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Becoming a Sniper (merged)

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I think the curiosity centers around the typical human fascination with anything secretive or hidden.

There are very few snipers, and as this and other threads have proven, there is a huge ignorance about them even within the cbt arms themselves!

Also, I think that the hollywood factor has taken its toll, with many people given the impression that snipers are supra-human beings, with magical powers.

In addition to this, we train excellent snipers, and they have done excellent (if under-recognised) work for us. The sniper teams are currently the only people in the regular army to have fired their weapons in anger in Afghanistan, so this probably also plays into the popular conciousness.

Besides, have you ever seen a movie glorifying the service trades (Buffalo soldiers doe'snt count!) ;D

CFL said:
I don't think being in recce pl is required although it would def help.

You do not have to be in recce platoon.  We just sent a number of individuals from our Battalion who are not in RECCE.  I am sure they are not far away but never-the-less.  A little bit of advice a sniper in my Battalion once told us...."If you want to be a sniper, make yourself known to the snipers"  i.e. If they know you want it, and are a good troop then they will pay attention to your growth in the Battalion. As already stated numerous times before this:

1) Reg Force 031
2) Basic RECCE
3) Pass Pre-Sniper
4) Pass Physiologist interview (This is a big one, people DO NOT ALWAYS PASS)
5) Pass Sniper course
6) Earn your spot in the Cell
7) Grow hair long and buy Cool shades (sry, couldn't resist  :P)
I think one reason for alot of ppl's interest is due to counter strike, medal of honor and other such games. They believe that being a sniper is running around on your own and picking off targets one by one.

What they dont realize is that the main role of a sniper is intelligence gathering (/w the use of the scope) and that most of the time spent as a sniper is in the same position lying down for hours, even days on end, looking through a scope. I heard somewhere that on actual deployment a sniper will rarely ever have to actually fire a round, and you can go on several tours without ever even firing 1 round.
SeanPaul_031 said:
What they dont realize is that the main role of a sniper is intelligence gathering (/w the use of the scope) and that most of the time spent as a sniper is in the same position lying down for hours, even days on end, looking through a scope. I heard somewhere that on actual deployment a sniper will rarely ever have to actually fire a round, and you can go on several tours without ever even firing 1 round.

...and you know this how?

Don't be explaining what snipers do unless you have:

A) First hand experience as a sniper (an Army one, not a Nintendo one).

B) Have valid sources to back up your info if it isn't first hand.

Otherwise, you're talking through your hat and violating the policy guidelines which, if I recall correctly, got you in trouble a while back.  You've been warned (again).
Infanteer said:
...and you know this how?

I have 2 hours of video footage of US snipers (information videos). So yes I have vaild sources to back up my info.

I never said I got my info from video games, you read that wrong. (Since everyone was asking "why all the hype about snipers??") I said that the allure of being a sniper for most ppl entering the CF stems from such video games as counterstrike and medal of honor.
SeanPaul_031 said:
I have 2 hours of video footage of US snipers (information videos). So yes I have vaild sources to back up my info.

I never said I got my info from video games, you read that wrong. (Since everyone was asking "why all the hype about snipers??") I said that the allure of being a sniper for most ppl entering the CF stems from such video games as counterstrike and medal of honor.

Videos as an info source? Come off it, and this allure of being a sniper for most stems from video cames is the most biggest load of crap I have heard in a very long time. However it has made me laugh.

I would not dismiss Video Games as the stimuli for so many youngsters to want to become snipers. If you play one of these games, you will quickly discover that the sniper gets the best weapons, and the most opportunity to use them, before getting killed himself.

Pretty far from the real thing, but I can see why young men marinaded in games like Counter strike and Halo would be attracted to the sniper trade. These games really do glorify an oft - miserable job.

Having said all of this though, the individuals on this site who claim that they would be all for freezing and starving for days on end should try it before they say they want to do it. It's alot less glamourous than one might expect.

GO!!! said:

I would not dismiss Video Games as the stimuli for so many youngsters to want to become snipers. If you play one of these games, you will quickly discover that the sniper gets the best weapons, and the most opportunity to use them

Quite frankly anyone who wants to become a sniper in the CF following the video game influence would never make it by the psyhc testing at the lowest level, and if they did get in, and wanted to join just to kill with a high powered scoped rifle , well that the last person I'd want in my platoon.

I understand you point GO, as kids will be kids, but men   (18yrs olds + and genuine interest in the CF, etc) follwing this, well you know where I stand, and I am sure you agree.


I have 2 hours of video footage of US snipers (information videos). So yes I have vaild sources to back up my info.

If this is what you're using for the basis of your reasoning/arguement for wanting to become a qualified sniper/observer in the Cf you had best stop right now before you lose any remaining credability you have left.

I see that, despite your above statment, several senior members are still attemping to help you with your choices.

I strongly advise you to stop speaking, take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth...The people you are currently "disagreeing" with have been doing the real thing since before you were probably born. They know what they're talking about...You watched a TV program and are now an expert!

Give it up.

SeanPaul_031 said:
Slim, youre right.

thx for making me realize this before I leave for BMQ soon

Thank you for being willing to listen to those that have been there.

Good luck on BMQ.

7 - 10 days said:
7) Grow hair long and buy Cool shades

Well then I'm not interested.  1 on the sides 2 on top and issued sun glasses.  Not those new MEC ones either.  The bent melmac plate sized CHIPS glasses are all that are required. 
The main reason I would want to be a sniper is this: Instead of standing in this neck deep trench with  mud up to my knees, smoking and farting, I'd like to leopard crawl, monkey run and generally put myself in the most uncomfortable positions humanly imagineable on a constant basis, without being seen or heard like a monk. Oh and I'd like to do all the aforementioned wet and cold and in the mud.  ;D
SeanPaul_031 said:
What they dont realize is that (1) the main role of a sniper is intelligence gathering (/w the use of the scope) and that most of the time spent as a (2) sniper is in the same position lying down for hours, even days on end, looking through a scope. I heard somewhere that on actual deployment a sniper will rarely ever have to actually fire a round, and you can go on several tours without ever even firing 1 round.
1 Correct
2 Quite often, yes...but first you have to get to that position  ;)
As for the rest, fairly accurate.

The main role of the Sniper is to move to a favorable position, remain there for long periods under adverse conditions and selectively KILL the enemy at long range. All other tasks are secondary to that one.
Jungle said:
The main role of the Sniper is to move to a favorable position, remain there for long periods under adverse conditions and selectively KILL the enemy at long range. All other tasks are secondary to that one.
Unfortunately ill have to respectfully disagree with you on that one jungle, on my course it was taught that the main role of the sniper is intelligence gathering. What you have said is in part the definition of a sniper, to read:
A sniper is a highly trained infantryman, who can work himself into position, stay there for extended periods of time, under difficult conditions and kill selected enemy at long ranges.

What you have said is a common misconception people have about snipers, they (more so Ive found officers) think "Oh no, we cant deploy snipers their just going to go out and kill someone", although this train of thought seems to be fading.
How many snipers do we really need? Nowadays it almost all rural and urban fighting, im sure a good rifle man could hit somthing 500m-800m away, cause there isnt a lot of open grounds in a city or town. So one good experience marksman would be plenty,no? Please fell free to correct me on that one. oh just a liltle off topic, you dont need any of tests to become a Grenardier?

:salute: :cdn:
