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Hey, got my call and accepted my offer on April 23rd from Edmonton CFRC.  Is there anyone else going August 18th from Edmonton?  I was curious if you have received a date for being sworn in.  I have not heard anything yet and am still waiting for my update and contract.

McConnell, Chris
Infantry DEO

Looking forward to seeing you all there.  It will be a great summer/fall/winter
Hello everyone (including McLovin');

Is anyone doing any preporatory training for August? I've let up on the weight training and have begun focusing more on cardio. Anyone starting any new routines?

I'm doing crossfit.com WOD. I'm adding some cadio by doing interval 400m and 800m. Plus some endurance training with weighted vest. I'm training 3 day on 1 day off.
I run 4-5 times a week, one of those days is an interval run (usually 3 minutes as hard as I can/3 minute jog...repeated 3 times) I also weight lift 5 days a week. I try to add pushups in there either as a warm up or do a lot on the days i don't go to the gym. I know i should probably just stop going to the gym and weight lifting and focus on push ups and sit ups only, but hell, weight lifting is the one part of my routine i really enjoy. I do need to do more push ups tho since i can only pull out 30, and although im doing them like the CF told us to, you never know how many they won't count. Im just finding it hard switch my gym time which i really really enjoy with push ups and sit up time which i don't enjoy at all.

By the time I get to BMOQ on August 18th it would have taken me just over 7 months form dropping off my application to starting basic.
I have no Previous military experience so I am kinda worried about that.

I am a DEO officer entry
Age: 27 (28 on first week of basic, august 25th)
MOC: Infantry Officer
Recruting centre: MOntreal Downtown (which caused alot of language frustration seeing as though i only speak english right now)

My workouts have steadly increased....

I work alot so I have started walking the 8K to work and back with 30Lbs of cat litter in my backpack....I am steadily increasing the weight 2.5 lbs per week
I do as many push ups/ sit-ups as i can in the morning and at night (currently 25 push ups using push-up bars bars and easily 50 sit ups 3 sets)
As for running..well I know I really need to get on this the most but i can never seem to find time....I make it out about 2 times a week and run for about 3-4K stopping every once in awhile to walk when i am totally winded.
Any suggestions for improvement?

I am starting to soak my feet for an hour before bed in STRONG tea, as i have heard this tuffens up your feet soles....also i am going tostart walking outside with no shoes on to get some nice leathery feet going.

OK any suggestions welcome.....Hope to see all you there and good luck to all.

Toilet Kavorka said:
I have no Previous military experience so I am kinda worried about that.

The course is not designed for people with military experience. If it was it wouldnt be called Basic training.
Toilet, for the running i would suggest running at least 4 k without stopping, unless you are trying to shed some pounds. I can only speak from my experience as an "in shape" guy but with terrible cardio. About 2 months ago i started running, and it was tough for me to do 2 k without huffing and puffing. I just kept running, and didn't worry about the pace (although a good pace came very quickly.) Seriously, after like 3 weeks i was able to run 5k, and now i can do 10k, although it takes me 50 minutes. My 2.4 started at 12 minutes 2 months ago, and i did it this week at 9:35. I would suggest doing something like running as hard as you can for 3 minutes and walking/jogging for 3 minutes and repeating that at least 3 times. Thats what i did once a week right when i started, and it was pure hell. But my cardio increased dramatically. Plus, i smoke, so if you don't, you could probably blow these times away.

As for the walking with wieght in a back pack and getting the feet tough, i think i want to just experience that at basic. Maybe it sounds crazy but i want to struggle through that sort of pain and come out the other side tougher. Blisters will suck, and the ruck march will be tough, but whatever, pain is only temporary. (Maybing ill be wishing i prepared for those things before i left but i don't think i will.)

Yeah I figures that the Basic thing worked out for me as far as no Military Exp went...but the initial post did ask what military exp we had...and i still think it might help a bit to have some (although from what i read alot of people in cadets seems to be told to shut up and not mention it)

As for the running VM ... I will try what you say about runnnig straight out for 3 min then a jog/walk for 3min... and you mean re[eat that at least 3 times during the 4K? I really do need to improve on the running and I hear you about the wheezing after 2 k but maybe that is because i run on a slight downhill for the first then on a slight uphill for the second k...............I do this cause i heard that running hills is very good.

I hear you on that "struggle through the pain" thing....but I think i will try to leave the blisters out as much as humanly possible, and just struggle through all the other pain stuff during basic..........as for the extra weight in my daily walks....well I just figured i would get use to carrying the weight and that it would make the walk more like a mini exercise (simply walking to work no weight  hardly breaks a sweat)

Cheers and thanks for the suggestions


Toilet, don't do the 3 minutes run 3 minutes walk/jog on a day you would do the 4k run. Say you run 4 times a week, 3 of those days I would do a longer distance not "killing yourself" speed. Probably best to aim for 4-6k. The other day you do the 3 minute thing. When you do the 3 minute run its nice to see how far you get on each set of running 3 minutes, that way you will see how much you improve over the weeks. So for that day it will take you a total of 18 minutes. Its the one day where if you feel like puking after its a good thing.

Now this has worked quite well for me, but i know some others would say they have better suggestions for improving running. So don't take this as the absolute best option. I'm just telling you whats worked for me.
A life (well, foot and crotch) saver at BASIC is apparently this stuff called Bodyglide. Look it up on ebay. It looks like deorderant but acts more like a lubricant. It's specifically made for runners, cyclists, and obese people (to ward off chaffing). I spoke with a guy at my gym who just finished his BASIC and he said, "Honestly, dude, this stuff is the best gift you could have while away at training."

The only problem is that I can't find it anywhere in town (Belleville).  I'll end up buying it on ebay ($30 with S&H!).

As for the exercising, I'm easing up on my weight training. I'm still lifting, but I take less time between sets, and I upped the reps and lowered the weight. I'm running/jogging in sets too, kinda like you mentioned VM. I can easily jog for 45 min. to an hour, but I'm not sure about the pace with the morning PT at basic. I'm also going to do a "mock" march next month for 13 km (outside, with weighted pack). To prepare mentally, I'm also thinking about going for 5 am runs two weeks prior to leaving.

All in all, I think I'm trying to take the suprise element out of my training in August. I'm not sure if this is counter-productive or simply good planning. Meh!

- Darren
So this body glide stuff.....do you just put it on the soles of your feet ?? Do you not use Gold bond (which is what I heard to use)


It sounds kinda cool just not sure on what/how to best use it.

Never mind part of that last question...

I just found this product description on-line for anyone interested:

"Body Glide helps prevent symptoms of irritation of skin including blisters, chafing, rash, dryness, cracked skin and saddle sores! This anti-blister and chafing stick is non-greasy and goes on without a mess. Body Glide's technically advanced formula is oil free and petroleum free so it won’t clog pores and stands-up to water and sweat.
Good in hot or cold weather
Washes-off with soap
Won’t clog pores
Upper Body: for irritation from bras (sports bras), under arms, nipple rub. Thighs & Groin: for chafing caused by rubbing, and for saddle sores. Feet: helps prevent blisters, hot-spots, cracked heels, and dry skin (also for corns and calluses). Body Glide can be used with athletic shoes, sandals, casual dress shoes and heels.
Body Glide is made with all natural ingredients No animal testing "

Still not sure if you would use Gold bond with it or just it by itself.

They sell Body Glide at the Running Room. Here in Halifax it was $7.99 so forget Ebay!
I have been reading the posts on this site for the last few months while waiting for my offer; it was definitely very helpful.
Great news though!  ;D Just got my offer today. M.O.C. Infantry with the PPCLI. Swearing in is in Vancouver on July 24 2008; BMQ starts August 4. I waited six nerve racking months. Definitely worth it though.
Anybody else heading out to BMQ from Vancouver? Be nice to at least know some people somewhat before getting there. :salute:
For what it's worth, on page 2 there's a huge August 2008 BMOQ thread already.

Congrats though!
Are there still spots open for August 18/25?  Does anyone know?
I just did my NOAB last week.  From what I've heard, there are still a few spots left on the 25th, but those won't last long at all.  August 18th was full a long time ago I believe.  However, there might be another BMOQ starting September 1st.  If you miss this one, there probably won't be another one until January of next year.