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Best form of Cardio while injured??

... ahhhh yes.  The dreaded rest day.  Never did manage to figure out where to put those in my schedule.

(See my above post for the consequences of my folly.)

I can't comment with any weight on how much running naval officers do, however I think you are very safe in your assessment that they run far less than Combat Arms/personnel posted to Army units.  Even in Cmbt Arms units, they don't "just run" to stay fit.  There are many threads on the forum about fitness, however I am not sure many are on fitness "norms" in the Navy...might be worth posting on Navy thread if you are really wanting to get info "from the horses mouth".

The EXPRES test is the current "CF" standard fitness test for non-army units.  Note, it is not so much the uniform you wear as it is the unit/formation you are posted to.  Units belonging to CLS (The Army) and all personnel posted to these units MUST do the BFT (Battle Fitness Test) which might be correctly called the AFS (Army Fitness Standard) Test?  Either or, IF you were posted to an Army unit, then the AFS applies to you (for example, a Supply Tech in the Navy DEU posted to a Service Battalion would have to perform to the Army standard.  Once said Supply Tech is posted to say, MARLANT, they would then have to achieve the EXPRES test standard.

Lots of info on both, just search.

SamIAm said:
a goal of 10k in roughly 8 weeks is probably unrealistic if applying the 10% rule and throwing a 'maintenance/no increase week' in every 4th week.

For the record its actually a 13wk walk/run program(intervals starting at run 1min, walk 2mins etc), gradually increases as you go with a recovery week every 4 weeks. It is in the recovery week that i tend to get injured, which makes no sense, but hey it happened three times so far...haha.

I know at first it was due to me pushing to hard, because i wanted it too quickly. I was not in great shape before i started working out in September, but when i started this program, i had already been hitting the gym 3 - 4 times a week for 3 full months. Thats when i decided i needed to get a new pair of shoes and GOOD ONES before i started this program. So i splurged with Christmas money and bought what i thought was a good pair. I have always known that good shoes are essential to running and exercise for that matter, but just never could afford the luxury, especially being a single parent.  My last run which started the inflamation was 3.1 miles which i had already done before and cardiowise it was a breeze. It is possibly i may still be running to fast for what i want to accomplish and next time out i will definately be taking it a bit slower. I just want to make sure i can run at least 5kms before basic without injury now. I definately dont want to end up on the RFT platoon when i hit basic. Although i think my cardio is probably good enough already to pass the express test, which seems to be what they test you for in the first couple days to determine if you can continue there etc. But i also expect to be running at least 40mins for our PT in the mornings and i want to be able to keep up.  

I really appreciate all the recommendations. Thanks again to everyone!!
A professional coach once advised me that people who are prone to pushing to hard and ending up injured should run for time and not distance.  So, instead of heading out of the house intending to run 5 kms, set the goal as running 30 minutes (I am just picking arbitrary numbers so please don't take offence!).  As a beginner, you should be running at a comfortable level (ie. able to carry on a conversation while running) and it is more important how long you are on your feet than the distance you travel.

Thanks MRM, as for the information on specifics in the Navy, im not to worried. Im going in for a hard sea trade and will only be posted to a ship. Regardless, i was more just trying to see if there was any validity to what Hopeless stated. I figured she might have been blowing some smoke and am glad that some of you have called her on it. I have not posted much here and have done alot of reading, so am pretty confident that i will be ok once i have passed basic etc. I definatley plan on keeping my fitness level up after, just running might not be the main componant anymore.

Thanks again SamIAm, i may just try and do that instead of distance go for time as that could definately help me not push so hard. I am one of those types of people that like to see results quick so i try to push myself harder than normal.  I do have to remember im not 18 anymore either and have also had both my ACL's replaced due to sports.  I never thought i would be able to run again in my life, so when i started and have had no problems with my knees i started to enjoy it again.

Water Running here i come  ;D
... you have correctly identified the hardest part:  remembering that we aren't 18 anymore!

Good luck with it. As you already know SamIAm and MRM have given some sage advice.

I second the idea of running for time not distance. I have the same mind set as you...especially since I have run two 10Ks, and a 13.1K leg in a relay race and trained for a 1/2M I tend to feel like I can start right back up where I left off...and I was pushing too hard after injury to make up for time lost. Now I have to only run for time, not distance, until I can be comfortable getting the distance I strive for within the time that I am out.

I know you can do the same. It is hard to change your thinking around at first cus you'll still find yourself thinking in distance...but eventually it will come...and you'll enjoy the endorphine rush without the pains associated with injuries.

And I highly reccommend checking out www.RunningMania.com it is a Canadian site and there are alot of friendly people there who are more than willing to be supportive in what ever way you prefer. Frankly, if it weren't for RM, I wouldn't still be running. I'd be back on the couch with my bag of chips feeling sorry for myself.

Good luck with your recovery, have fun and take your time getting back into things.

