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Best thing Paul Martin can do is?


Army.ca Veteran
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Reinstate the Air Borne Regiment,(WE NEED PARA‘S)as this will raise moral and signal a new begining if he‘s willing to keep his integrity and support the Armed Force‘s.
This is just for a start.
How about if just returns the all money he took from the CF during the 90‘s. And increases the manpower strenght to 90,000. I want CAR back, but I think there other more important things he can first. Knowing there will be bigger budgets will increase moral much faster.
If he brings back the airborne. Bring it back at brigade level. 2 x battalion strong with support group. total strength of approx 2200 / 2400
Why do we "need" paras ie a parachute regiment?
What in our current scope of operations require us to make that a priority?

I was slated to go on my jump course but i had to take my name off due to work up training for bosnia. I‘m going to bend over backwards to get on the course when i get home. I like the pride and mystique (sp?) of paratroopers just as much as the next kid but to say we "need" it? When our helicopters fly like rocks and our new "striker" vehicle seems to be the laughing stock of the armored branch? We have more important issues to worry about.

I have a few friends who only got half of their jump course because we did not have enough hurcs for them to make all 4 or 5 jumps needed to pass the course. You want to try and support an airborne brigade? No way dude.
Totaly increase the budget for the CF.
i agree with radiohead, it will increase the
moral by a lot for the men and the women of the CF
and the image the CF has on new recruits and the rest of
Canada. :salute: :cdn:
(i cant stand hearing jokes on how bad the CF his)
Money, money, money. The only NATO country that spends less money/year on military then Canada is Luxembourg.
I agree with Ghost. While having a CAR or other Para Bn would be nice, it‘s a luxury at this point. It‘s like a starving family being given a Rolls Royce. It‘s a ‘would be nice‘ rather than a ‘must have‘, and the money would be far better used on the necessities first.

I, for one, would far rather see the money go to improve our basic equipment and training rather than spending billions outfitting some kind of elite infantry regiment. Let‘s walk before we can run! Once we‘ve mastered the basics and have the CF at a good, sustainable level, we can figure out the logistics of getting the high speed, low drag units going.
we need something that will make us look different, we need a style for our equipment, that when people look at it they‘ll say "hey thats the new Canadian iltis" not
"ooo look at the American want to be‘s in theire humvees"
An aircraft carrier would‘nt hurt. a small one like the spanish
(i think)
We have a hard enough time manning all of our CPFs not to metion Huron has been laid up because of manpower shortages where are we going to get the crew for a CV not to mention the air crew for it???
An aircraft carrier... give me a break, AL-X I know your in hisgh school; but surely you‘ve learned some money management skills there. Where the CF going to get the moeny for that, when they don‘t have money for the basics.

Canada doesn‘t need one, and can not afford to man one even if we could if could find the money to buy it. Ask for something you can actually get....
Aircraft carrier is probably the last thing CF needs. How about making sure everyone has Cadpat. Making sure everyone has all the CTS equipment.
All you young ‘uns saying we need aircraft carriers need to take a step back for a moment. We don‘t have the ability to man all of our destroyers currently, much less two aircraft carriers (and yes we would need two). Plus the expense of MAINTAINING and DEFENDING such a high value asset becomes astronomical

IMO, in terms of capital expenditures what we really need is strategic airlift, close air support, and heavy (155mm+) SP artillery.

In addition, we need more personnel, basic equipment and training + retention incentives.
It‘s ridiculous that one of my troops still doesn‘t have a uniform after 4 weeks of starting basic. In addition, incentives to get troops to come out on exercises in the reserve world.
Thats what i ment, we need two (west, east) but cant afford
it. kurokaze is right, we need to spend more on the basics.
Battleships. Lots of battleships. All for Lake Winnipeg...Defend Regina at all costs.

The best thing Paul Martin can do is call an election, and lose.

Chretien carried on the Trudeau government‘s legacy of spitting on the troops, at least figuratively. Do you honestly think that Mr. Silent (at least for the past year) has the inclination, or the backbone to act any differently? I don‘t think so.

More people voted for Conservative parties last election than voted for the Liberals. In fact, in terms of majority of votes, more votes were cast for the Alliance. However, in terms of SEATS, which is how our political system is run, the Liberals got a majority. It shouldn‘t be impossible for a Conservative party be the next government, it just takes some will on the part of the electorate.

You can argue the politics of such a change, but from a strictly pragmatic point of view, you need a party with a different agenda to expose all the graft and corruption of the previous party...things have got to be bad if the politically appointed ethics commissioner is finding faults...imagine what would be found under a government that actively despises the Liberals?
I would like to see an Aircraft Carrier in the CF but I agree it isn‘t logical to get them right now. Being in High School, my boyfriend in the PLF just recently got his Cadpats and he was in the Reserves for over a year now. Getting the basics is the most important thing. and the best thing Paul Martin can do is die. ^_^ More funding for the CF! We have a small amount of well trained soldiers, compared to the US having a large amount of un trained soldiers. We should try and get our numbers up too. Raise recruiting!