seems like you are describing a Mistral sized ship and deck
If what we are describing is just a class to give aviation support, the best example would be
RFA Argus, probably as configured from 1985 to 2009.
What would probably be a logical leap for us, if we were to first get three or four Protecteurs instead of 2, and wanted a more robust aviation capability, while making it a more flexible ship (a Joint Support Ship, if you will), would be something like the
Karel Doorman. Two spots, a couple of stuff spaces, room for containers and a crane along the starboard side, 6 hangar spaces, 1 RAS station per side, etc, etc.
Mistral is an amphib at heart. Although I can argue why an amphib would be nice (or a carrier), it requires too much more stuff, and having 5 or 6 spots is only justified if you want to be able to launch five or 6 at the sam time (that's littoral maneuver, and you need a lot more helos in the force). It's too much of a leap.
I'm not saying Karel Doorman is the right answer, because we haven't defined what other capabilites the ship could have, but in my mind it is a realistic step up.
By the way, if we had 4 Protecteurs and 2 Karel Doormans, then I'd be more comfortable with 60Rs, as long as we got enough of them, and added a logical amount of 60Ss (which is like a 60R but less ASW and more other stuff, including utility). 60Rs for the escorts, 2 x 60Ss for each AOR (to better do all the stuff other than ASW), and a mix of 60Rs and Ss on the Karel Doormans (to provide concentation of air power and support depth to both fleets deployed).
But even that would require a pretty big leap in MH capability. That is in the realm of a Squadron deployed with a Task Group, so in effect your going from one Sqn per coats to two...