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BMQ in the summer i am going wooohoo!

I will be attending my bmq this summer  i can't wait does anybody have anything to help me get more of a general idea of what bmq will be like. I know that you do drill, dress, and deportment. But what other stuff will we be doing? and do you think it will be to hard for a sixteen year old to do?
I go for my interview and testing tomorrow in Regina. Hopefully I'll be off to BMQ this summer as well.
Spiro said:
I will be attending my bmq this summer   i can't wait does anybody have anything to help me get more of a general idea of what bmq will be like. I know that you do drill, dress, and deportment. But what other stuff will we be doing? and do you think it will be to hard for a sixteen year old to do?

Where are you off to? I'm 16 right now, will be 17 for the summer, I'll be (hopefully) going to CFB Shilo.
Im 16 and im going to CFB Aldershot for my BMQ, and Q2 this summer.. from what i hear we'll be doing dress, fitness, basic weapons... etc... i suppose the fun stuff dosent come until later!
Hunter911 said:
Im 16 and im going to CFB Aldershot for my BMQ, and Q2 this summer.. from what i hear we'll be doing dress, fitness, basic weapons... etc... i suppose the fun stuff dosent come until later!

Some things on BMQ can be fun. Just don't let the crappy stuff get to ya, remember the instructors are supposed to be hard on people. The biggest fun thing is getting thru s**t together with your fellow section members. It won't be as bad as it seems!! Enjoy  :cdn:
yeah i suppose your right... ive got a couple of friends comming with me and i think we can all pull it off  :salute:... thanks
Wainwright apparently for me...That's what the interviewer said  :threat:
Wow...16! That's awesome...I thought I would be the youngest when I join the regular force at 18/19...Goodluck man, and congrats too; for actually doing this.

-Emilio  :cdn: :skull: :cdn:
haha thanks! me and a few buddies are goin off for the summer. or atleast we're going to try! i swear to god if it wasnt for this site id have no idea what to expect or what was happening! thanks alot to all of you who read this and have helped a youngin like me!
I've got my CFAT this Thursday. Cheers to Cfl. Orange for helping me out :salute:
I hope to be off to BMQ Meaford this summer. Anyone know if we get small arms training? Im talking about the Browning 9mm. :threat:
I will be attending my bmq this summer  i can't wait does anybody have anything to help me get more of a general idea of what bmq will be like. I know that you do drill, dress, and deportment. But what other stuff will we be doing? and do you think it will be to hard for a sixteen year old to do?

-You will learn Drill, Dress & deportment, you will learn the C7 service rifle inside and out, you will learn NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical) warfare, you will get gassed in the gas chamber  ;D , you will learn field craft, you will do push ups, you wull run, you will do push ups, you will run some more, you will learn how to act as a member of the CF, and of course, SHARP...  :crybaby:

I hope to be off to BMQ Meaford this summer. Anyone know if we get small arms training? Im talking about the Browning 9mm

The browning is not part of the BMQ criteria (for reserves anyway..)

congrats you lucky sob lol *still waiting for this damn splint to come off for fit test* :crybaby:

::) @ 16, phew. :salute: deff thought i was a youngin, lol

theres massive info though on this site regarding bmq, you should check er out!! also,  gotta thank the guys aswell for putting this together!!!!

I'm Off to Meaford i think this summer was told BMQ starts on JUL 4 but we will hit an armoury before then and spend the week end to learn SHARP.. I was told I'm med 2 fit and my recruiter and interveiwer said more than likely your ready to go.. so who ever is going to Meaford this summer were prob to get to know each other pretty well ... LOL
I'm going to Meaford for SQ and most likely BIQ (if there are enough slots open) and after that, Stalwart Guardian... Should be a blast!

BMQ was awesome, challenging, but not to the point (for me anyway) that you are really down and out. It's all how you take things, never keep a chip on your shoulder. My section commander looked very closely at your attitude and took note of it over extended periods. Keep up a good attitude, ALWAYS...

PS> Don't forget your safety precautions with the C7, you'll know what I mean later... :P
I was hoping they'd replace the C7s with C8s by the time we get to BMQ :P
Capt. Crunchy said:
I was hoping they'd replace the C7s with C8s by the time we get to BMQ :P

If you're going to say that the C7 is way too heavy for you, and you'd like a lighter C8.. ::)......Well, then.......Capt Crunchy......you would be a prime candidate to get issued a FN C1, just so that you can run around the Parade Square several times, holding that fine piece of kit above your head.......or perhaps a C2 with full mags for the Section Attack......ya!.....That's the way.    ;D
Haha i dont think theres much chance of us getting c8a1's or a2's anytime soon, but maybe a c7a2 by the end of the year? No ones really been able to tell me about that!  :cdn:
Hunter911 said:
Haha i dont think theres much chance of us getting c8a1's or a2's anytime soon, but maybe a c7a2 by the end of the year? No ones really been able to tell me about that!   :cdn:

Did you even read the thread in Weapons and Ammo? Your questions are answered there!