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ASC Study Guide

Hey everyone, I did my aircrew selection in august and got merit listed in October due to some delays. I got the call a few days ago for DEO pilot position, with basic officer training starting Jan 7.  I can provide tips to those who don't have flying experience: try to get at least one hour in an actual simulator at a flight school, which can run you about 100-150 dollars per hour, but it is definitely worth the investment. I had about 80 hours flight and still went in for a sim session. If you can, have the instructor at the flight school set it to the most difficult setting (turbulence, thunderstorms, clouds, zero visibility) and focus on your six instruments the whole time.  Make sure to take breaks between maneuvers, glance at something else, give your elbows and hands a quick break, dont stare at the instruments for an entire hour... it can affect your focus throughout the duration of the test.

You are being tested on following instructions, maintaining your flight using your instruments, and your reaction time if (when) one or more of your instruments starts to slip out of balance.  Do the best you can, I have heard of commercial pilots failing because of simple things like not following the steps outlined to them, or cutting corners in a maneuver.  Do what you are instructed to, to the best of your abilities, and do not panic if it goes wrong, as that often makes things worst.  Calmly and quickly correct your controls and be sure not to over correct!  At the end of the day, this is a test, if you have what they are looking for, great. If not, there's always a chance to come back and do it again (after completing a PPL).  If thats not an option or you arent interested enough, maybe this isn't the right path.  Either way there is a line up of people waiting for the opportunity and I am thankful that I received mine.

Best of luck to those in the selection process now! Do your best and remember to keep calm in the sim.
If anyone has any question about the process feel free to ask!