This article suggests that kids over 12 need 'parental permission', you know, like for the typical school out trip
The Dutch government has approved plans to allow euthanasia for terminally ill children aged between one and 12.
On Tuesday, Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said the rule change would prevent some children from "suffering hopelessly and unbearably".
Euthanasia is currently legal in the Netherlands for children older than 12, with mandatory consent from the patient and their parents.
It is also legal for babies up to a year old with parental consent.
Netherlands backs euthanasia for terminally ill children under-12
The Dutch government approves plans to allow euthanasia for some terminally ill
So this is where I got my original information.
I fully believe that mature minors will be allowed eventually as they are allowed an abortion without their parents knowledge. More and more it seams that medical professionals see parents as an obstacle to children blindly believing and following their medical advice.