Sir, I think the first thing would be to get the Regiments to put as much time and effort into their dive capability as they do everything else. Until the units start taking the dive teams seriously on a full-time basis (and not just when a fast-ball rescue/recovery task comes up), no amount of re-tooling will be of benefit.
A couple ideas that have been tossed around the shop here in Pet in the last little bit:
- have a full-time, manned section-sized or greater (not two or three pers) capability in the Regiments a la Recce Pl. i.e. once a soldier becomes dive qualified, they spend a year or two (or more depending on manning availability) in a hard-dive position much the same way as Pathfinders/Snipers do. No sense spending all that time and money on a diver, only to have them whither away in the breezeway attached to a broom when they are motivated and ready to dive;
- maybe fully investigate/employ the older model of the CER's specializing in CS diving and the ESR in GS diving, with a small amount of cross training between the CS/GS world to satisfy local requirements;
- run more than one Basic / Sup course a year. Now before the wolves pounce, let me elaborate. It's not breaking news that all the teams are short divers and sups. The current Op tempo is working against us in a big way with the current time of year the tours deploy. Perhaps turn Ex RB into a every-second-year type thing, with the in-between years running 2 courses. This way, we can get the teams up to strength with both new divers, and enough Sups to cover off the deployment cycle so we don't end up with all of our Sups either being deployed, posted out, or out of date and requiring recerts. As of right now, 2 CER has one Sup who is current, and right now he is involved with the BOI for the young lad from 3RCR who was involved in that diving accident back in April. The other 3 sups who are not deploying or posted are all either Rescinded or waiting Recert in Sept. Not to mention that CFSME seems to run their career courses in the same time-frame as the basic/sup's courses, so potential new divers/sups cannot get trained. I think an extra course a year (every second year) would help prevent this in the future;
- if we are going to rebreather (if the powers-that-be allow it), then let's get on with it already. I'm familiar with the currency / proficiency argument, and I agree with it - but if we are going to rebreather full-time, then all the more ammo to change the books WRT how many dives per cycle are required and the hard positions required to be maintained in the unit. Easier said than done....
- have more than 5 positions in the ADC. IMO, there is way too much work for 5 pers to handle. I honestly believe that we can advance in our cause much quicker if we had more troops down there to deal with kit, training, etc. Geez, almost sounds like I've already lived it
- WRT new SOP's, instead of waiting a year for RB to roll around to try out new TTP's, why not put the word out to the units to try out different ideas for this and that, get together throughout the year to evaluate what works best, and then iron out the problems BEFORE Roguish so we can just practise the TTP's without trying to throw 8 million different things into the mix and looking like bags of hammers to our guests. Speaking of guests, I think while we are in a period of transition, maybe it might be a good idea to shitcan the invites and make it a Canadian-only ex until things have settled.
- perhaps go back to the recent days of ADC purchasing and distributing the new/shiny items vice a unit having to buy it. That way there is standardization among the teams, and we can concentrate our budgets on diver training;
- weapons. We need water compatible weapons, not C8's that will detonate with the smallest amount of water being ingested into the chamber. I still hear about Dave C.'s thumb.....I know Paul M. did some research a couple years back through HK ref MP5's, and it was shot down by some pers who were at ADC at the time. I'm sure there's specific reasons our SF/SOF diver brethren use them, and I would hazard to guess the reasoning falls in line with the findings Paul made back then with HK.
- Like I alluded to above, I think the CER's should focus in CS diving ops. No offense to the ESR fellas, but you cats don't belong to a CMBG, and by virtue of being part of 4ESR, your whole unit is more aligned for GS work. With the CS diving, obviously sneak and peek would be a large portion of the tasks, but let's get proficient with it. There's that "P" word again

. How about some PD training with the guys who do it for a living? Get some good ideas, see what works, and start getting good at it.
A lot of these points are old ones that keep popping up in the Cbt Diver community, and there's a lot more that have been thrown around lately, but my mind is starting to draw a blank. I'll post more later as I think of them.
If you guys are able to revamp the entire specialty from the ground-up, I know quite a few guys would be more than willing to do some TD down your way to help out and contribute in a meaningful way ;D