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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

Thats how slow it is, I posted that message on the third of April and it was posted on the fourth. ;) ;D ::) :brickwall: :deadhorse:

TN2IC said:
Today is the fourth..... I think...
GUNS said:
Back to normal :salute:

Anyone else getting the "data base error" message box when trying to post today ? Three times in a row now. :'(
It was perfect this morning and now  :brickwall:

Its slower than Harper's promises coming to fruition. ;D
Well.....At least he is keeping his promises.....unlike some others...

Looks like the popularity of the site is causing bottlenecks.
I wonder what the issue is, it's been really bad all day and for a few days actualy
Yea it's been bad today but right now it seems to be good.  Guess I will use the site at night and early in the morning that way I will miss the mid-day rush.
Oh man - Brutally slow...I wondered if it was just me.

This must change however possible. Very frustrating.
Nfld Sapper said:
Think you should stay in school and learn to spell  ;D
Yes yes, I tried the spell check after I saw it, but the site went on me  ;)