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BMQ army vs. BMQ navy


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I am currently enrolled in the army and completing a weekend BMQ course. However, I want to transfer to the navy but have been informed that the BMQ for army and navy are not compatible and that I would have to do it again. I'm not talking about BMQ land as opposed to NETP as I haven't done BMQ land yet. What differences are there between BMQ for the army and navy besides the obvious rank structure?
The Naval Reserve BMQ is, currently, quite a bit longer thatn the Army Reserve BMQ and closer to the Regular Force standard.
My personal recommendation would be to complete BMQ-L, and then decide whether or not the Navy would be a better fit. BMQ-L is when you learn all the fun army specific things such as field living vs. the general CF instruction that is given during the PRes army BMQ. You will have more of a taste of the army lifestyle once you finish your Land course.
Both teach similar things, but the PRes Navy BMQ-Common has a lot more time to expand on some facets.  I do know that if one transfers into the Regular Force, new officers who had the PRes Navy BMQ bypassed the first 7 weeks of their BMOQ, while those with the PRes Army BMQ-Land did not.

A friend of mine did his PRes Army BMQ with me, and then transferred to the Navy about a year later, where he needed to redo his BMQ because it was not equivalent.  You may want to check with your CoC to find out if having done both BMQ and BMQ-L SQ will be enough to grant an equivalence if you do decide to switch.
CDN Aviator said:
BMQ-L and SQ are the same course.

The same.

Quite right.  The Acronyms have been changing, and I'm not in the Army circles as much any more.  Now editing to correct.
Haggis said:
The Naval Reserve BMQ is, currently, quite a bit longer thatn the Army Reserve BMQ and closer to the Regular Force standard.

Heard some interesting things at a brief today. A naval reserve BMQ will be run this year at Shearwater since the Borden school closed down. They are also looking to reduce the BMQ down to 6 weeks, with a DL portion done at the unit over a number of weeks while keeping the same standard. The reasoning is to fit a BMQ, then a NETP right after to get the pers on a ship right away instead of waiting a year.
Very interesting.
Interesting..I wonder if it will still be equivalent to the reg force course.  Personally, 6 weeks doesn't seem like long enough to get the true 'Basic' experience but I guess the Army reserves has been doing weekend courses for years anyways and this will help introduce more flexibility for members who can't get as much time off work.
Snakedoc said:
Interesting..I wonder if it will still be equivalent to the reg force course.  Personally, 6 weeks doesn't seem like long enough to get the true 'Basic' experience but I guess the Army reserves has been doing weekend courses for years anyways and this will help introduce more flexibility for members who can't get as much time off work.

Supposedly it will be equivalent. It was also brought up about DT for PLQ.  Don't be surprised that the BMQ in St.Jean will go with a DT portion and a NETP right after eventually. Gets the mbr's to a ship faster.