This thread intrigues me, and, being a student at the RMC, I would like to post several concerns:
"Ring knockers" :
By and large a myth - at least from what I have viewed in my four years here. Since I joind the College in 2001, Cadets in higher years than myself who are truly dedicated to the CF have constantly warned me of the "ring knocker" ideology, and to avoid playing into it. From what I have viewed here at the College throughout my second, third, and fourth year, I have seen no evidence that points towards Officer Cadets playing into this idea. I cannot speak for officers who have continued on to their regiments, but when military personnel I meet find out I am from RMC (i.e. when on leave/in town, etc.),, they automatically joke about me being a "ring knocker", thus supporting my statement that this is a myth, since I am most definately not. This idea has lived in the CF for a long time, and is passed onwards constantly to new members as far as I have seen as an insult.
Arrogant Cadets:
I would like to attack this point from a different angle that has yet to be covered. First of all, as previously stated, you will run into people like this all over the place regardless of where you end up, whether these people come from RMC or not. Tying in to the "ring knocker" theory, many Cadets at the College are dedicated to constantly pursuing higher professionalism, as the majority of us desire to become more proficient in our future careers. In doing this, we place a strong onus on the officer-NCO relationship.
I will not lie and say that all Cadets here are dedicated to future CF careers. There are those who are here simply for a degree or were recruited for varsity level sports. This is unfortunate, but there are also recruits who join the CF for the wrong reasons as well and must also be dealt with.
Officer-NCO Relationship:
As previously given, many of us going fresh to regiment have a lot to learn upon arrival. We must learn our job as well as establish good relationships with our subordinates and superiors. Overall, NCOs can not blame officers just as officers cannot blame NCOs - it is each individual's responsibilty to work hard towards establishing good working ties. And, if an officer is definitely unfit for command (another fear that floats around), it is most likely that he/she will be replaced, just as an NCO will be if he/she is lax in their duties.
Future Military Candidates (ROTP, RETP, CIVY U, etc.):
If you are accepted to RMC or civilian university, I strongly recommend that you take the offer if you wish to become an officer. It is possible to become an officer through DEO (direct entry officer - having a degree already is a prerequisite), or as a UTPNCM (University Training Plan NCM [commissioning from the ranks]). However, there are some problems concerning these choices.
DEO - After two years of waiting, my brother has finally been accepted as a pilot through the DEO program. I know of several others who have been put on the waiting list for this long or longer, without receiving a message. This may not be the case for all people applying, but I believe there are fewer slots for this option, decreasing the chances of getting it. Many people try to take this route as well, so do not become confident that you will get it right away.
UTPNCM - I have talked to several UTs whom I have gotten to know over the years, and they have told me that it is a tough selection to make, as there are few slots available. Any UTs who find this to be incorrect, please post a correction as I am most definately not as informed to the process as you are. In addition, you will not even be eligible until a certain amount of time.
Overall, DEO and UTPNCM are both viable options. However, if being an officer is what you are really interested in and you are given the offer, I recommend you take it. Just because you are accepted now does not mean that you will be in the future.
I also agree with the statements that officers should come from the ranks, as these people are more aware going into their units as to how things are run. However, this is not the case, and many good officers have come and gone without prior military experience.
Discipline at RMC:
To all those who have already, knock it if you want. However, I warn those people who do (especially first/second years), please do not become hypocrites. Before the College's problems are posted nation-wide, think to yourselves when the last time was that you picked up a piece of random garbage, told someone to wear their wedge properly, or inform someone they are not wearing appropriate dress for the mess? Just because you are first and second years does not give you the ability to turn your head away and pretend you did not see anything. This point also applies to all Cadets in general. It is just as much your responsibility to help ensure CADWINS are followed as it is a generic fourth year slasher. And I can guarantee that most of these people who complain about discipline and the actions of others have done nothing else to try and rectify the problem. For example, I have seen more heads turn away from improperly dressed Cadets than I have seen attempts to correct them. Corrections do not necessarily have to be jackings, they can be friendly gestures to keep people out of trouble.
All units have their own sets of problems to work out - but it is the actions each individual takes in upholding the rules, not complaining online, that solve the problems.
In conclusion, I want to make it clear I am in no way attacking any person who has posted on this forum. The above listed are my concerns alone, which I feel should be addressed concerning the "politics" of the Royal Military College of Canada.
I wear my ring, I do not knock it; I am enthusiastic about the career I will be launching myself into in several months; I hope I have good NCOs working under me when I go to regiment, just as I hope to serve them well and earn their respect; and, I am proud to come from this place. Everyone has pride from the things they have done in the past, and I do not believe RMC should have to be excluded simply because there are bad impressions of the place, many spurring from people who have never been there, but have simply heard rumours.
I am still very new to the CF and do not have the experience that many people who post here do, but these are my views to date.