, or any questions on ATC or airport operations, just gimme a shout.

Kiltmann said:
You got it, Mike. I'll keep to my little box of knowledge. If you guys ever need info on the Boeing 737 or 747 family, or any questions on ATC or airport operations, just gimme a shout.


I'm in an ATC environment every day of my career, i'm sure i'll get along fine without you.
Kiltmann said:
You got it, Mike. I'll keep to my little box of knowledge. If you guys ever need info on the Boeing 737 or 747 family, or any questions on ATC or airport operations, just gimme a shout.


I'll use Google thanks. It has all the same info you posted, and won't want to hang around, be buddies and get me to buy beer. ;D
Kiltmann said:

Much as I hate to say it, I've only logged 5 1/2 hours on a Cessna in Air Cadets (yes, actually flew the aircraft).

I have friends, however, who work in Toulouse, France, whom I correspond with (in English, of course) about Airbus aircraft and electronics/avionics. Sometimes, I also like to do research on the Airbus series, studying schematics and aircraft specs.

The reason I have a vast experience is not because I have flown these flying computers, but because I have researched these things ever since I was 6, using books, computers and the internet. And yes, I do know about how the 380 is popular in sales. I read about it on a PDF press release from the Airbus website.

I had to clarify those so you guys don't kick me off this forum because of some contradicting issues about aircraft and Airbus accidents and the like.

Once again, thank you for correcting me and again, no hard feelings against you.


Damn, is that all it takes? Don't kid yourself (haha, I made a punny!), we were all 15 once and we all had the same opinion, well, ok, maybe not the same "I am the world expert on Airbus products" opinion.

Much as I hate to say it, I've only logged 5 1/2 hours on a Cessna in Air Cadets (yes, actually flew the aircraft).

And quit ragging on the bloody AESOp, he already has to pat us on the back no matter how great our landings are! I've got 10 times the amount of flying time and I don't profess to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination. Welcome to back to earth son.
Well, guys, I'm done droning on and stuff. I better go before my computer overheats.

Talk to you guys tomorrow.

Perhaps Kiltman's first aircraft research book was (DoY) Fergie's 'Budgie the Little Helicopter'.
Easy guys, I realize what he said was a bit extreme, but lets be nice,
he is just a kid, and he has apologized several times. So lets be nice and just stop making fun.

*Nik, be careful what you say kid! Think before you speak etc. etc.*

Talk to you later!



A Kilted Air pro, and Second Slim...

oi vey what next....



I think it's bed time for the barbarians..

He's not an air pro, and he has apologized for referring to himself as such.
I'm not trying to be weird or copy Slim, but it also happens to be my nickname.
He's alright with it, he's merely asked me to forward his mail if I happen to get any by mistake.  ;D

Ok, last post and I will call it a night!.....

hehe one day Nik if you go to school, get a doctorate in Mech Eng or something, and start designing planes you can then re-vist the forum and say you are an expert.  Then we will all shut up  ;D  
Mappy said:
Ok, last post and I will call it a night!.....

hehe one day Nik if you go to school, get a doctorate in Mech Eng or something, and start designing planes you can then re-vist the forum and say you are an expert.  Then we will all shut up  ;D  

Nah...cuz then he will know how to build them but he still wont know shit about flying them !!
When I was 6 through 15 the only airplanes I cared about were those made from note paper in class.
Kiltmann - I applaud your enthusiasm, and even your confidence. That being said, you need to curb your eager nature, stop talking (typing) and just read for awhile, until you get a feel for the board. As a Moderator, I feel that you are unintentionally violating this section, found in the Conduct Guidelines:


We've had a few instances lately where opinion and rumour have been presented as hard evidence. Unfortunately in many cases, the information is flat out wrong.

Due to the anonymous nature of these forums, it can be hard to tell if information is coming from someone in a position to know or just someone who "has a friend whose uncle served with the Botswana Defence Force in the 70's."

So our request is this: Please qualify unconfirmed information posted here.

That is, if you didn't witness it first hand or read it in the CFAO's, state that it's an opinion, rumour or best guess. We won't think any less of you for not "knowing" the information. In fact, we'll all appreciate the honesty, and it'll likely save readers heartache later on, when they find out (the hard way) that it wasn't exactly bang on. If you do know the source, please reference it with a link or include the related information in your post. If the source information is large or takes the discussion off topic you may want to consider making use of a footnote1 to provide references and sources that back up your claims.

There are lots of discussions which take place on this forum in which either none or all of us are "experts" in some way (politics, rifles, etc).  It's great that we can all discuss the daily news and have civil debate on contentious matters, however these boards are no different than the real world, and if you provide information to back up your claim, you better be willing to give us some proof.  If you base your opinions off of hearsay and rumor, be prepared to be called to task when you use up bandwidth on this board to tell us about it.

The only other alternative is to treat every bit of information posted here as heresay, which essentially makes the forums useless.

So please, make it very clear when you're posting the degree to which your information is confirmed. Opinions and best guesses are OK, just don't present them as being the DS solution.

I would hate to see your enthusiasm start you down the road of our discipline system. Consider yourself warned. Relax, no need to impress, read & learn.

Slim2 - Leave the Moderating to us, and stick to the topic, please.

M MacFarlane
Army.ca Staff