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Being Bald

Dont buy that HeadBlade head razor, a friend of mine did, and he hates it, you have to shave with it differently (push instead of pull), and it uses old ass excel blades.

Did you mention a shaving brush? I thought they had gone the way of the duplicating machine and the slide rule. If you use a brush, be sure to rinse it thoroughly each time and then, rinse it again. Hopefully you will then be able to air dry it. If not, you might get skin irritation and what used to be called a razor rash. Believe me, this is the voice of experience speaking.
Well I had a friend whose dad owned an antique shop, and he always said, "older is always better" I spent alot of time trying to prove that wrong, but i rarely can.  This is another example, that brush and soap are amazing, I dont know why they are mostly done with.  I geuss the sanitary aspect.