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Anyone part of the Westies?


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Curious if anyone is stationed with the New Westminister Regiment here in BC.  :warstory:
there are a couple of us here. I don't think the others know about me. but they will now.
Which company?  A or B, I hafto go in sometime this week and have my paperwork switched from Reg's to Primary Reserves. 

What a cluster fuck.  They're maken me go to the barracks in New west, picking up a referal.  Than going down to CFRC Vancouver and dropping it off than going BACK to the barracks to fill out the application there than going to CFRC Vancouver again to drop it off.  You think 2 and a half years of trying to join the Army would be enough hoops to jump through.. guess they are giving me a few more for shits n giggles.

It's just gonna be a pain getting to Aldergrove from Pitt Meadows without a car.  Should make things interesting.

Unit Referral letters are in essence an authorisation letter, stating that the Unit you want to go to has space for you and that they are willing to take you on strength in the MOC you have applied for, which would be R031.

If you're frustrated with the paper trail now, wait for it. You'll likely hear circus music in your head at times because of the hoops you're going to have to jump through over the course of your career.

I am certain there must be other reasons for your application taking 2 and a half years. Is it possible that you haven't made all of your appointments for the various stages of testing? Have you had other things like school, work or family keeping you from getting in to see the recruiters? It could also be possible that your background check may have had delays. Many of the parts of the process are not internal to the military as they get farmed out to other Federal agencies who are responsible for the information neccessary to complete the forms. The process usually only takes between 3 and 5 months overall, although the target time is 6-8 weeks.

Reg force applications sometimes take longer. If changing your application from the Regs to the Reserves, or vice versa, it can add paper to the process. You shouldn't have to fill out the application again as it's already there. The referral letter is simply what I described above.

Keep in mind that the process is like any other job. It's competitive.

As for a cluster.........Well, until you've served, reserve your comments about military cluster f*** situations until you've been in one.

Keep on trucking, you'll sort it out.
I am certain there must be other reasons for your application taking 2 and a half years. :
This isn't from application process.  This is from the start when I ran into Highschool transcript issues.  I was out of highschool for 2 and a half years, due to Surgery/Illness, and didn't meet the requirements.  So I had to take the issue to the school board and they essentially judicated (pushed) me from grade 9 to 11.  And just last September I was able to take the CFAT but failed because of the math.  I was specifically told to come back once that was brought up to par.  Going from grade 8-9 level math to 11-12 is extremely difficult.  So much so I barely know Algebra and my Arithmitic is very scetchy.  But since January I've been back takeing a grade 11/12 course of math but that only covers Algebra so I'm stuck reading GED books to cover my Arithmitic half on my own.  How fun.  But I'm makeing some progress but I am worried of failing the CFAT again.

As for a cluster.........Well, until you've served, reserve your comments about military cluster f*** situations until you've been in one.
I call this Civilian, I just can't wait for the military side of things.. how exciting  ;D :P .

One thing I can proudly say is I'm takeing this all in stride and I'm learning a lot about Buacracy and it's showed that I have the detirmination to get through this crap.  2 and a half years just to get to the CFAT, you don't know how much of a milestone that was.  I've made it this far, I'll be damned if I quit now!

But yeah everything has been taken care of pretty much.  Medically I'm fit, I'm in excellent shape and I just had my last test run (civilian side) and that was my Asthma test - which I found out I no longer suffer from.  So my last worry was pretty much obliterated there :) .  Now it's just the CFAT to get out of the way and I'm very confident nothing will get in my way after this.  I run a mile in 7 mins 56 seconds (last time I checked, probably bring that down a lot lower) and I can run 4-5 km's Continuous.

I made a new years resolution, this is my year.  I'm getting into the Army if I hafto crawl from here to Ottawa to get in.  I'm goen at it tooth and nail.  So I'm sure I'll be seeing you guys soon enough  :salute:
