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Anyone ever wondered about this..........?

Ali G

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Hello everyone, I found out about this place after doing some intense research about future possibilities as a CF pilot. And I can honestly say that this place has answered more questions I have than anywhere else I've been to. But more about that later.

So anyhow, here's an interesting thought, imagine a fighter pilot who desperately needs to use the washroom, doing high G maneuvers. End result?

End result would be a wet stinky flight suit - you're likely on aviation oxygen then anyway, so you won't smell anything until you get back.  Off course your ground crew may dislike you somewhat...

Ali G

Before you go any further, read the Rules of Conduct for this site.

As for your above questions:  Plan ahead for your 'trip'.  Before you get all bundled up in your bunny suit, boots and mitts, have your Mommy take you to the bathroom.  That way you don't have to pester Daddy to stop the car because you have to go.
Sorry if I sounded immature in my post, but this is a genuine question I've pondered about. And after doing some research regarding piddle packs (which I honestly didn't know about before), I came across this.


Apparently this had been a real problem! So again, I'm sorry if I came off the wrong foot here for asking this question. But hey, the more you learn right?
Ali G said:
Sorry if I sounded immature in my post, but this is a genuine question I've pondered about. And after doing some research regarding piddle packs (which I honestly didn't know about before), I came across this.
Apparently this had been a real problem! So again, I'm sorry if I came off the wrong foot here for asking this question. But hey, the more you learn right?

Obviously you can't pull over to the side of the road, put the aircraft in auto pilot mode & walk back to the can, or any of the other things we all take for grantede....

As they say, you gotta go, when you gotta go - Sooo... plan ahead & have your Pee before bundling up.... else you'll have a wet seat and an unhappy ground crew.
Ali G said:
Sorry if I sounded immature in my post, but this is a genuine question I've pondered about. And after doing some research regarding piddle packs (which I honestly didn't know about before), I came across this.


Apparently this had been a real problem! So again, I'm sorry if I came off the wrong foot here for asking this question. But hey, the more you learn right?

You didn't sound immature at all. I've always wondered that myself.  Some people just have holier than though attitudes you'll get used to it ;)
Cancel IFR, land in a field, find a bush.

Problem solved  :)
geo said:
Obviously you can't pull over to the side of the road, put the aircraft in auto pilot mode & walk back to the can, or any of the other things we all take for grantede....

As they say, you gotta go, when you gotta go - Sooo... plan ahead & have your Pee before bundling up.... else you'll have a wet seat and an unhappy ground crew.

Hmmmm....it's not like the movies.  You cant just fly upside down and crack open the cockpit of a fighter jet... 
George Wallace said:
Ali G

Before you go any further, read the Rules of Conduct for this site.

As for your above questions:  Plan ahead for your 'trip'.  Before you get all bundled up in your bunny suit, boots and mitts, have your Mommy take you to the bathroom.   That way you don't have to pester Daddy to stop the car because you have to go.

Piddle Pack?  I've never seen anyone with one during my time on OJT at a fighter unit.  And I did go on X-Country.

George:  On a 6 hrs mission across the pond, drinking juice and eating food, there is no doubt you'll have to go at one point, even if you emptied your bladder before the trip!

SupersonicMax said:
Piddle Pack?  I've never seen anyone with one during my time on OJT at a fighter unit.  And I did go on X-Country.

George:  On a 6 hrs mission across the pond, drinking juice and eating food, there is no doubt you'll have to go at one point, even if you emptied your bladder before the trip!



I do a 10 hour trip between Ont/Gagetown stopping at every Timmies on the way & for gas. I can hold it!! Maybe George is special too?  ;)
I'm the same.....drove from Toronto to Gagetown many times, I stop for gaz, but the bladder if fine.
Pee before you go.

If I am not mistaken there is a pee bag, I worked on the Ejection seats not the seat pack.

They used to have a tube that you could go in and it would dump it out the bottom of the aircraft.
ArmyVern said:

I do a 10 hour trip between Ont/Gagetown stopping at every Timmies on the way & for gas. I can hold it!! Maybe George is special too?  ;)

I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying that it's not abnormal to have to go when you drink 15 of those little juice boxes, strapped in tight in a seat (which, pushes your stomach and bladder ;))  Conditions aren't the same in a jet than in a wagen ;)
