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Alberta Schools; pick your own gender and bathroom

Jarnhamar said:
Someone can't stay on their friends list for the sin of disagreeing? I'd tell them to piss off and happily remove them.

...and there is the BIGGEST problem.  If you'll pardon the expression, "they" want total 'hands off'.  Equality just isn't good enough....
Bzzliteyr said:
"You've been sharing bathrooms with gays, transgendered people your whole life, you just didn't know it, this isn't a new thing"

Yup,...so who is making it an issue??  Hmmm....
The entire problem with this whole situation is NOT the LGBTQQA community - it's the ability of these recommendations to be bent to the twisted mentality of those who want to use them for their own purposes.

You really think some school kids are not going to use this to cause havoc? 

If that is truly what you believe, then I know one thing for sure: I work in the education system, and you either don't, or you are living in a dream world.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
...and there is the BIGGEST problem.  If you'll pardon the expression, "they" want total 'hands off'.  Equality just isn't good enough....

I believe the author of this meant that if you disagree with their lifestyle choices and don't agree that things are misrepresented then you can leave? Maybe it was badly expressed? "They" want to not live in fear. I think it's a fair thing to expect out of life.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Yup,...so who is making it an issue??  Hmmm....

Well, the LGBTQ community and some normal people are looking at things in life and asking "why do we have to have ladies and mens washrooms?" "Why do we need to have boys and girls toys?" "Why do I have to be a boy or a girl? Can't I just be human?" Others were born as boys but feel better and safer and confident identifying as a girl. So what? How does it change anything if they identify that way?

Really, what does it matter if the person shi**ing beside you in the washroom has a penis or vagina?

Bzzliteyr said:
I believe the author of this meant that if you disagree with their lifestyle choices and don't agree that things are misrepresented then you can leave? Maybe it was badly expressed? "They" want to not live in fear. I think it's a fair thing to expect out of life.

Bullshit........make the same joke using a heterosexual and then a homosexual and see which one causes 'moral outrage'.
True equality must come with the ability to take a shot also...........

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Bullshit........make the same joke using a heterosexual and then a homosexual and see which one causes 'moral outrage'.
True equality must come with the ability to take a shot also...........

Or maybe being considerate of other's feelings is a better approach? I'm not sure equally offending people is something to strive for?
Bzzliteyr said:
Really, what does it matter if the person shi**ing beside you in the washroom has a penis or vagina?

Zero.......to me.  But then I'd kick the frig out of the guy/girl peering over the stall at me........my daughters not so much maybe.
Oh wait.....that couldn't happen in Utopia.....
Bzzliteyr said:
Or maybe being considerate of other's feelings is a better approach? I'm not sure equally offending people is something to strive for?

....and you've never watched a stand-up comic I'm assuming??
I guess they only use animal jokes...no wait, we have PETA here tonight. Sorry, shows cancelled.......
And lets make this perfectly clear.  I have no issue with how anyone wishes to live.

BUT WE ARE ALL EQUAL.........for good things and bad things.  [yes Buzz, that can mean being on the wrong side of a decent joke]
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Zero.......to me.  But then I'd kick the frig out of the guy/girl peering over the stall at me........my daughters not so much maybe.
Oh wait.....that couldn't happen in Utopia.....

The point on this is people suggesting that it's "the gays" that will be the ones peeping over the stall, or that someone will only gender identify one way so they can peep...Which is ridiculous
Bzzliteyr said:
or that someone will only gender identify one way so they can peep...Which is ridiculous

See?  You lose me here laddie.......during my teenage years I would have done just that to cause trouble.  And like the poster in education stated above, if you don't think that will happen then I got land for sale just for you.

Edit for clarity....teenage for me  11-15.  My being an asshole caught up to me at 16 and I grew up fast.
Yes, there will be people that abuse certain things, as there are with any rules or laws.

The key thing will be for the many many more people whose lives will be improved with the new rules.
Bzzliteyr said:
Yes, there will be people that abuse certain things, as there are with any rules or laws.

The key thing will be for the many many more people whose lives will be improved with the new rules.

So I guess if a person is two spirit they can use whatever facility\ shower\ changeroom, etc that they wish, irregardless of actual physical gender, whenever they wish depending on how they feel that day?
Yes that's it. You've clearly made sense of all the confusion!!

On a side note, this:

Bzzliteyr said:
Understood, but the term "study" can be fairly broad. I'd rather a student be allowed time to study in a comfortable environment that be forced to participate in an environment that they are bullied or don't feel safe in.

That makes sense about the bullying. I'm not sure how it is now but from my own personal experience in a co-ed gym class most of the females (and some males too) would basically stand there and say this is fucking stupid the whole period. Didn't lift a finger to get involved and they would still pass.

Is it fair to give these kids a credit in gym if they don't physically partake in the gym class? Is it fair for the teacher to have to go above and beyond the normal lesson plans and come up with independent studies for students, and extra work and time grading them?

Why not just remove them from "gym" and put them in another subject they can partake in?

Bzzliteyr said:
Jarnhamar, I understand all your replies.

The thing that gets me and I saw a post about on Facebook is a tweet that sums it up (and I have to paraphrase because I can't find it)
"You've been sharing bathrooms with gays, transgendered people your whole life, you just didn't know it, this isn't a new thing"
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Yup,...so who is making it an issue??  Hmmm....
Thanks Bzzliteyr.
I'm leaning towards Bruce on this one. Who's making it an issue if it's been going on for years?

I don't think the issue is so much the bathroom. The Royal Canadian Dragoons have shared bathrooms in their shacks and there doesn't seem to be any issues. (Though I can see see young adults being uncomfortable in shared bathrooms).
I'd guess the issue is more about change rooms and showers.

Bzzliteyr said:
Well, the LGBTQ community and some normal people are looking at things in life and asking "why do we have to have ladies and mens washrooms?" "Why do we need to have boys and girls toys?" "Why do I have to be a boy or a girl? Can't I just be human?" Others were born as boys but feel better and safer and confident identifying as a girl. So what? How does it change anything if they identify that way?

I'd say it's over looking the humans that DO identify with being male or female and risking marginalizing them.  I've seen a number of comments online where people are saying "the tables have turned, how do you like it?!".
Having "the tables turn" isn't a positive outcome.

Do biological males or females who don't feel comfortable sharing change rooms and facilities with members of the oposite sex no longer get a say? Is their feelings on the issue unimportant?

I find the whole thing ironic considering we seem to accept segregation based on gender for religious purposes.
Female only swimming time schedules so they won't show their bodies to males.
Males likewise making demands about not having women present, for religious reasons. (can't think of an example off the top of my head)

I'm waiting for the biological male who identifies as female to fight to be in a religious-prompted women only environment.

Not being insensitive but could we be going a bit overboard with this gender and lifestyle stuff?
Agender, genderless, androgyne, bigender, cisgender, cissexual, genderqueer, intersex, non-binary, pangender, trigender, Third gender/Third sex, Trans man, Trans woman etc..

Anyone that's been deployed with a Scandinavian country will find that all facilities, shitters, showers and saunas, are gender neutral and these same facilities are used by both genders at the same time. A la Starship Troopers.
I just posted something that applies to a couple of the points you mention.

I see your point about the religious crazies flipping out on this stuff but isn't that where acceptance through education helps with change?

There was a time when *GASP* black people couldn't sit at the front of busses, some people pushed for change and today (in some places) we can't imagine that something as barbaric as that happened!!
Bzzliteyr said:
The key thing will be for the many many more people whose lives will be improved with the new rules.

By catering to the minority?  No, you're wrong.  Dead wrong. 

RDJP said:
By catering to the minority?  No, you're wrong.  Dead wrong. 

Really? If people start treating all people better because a minority group changed the way some things are done?