recceguy said:
Except that politicians don't do what the people want, once elected. They do what the party wants.
Broad, over the top, I know. However, I don't think I'm that wrong.
We'll have to agree to disagree ... political parties have advanced the science of "market research" father, faster than the retail industry ever did. Political parties poll regularly and assiduously because their success is measured in votes ... you need to campaign
and govern on a platform that people want, and, very, Very, VERY often what most people want is less or, at the very least, no more spending on symphony orchestras, opera halls and the military.
Now, I'm happy to agree that, in the case of the Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democrats, too, the party establishment is, for the most part, found amongst the so-called
Laurentian Elites and they are, broadly and generally, anti-military or, at least, "for" peace and the UN and so on and
believe that e.g. peacekeeping can be done safely and cheaply. But they, like the campaign teams, must fall into line with what the public wants ... and all that polling says that the public wants a cleaner environment and less carbon emissions and better treatment for First Nations and gender and racial equality right along with more, better jobs, more generous social programmes, better health care and lower taxes. The people, writ large, the voters don't care about their national defence until it is (almost) too late. The government ~ Conservative or Liberal ~ is only too happy to oblige because it already has too many difficult to impossible fiscal balls to juggle ...
Some governments,
Paul Martin's and
Stephen Harper's between 2004 and 2012 probably did care and probably did have ambitions to give Canada a better and maybe even bigger and better funded military but, even with Afghanistan, there were always too many other, often more politically important priorities ... absent a real big, costly (I mean casualty lists in the dozens or more every single day) war or a HUGE scandal defence will never climb to the top of the "importance" poll.
So, my old friend, politicians are doing what most people want, most of the time ... it's just that they, the people, almost never want what is important to you and me.