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At the unit awaiting the BMQ - lowest of the low?


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My first new posting here, lots of searching but if I missed this info, please delete this:

A friend told me that while parading at the reserve unit prior to (or while) attending the weekend BMQ, I would be required to come to attention for Privates and treat them as if they were a Sergeant ("YES PRIVATE!!!").

Is this true or is it just a local unit thing? I know I will be told all when I get there for my first night, I had just never heard of that extending to Privates.

Thanks in advance for your insight.
Yes and no...

    I've noticed that in the reserves different units act differently. When you show up,  they'll tell you what to do, how to do it and when to do it.  The new recruits in my unit don't come to attention unless doing drill - they don't see anyone with a bar on their uniform thicker than a spaghetti strip.  I have to deal with the officers and I don't always come to attention.  :salute:  Come to think of it ... I've only been coming to attention for drill and saluting. 

    Like I said,  you will be told clearly what is typical for your unit. That is what I've been pleasantly surprised about the CF,  they tell you very clearly what is expected. :warstory: 

    In my humble opinion,  just kick back and enjoy it.  Remember,  this is the fun stuff.
Don't know as to how easy/useful doing something like that would be because they are waiting for there BMQ and therefore have no formal (Correct) training in Drill, GMK, or Rank structure so the most I could see the unit saying (and this is what is done at my unit) would be to sit back watch observe and be respectful...Sounds like there could be a few Pte(b)s. having some fun there...
Not to be disrespectful, but in battle school (yeah long time ago, '82) our storeman was a one-hooker; may the almighty have mercy on the soul of any recruit who didn't come to attention and address the private if any of the instructing staff were there! (did plenty of push-ups and remedial drill myself until it finally sunk through my thick skull! LOL - ah memories); though might have been the times and/or my regiment.

xo31@711ret said:
Not to be disrespectful, but in battle school

Oh yea,  when in training it is a good idea to come to attention when you see something moving unless you KNOW it is just another recruit. It was a different story for me when at the reserve unit before training.  They had us wear uniforms without the corn flake so people would know not to be to mean to us if we forgot to salute or come to attention or the such.  Once again,  you'll be told what is appropriate at the time in different contexts.  Watch your surroundings and listen,  chances are you'll be told what is to be done - if you make a mistake likely you'll just be corrected, not berated.  (Different in BMQ/BOTC though)

    And no,  as an untrained private you are not the lowest of the low.  That is reserved for the odd-ball designation Ocdt :blotto:
Sheepdog said:
My first new posting here, lots of searching but if I missed this info, please delete this:

A friend told me that while parading at the reserve unit prior to (or while) attending the weekend BMQ, I would be required to come to attention for Privates and treat them as if they were a Sergeant ("YES PRIVATE!!!").

Is this true or is it just a local unit thing? I know I will be told all when I get there for my first night, I had just never heard of that extending to Privates.

Thanks in advance for your insight.

This is not ususal. Very odd indeed. If it does happen, you might try insisting on the 'private' at least returning the compliment as is mandatory! Famous story about Chesty Puller, USMC General ....

"When Chesty was a major, he once came upon an interesting scene: a private was standing at Attention, saluting over and over, as a young Butter Bar stood in front of him. Chesty walked up and addressed the El Tee. "What's going on, Old Man?" "This Marine, Sir. He neglected to salute me as we passed, and I've ordered him to salute one hundred times." Chesty said, "You're right, Lieutenant. So right. But you know that an officer must return every salute he receives -- now let me see you get to it, and do your share."

Well, some interesting comments.

Thanks to all!

I will, of course, listen carefully knowing full well that I will be told everything I need to know when I get there. I fully expect to get yelled at - I'm heading into 'basic' after all. And yes, I will enjoy it.  :pushup:

Don't know if there are any OCdt's at the unit... lol

Thanks for your comments!
Zell_Dietrich said:
    And no,  as an untrained private you are not the lowest of the low.  That is reserved for the odd-ball designation Ocdt :blotto:

I'm not sure where you got this info.

As an untrained OCdt., you are essentially on the same level as an untrained Private. 

In the regular force, you can have OCdt.'s that have more TI than Sergeants and beyond (CFR etc...) .  Come to think about it, you could have this happen is the PRes. as well.

Put it this way, I am one of those lowly OCdt's, that may have more TI than many Pte.'s or even some Cpl.'s (pushing 4 years now ;D).  So easy what you say about the OCdt's.  It's one of those ranks that you really can't assume the background of the individual.


Edited for Spelling
Quag said:
In the regular force, you can have OCdt.'s that have more TI than Segeants and beyond (CFR etc...) .  Come to think about it, you could have this happen is the PRes. as well.

Most humbling experience of my life.

10 years.. took CFR .. went from MCpl to OCdt.

The looks of disdain I got from people..... for being a lowly OCdt.
Funny enough.. almost the same looks I got from people as a 2lt.  ;)

Case in point.

Yes, to me, I see 2Lt. as a training rank.  This is because most people that are 2Lt. are either finishing up their trade training, or just posted to a unit where they will be promoted to Lt. shortly after.

They still hold the Queen's Comission though. ;)
Quag said:
In the regular force, you can have OCdt.'s that have more TI than Segeants[sic] and beyond (CFR etc...) .  Come to think about it, you could have this happen is the PRes. as well.

I'll go easy on you, but let me point out what should be obvious:

CFR stands for "Commissioned From the Rank."  Commission being the operative word here. No one in their right mind would take a CFR if it meant starting as a Ocdt, what would be the point?

But hey, not my monkey, not my zoo.
My mistake.

I should have said "From the Ranks".

I know some people that were Sgt.'s and became OCdt.'s.

You have to start somewhere.  I know what you are thinking that they should be starting out at Lt. or whatever, but it depends on what PLQ's they have etc...
xo31@711ret said:
Not to be disrespectful, but in battle school

I used to be res and now I'm reg. When i did res "battle" school they really didn't care that much about ranks other than officers, that's the only time we came to attention. But when i did Reg battle school 24 apr o6 We had to come to attention for all ranks including Pte and address them by ranks.
Quag said:
So easy what you say about the OCdt's.  It's one of those ranks that you really can't assume the background of the individual.

Sorry if I offended,  I of course meant that for Untrained Ocdts (who are generaly not treated as gingerly  :warstory:)  :salute:
I'm an Ocdt,  I've been informed in a not so subtle way I'm considered beneith untrained ptes by a WO, a few Cpls and one pte.  :warstory:

I wonder if the pte wants me to come to attention when speaking to him.  :blotto:
No you didn't offend at all haha.  I'm just sick and tired of seeing OCdt.'s walked over, as some view them as Pte(R)'s, when some have the experience of being Sgt's etc...

Zell_Dietrich said:
I'm an Ocdt,  I've been informed in a not so subtle way I'm considered beneith untrained ptes by a WO, a few Cpls and one pte.  :warstory:

I don't understand how you can be?

It is very unprofessional by the WO, Cpls and Pte to say.  Do they not know rank structure?  I've been involved in a thread about this before, and it was common opinion that a trained OCdt. (now I was talking about myself a Reg.), does not have to come to attention for Cpls, MCpls, etc... (outside of training courses of course)

You may be low on the officer scale, but you are still an officer as OCdt.  If anyone wants to argue this, start reading the CFAO's and QR&O's...

However they have a point with UNTRAINED OCdt's.  Once again though, you are not in any way shape or form beneath untrained Pte's.
How about to cut and paste the appropriate QR&O's or CFAO's, I don't have time to bother looking this up, it seems very trivial in the end. But I would like to see where it states that Ocdt's are officers.

Dissident said:
How about to cut and paste the appropriate QR&O's or CFAO's, I don't have time to bother looking this up, it seems very trivial in the end. But I would like to see where it states that Ocdt's are officers.

You mean this part?:


QR& Volume I


(1) The ranks of officers and non-commissioned members shall be as set out in Column I of the Schedule to the National Defence Act, which provides:


1. General
2. Lieutenant-General
3. Major-General
4. Brigadier-General
5. Colonel
6. Lieutenant-Colonel
7. Major
8. Captain
9. Lieutenant
10. Second Lieutenant
11. Officer Cadet


12. Chief Warrant Officer
13. Master Warrant Officer
14. Warrant Officer
15. Sergeant
16. Corporal
17. Private

Try being less lazy.