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I got the call this week.  I will be there on Aug 10th.  Can't wait :)

Name: Andrew
From: Ottawa
Hmmm..seems like everybody on this thread is scheduled for the Aug 11 2008...Oh well see you guys and gals around :salute:
Hey All, I had my interview on July 10th for AERE and my interviewer told me that I might still make the August BMOQ.
But it seems like that everyone has already got the offer. Does anyone know whether there is a board meeting before August BMOQ?
If not, I guess I should wait until next January. Thanks in advance.
August BMOQ 's are full. 1 Sep BMOQ has some spots left.

There is no board for AERE, it is Open Selection List (OSL) which is a local selection by the Production Officer (Prod O) at your CFRC if he has any vacancies left. Your CFRC should be able to tell you with some accuracy what your chances of getting a job offer are. Which CFRC are you processing through?

Thank you CFR FCS for the quick reply. I'm through CFRC Toronto.
My interviewer told me that there were a total of 10 openings for AERE and I had a better chance of making it.
Hopefully, I get an offer in the coming weeks. Thank you again.
CFR FCS said:
August BMOQ 's are full. 1 Sep BMOQ has some spots left.

There is no board for AERE, it is Open Selection List (OSL) which is a local selection by the Production Officer (Prod O) at your CFRC if he has any vacancies left. Your CFRC should be able to tell you with some accuracy what your chances of getting a job offer are. Which CFRC are you processing through?


I got one question here about OSL. Is the Sigs also under OSL? I would like to know my chances because I just dropped by CFRC Toronto today and signed a paper including the date but they can't tell me some numbers.  I mean the wait time for a job offer. A lot of thanks in advance.  :salute:
After a lot of stories I have read here and from what people have told me, my process seems to have gone by really fast. I handed in my initial application July 3rd. I did my aptitude on the 14th, had my medical and interview the very next day (7:30 in the bloody morning to boot). My interviewer told me I would start as soon as August. . . I would get a call as soon as my medical paperwork was processed. From what people have told me, I seem to be shuffling through awfully fast.

I should add, I'm Tanya and I'm from Ottawa.
Well Tanya i think it depends on how many people apply and stuff.
My process took about a month which I was told was fast as well but hopefully everything turns out good and you get in :) :salute:
loki1988 said:
Well Tanya i think it depends on how many people apply and stuff.
My process took about a month which I was told was fast as well but hopefully everything turns out good and you get in :) :salute:
;) Lucky bugger M

It might be that the Ottawa CFRS is fast or that whatever you applied for is in great need of people.  I applied June 2, there was a 3 week delay due to my doctor being on vacation, I am currently waiting for my medical clearance.  They told me if I get merit listed (hopefully this week) I could be gone in 3 weeks.  Subrtract the 3 week delay and that makes about 8 weeks for the whole process.
Hey Everyone,

It seems that no one has posted yet that they are going to the August 18th BMQ so I will be the first one.  My MOC is Naval Electronic Sensor Operator and I am heading out from Kitchener, Ontario.

I swear in on July 31st and am taking the train to St Jean on Aug 17th.


Finally! YEY.
DEO ARTY starting August 25th.
Swearing in on the 14th at CFRC Vancouver.

This process started back in October (or perhaps when I was 4!)
Anyone else in Vancouver on that course?
Looking forward to meeting you all.

Hey everyone!

I got the call the other day after a year of hard work to get passed some red tape!!!!! I swear in on the 30th and I start BMQ august 4th!!!

See you all there!

=> Varpalotai, H TECH
for people Starting their BMQ Augest 4th 08
Good idea with the facebook thing...too bad kind of short notice  :warstory:
Hi there,

Yeah I am swearing in on the 13th of Aug and flying out to Montreal from Edmonton on the 16th.  My course number is 0039.  Are you in the same course?  Good times ahead!! 

I have to disagree with everyone saying the August BMOQ's are full.  Friend of mine got his call on Monday and is in the August 18th intake.  Still waiting on my Medical to get back from Ontario :(
I just received a call today from the recruiting centre telling me that i will be going to BMQ on august 18 leaving on august 17. I started my application process on the month of november. My trade is infantry with the PPCLI. Is there anyone else who will be heading on the same date? Surname: Rosales     Age:19
Well I wish I could say I was but I am handing in my application tomorrow so I doubt it  :(. Have fun at BMQ though and learn/remeber alot so I can hassle you with questions when you are done  :P. I'll get a head start on the questions now. Did you have any complications with your application process or is 9 months the usual waiting time as far as you can tell?