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Anyone on the April BOTC??


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I finally got called today for infantry officer. Course starts April 16th in St-Jean.

Anyone else going to be there?
I'll be there doing BOTP/SLT starting in May. Welcome aboard, and enjoy IAP.
Congratulations ! I'll be there too on April 16th. Got my call last Friday. Hope to see you there !
I'm flying out of Comox 14 Apr for the mid April course.  There's another wannabe pilot friend of mine out of Edmonton that will be there too, (CasperTr11).  Cya there!
Ill be there on April 16th too, Im french tho so I think they will place us in different classes right?
Aye, Lads - I'll be there.  As will Hopeful_Officer_Girl! Congrats to her, as she just got her offer for Log O, Ahroo!
    Passed the NOAB and will be in IAP/BOTP on April 16th.
Hey everyone,

I`ll be there as well. (pilot) St-Jean is only half an hour from my home in Montreal so no big move for me.  Anyone know how we are divided over there? 
Divided? I suspect we'll get put into managable chunks so we can be trained.  That being said, since you live the closest Rounder, guess that means weekend parties are at your house, hrm?  ;D
  I just got my offer yesterday, but they told me I start the 23rd in St. Jean, does that make sense? you guys all seem to get there earlier.
  I just got my offer yesterday, but they told me I start April the 23rd in St. Jean, does that make sense? you guys all seem to get there earlier.
I will be there too, the course will be end at August, if i am right.
Are we talking about reg force or reserve here?

    I think it is a reg course. Mine ends on Aug 3rd. Anyone from NOAB 0701?
yea, Aug3rd is what i am told. but they never told me the course number. I will probably the oldest guy on the course.
    I think that the BOTC is the new name for the 9 week IAP and the 5 week BOTP. Of course, I've been wrong before. Once. Maybe.