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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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I experienced the same issue and was advised to re-apply after six consecutive months of not taking any anti-depressent medication (I was on Paxil for a small problem with anxiety attacks).  It is now re-apply time and am hoping things go good this time.
Hmmm - Signs and Symptoms basically fit pretty much everyone I know pre - caffiene in teh morning.

I have a question, that might fall under an anxiety disorder medical category:

When i was having my medical, i was asked to hold out my hands, they were slightly shaking. When i was asked about it i replied that i was nervous at the time. The med examiner was a woman...I was nearly naked...and my hands do noticeably tremble slightly when I am under pressure (it had been 4 hours since I'd had a smoke too).

I am just hoping that she did not write down any assumptions about this... Can assumptions like this be made, without the acknowledgment of an applicant...or w/o reference to medical history?

It's just that it has been a while since my medical and i was told to expect a letter....I am trying to figure out what it could be.


my first med exam was by a female WO. at the time i was nearly naked just like you (not particularly a problem for me) but i was wondering that medicals of that nature were supposed to be condusted by examiners of the same sex.
Guy. E said:
my first med exam was by a female WO. at the time i was nearly naked just like you (not particularly a problem for me) but i was wondering that medicals of that nature were supposed to be condusted by examiners of the same sex.
A little off topic here but...(and I'd also like to know the specifics behind this question)
Why would it matter if the physician/MA that was doing the physical/examination was a Male or Female?. Personally I couldn't give a rats ass, as long as they were competent. I have had female MA's inspect my nutsack...who cares. I guess I am only one in a few (both male and female) that have that point of view. They have there job to do, and I have mine.

I've been examined by both male and female Drs and have been treated by both male and female medics.  Who cares?  Get over it.  What are you going to do if one day out in the field (or overseas) you get injured and there is only a medic of the opposite sex there.  Tell them no thanks I'll wait?
All I was saying is that it is uncustomary for me to be near-naked in front of a woman(whom i do not know and did not meet at a bar) it added to my nervous state... all I'm worried about is that a note was  placed in my file reflecting my shaking hands.

All my question is, is: can an observation like this substantiate any perceived condition as pertains to my medical?

I am aware I will be far more awkward situations in the future...
Sorry if it sounded like I was 'commin aboard ya', didn't mean it to sound that way.

like i said, i didn't feel uncomfortable, i was just thinking that the CF in all its vast rules and regulations might have something different about that. thats all.
I read somewhere that if you are uncomfortable you can request a member of the same sex be present while you are getting your medical exam done, if the medical examiner is of the opposite sex.  However this probably only applies to females being examined by males, as there's not a lot of guys I know that would have a big problem with the ordeal (nervous I can understand, but thats different) ;P
While this may work in some situations, and I'm sure they will try to accomodate you if possible, beware this may not always be the case.  I have been places where I have been the only female, and I'm certain I'm not alone in that.
Guy. E said:
like i said, i didn't feel uncomfortable, i was just thinking that the CF in all its vast rules and regulations might have something different about that. thats all.

Gee, you think wouldn't you? But you'd be wrong.

Ethical guidelines are such that is the patient is uncomfortable, then the examiner may get a witness of the same sex as the patient IF AVAILABLE, to ensure there is no impropriety done to the patient. It is to protect the examiner, not to comfort the patient.

You have as much right to request a examiner the same sex as you, as they do to tell you to pound salt when you do.

I hope you won't feel uncomfortable when you are severely injured and I have to cut ALL (and I literally mean all) your clothes off, and the surgical team who is going to save your life is all persons of the opposite sex.
Yes, thank you, i understand this quite well now. This question was just one of those curiosity, just the same as "Why are Navy DEU's Black and not Navy blue?"
Yup, got my letter today from my medical...  Says I can't join because I use to have panic attacks and was on zolof...  It hurts so much...  I can't give up, it's not the Canadian way...  Why...  I tried, i aced EVERYTHING!  The PT, the CFAT, the interview...  Damn past anxiety...  It says in bold...  "Please contact your CF recruting centre for the final decision concerning your application."  Why...  Please someone, is there any hope left?  I was so excited, I waited for the letter for weeks...  I get it and...  Negative...  I had my life planned out for once...  I knew what I wanted to be...  All I wanted was to go Infantry then maybe one day go special ops or sniper...  I don't have anxiety anymore...  So any hope?
Hello all.  I recieved my letter back and I got denied because of past anxiety and panic attacks.  It says in bold letters to contact my centre for my final decision.  I talked to my recruiter she said shes going to Meaford but keep her up to date about it and she will be on top of it.  So what is my chance of getting in now?  I won't give up hope and I feel a lot better since she's helping out.  Alright, thank you!
Xoshua said:
Hello all.  I recieved my letter back and I got denied because of past anxiety and panic attacks.  It says in bold letters to contact my centre for my final decision.  I talked to my recruiter she said shes going to Meaford but keep her up to date about it and she will be on top of it.  So what is my chance of getting in now?  I won't give up hope and I feel a lot better since she's helping out.  Alright, thank you!

Unless something in the letter gives you some sort of solution for the future you are never getting in.  They only put "contact the CFRC/D for the final decision" in the letter so that the CFRC/D can tell you that until you can meet the medical standards of the CF there is nothing they can can do for you.  Good luck in whatever your future may bring you.
Xoshua said:
Yup, got my letter today from my medical...  Says I can't join because I use to have panic attacks and was on zolof...  It hurts so much...  I can't give up, it's not the Canadian way...  Why...  I tried, i aced EVERYTHING!  The PT, the CFAT, the interview...  Damn past anxiety...  It says in bold...  "Please contact your CF recruting centre for the final decision concerning your application."  Why...  Please someone, is there any hope left?  I was so excited, I waited for the letter for weeks...  I get it and...  Negative...  I had my life planned out for once...  I knew what I wanted to be...  All I wanted was to go Infantry then maybe one day go special ops or sniper...  I don't have anxiety anymore...  So any hope?

Unless something in the letter gives you some sort of solution for the future you are never getting in.  They only put "contact the CFRC/D for the final decision" in the letter so that the CFRC/D can tell you that until you can meet the medical standards of the CF there is nothing they can can do for you.  Good luck in whatever your future may bring you.
Maybe the army is right...

you,  anxious?

Well, you started a SECOND THREAD on the same topic.  I'd say you're still anxious.  ;)
(incidentally, you got the same reply in both threads from Kincanucks)

Time for a LOCK.. on both..
