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I have decided to join the Reserves and be a Combat Engineer.  However when I ask how long is the training, everyone has a diffrent answer.  I was wondering how long training is for reserves.  How long is BMQ, how long is SQ and how long is BMOT for reserves?  If someone could please answer those questions for me I would really apreciate it.  Thank you.
BMQ 20 training days
SQ same thing

so it'll equal 8 weeks in total.  Your actual MOC training time I have no idea about.
I know this might be a  dumb question but is it 20 days straight or spread out?
You could do BMQ on weekends and thus, it would then be spread out.  SQ will be straight through in the summer and your engineer training will also be straight through during the summer since MOC training isn't done on weekends.
could someone please brief me on these letters...

what.s ... BMQ ?
              SQ ?
              MOC ?
Basic Military Qualification
Soldier Qualification
Military Occupation

..do a search on the forums, you will more than likely find the answers you are looking for.
I just asked a Sergeant from the engineer reserves about their QL3.  It is 6 weeks long, however the six weeks can be broken up into 2 week modules.  So it is possible to do your QL3 over 3 summers, if you have time constraints.
BMQ > Basic military qualification
SQ > Soldure qualification
MOC > military occupation

bmq is 20 days (1 month with weekend leave)
SQ about 4 weeks
MOC 6 weeks

if you do bmq on weekends it is 10 weekends

QL3 has 3 mods... do them all at once is my advice

2 mods in you can earn you cap badge back at the unit. all 3 mods gets you your hook and trades badge on your DEUs

GL bud
I'm thinking of doing the same thing - Reserves and Combat Engineer. It sounds fairly interesting... anyone heard different?
Mileender said:
I'm thinking of doing the same thing - Reserves and Combat Engineer. It sounds fairly interesting... anyone heard different?

I did 11 years as a field/combat engineer in reg force.  As far as the army is concerned, it is the best trade available.  I'm convinced you will enjoy it.
while doing the courses in modules, what does a reserve combat engineer do, as the other trained guys are exercising? do the un-trained guys just watch or are there other duties involved for them? I've heard of PAT platoon, can someone explain that a bit...or alot.

PAT = Persons Awaiting Training

It's a reg force thing...when people sign up and there's not enough instructor's to train them, the candidates get placed in PAT platoons and really don't do much from what I've been told.  Wake up, PT, and then the rest of the day can be spent doing nothing or GDs (general duties..ie...sweep the parade square).

From your profile you're 6FES so you won't hafta worry about this.

As stated before:
BMQ 4 wks
SQ 4 wks
QL3 (aka Section Member Course) 6 wks

As Zerhash has stated BMQ can be taken on weekends...he said 10 weekends...I don't know how long mine was cuz there were some administrative/weather hiccups.  SQ CAN be taken on weekends but it's not that common.  I know a couple of people that did this and they did the field ex during March break.  QL3...like Zerhash said...best to take it all at once...it costs the army money to keep flying pers to and from Gagetown.
dose anybody know what the reserve officer combat engineers do? if so please can I have all the info possible, the recruiting site, dosn't really give me a good idea, i'm looking to apply as an officer to the reserve combat engineers, so any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys. also if anybody has any info on the training part as well for officer. thanks again.

cheers, FX :cdn: :salute:
I was told by 6FES that I would be put in a PAT Platoon till a weekend BMQ started in the summer, I was just wondering what we might be doining until then? anyone?
I've seen many different things done in different units.  Ask your chain of command how you will be employed.
aspiring_recruit said:
I was told by 6FES that I would be put in a PAT Platoon till a weekend BMQ started in the summer, I was just wondering what we might be doining until then? anyone?

Are you you mean SUMMER weekend BMQ?  Or do you just mean the summer everyday-for-4-wks BMQ?

By PAT platoon, I'm assuming he means that every weeknight you come in, you'll be placed w/ others like you (not trained).  I've always assumed PAT pl were reg force in which candidates awaiting crses were a part of...ie...living there 24/7...not a Res thing.
my assumption is that i will still be required to attend the weekly meetings, but be put with others like me (untrained) for kind of a  basic knowledge, not quite BMQ course. I will also assume (what a nasty word) that this will include basic orienteering, maybe how a kit works, etc.

If anyone is in 6FES here or heard of anything similar please feel free to jump in anytime

Thanks again, I also heard 6FES is expanding, perhaps they will start another weekend BMQ before the summer.

aspiring_recruit said:
my assumption is that i will still be required to attend the weekly meetings, but be put with others like me (untrained) for kind of a   basic knowledge, not quite BMQ course. I will also assume (what a nasty word) that this will include basic orienteering, maybe how a kit works, etc.

If anyone is in 6FES here or heard of anything similar please feel free to jump in anytime

Thanks again, I also heard 6FES is expanding, perhaps they will start another weekend BMQ before the summer.

Are you join their Chiliwack or Vancouver squadron? And all Engineer Regiments across the country are expanding. Its a good trade to be in right now. Lots of money, lots of growth lots of expectations.
wherever they put me I suppose, I met with the recruiter just before they started the Chilliwack squadron, so I don't even know if it is up yet, I hope to be put in Chilliwack because it is closer to home. If they are expanding like you say I would imagine that they will have another BMQ to accommodate all the new personnel.
