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BMQ-L [Merged]


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My BMQ common is comming close to an end. As it stands now I cannot swim very well ( I had tubes as a kid and water in my ears and nose becomes overwhelming almost like being on fire) Is there a swim test, I am trying to learn how but it is not going very well, if I can't swim by SQ but make improvements will I still fail because of it? I am going Medtech for a trade I am also a reservist and SQ is at CFB gagetown this coming summer any advice or answers?
There is no swim test as part of BMQ (Land).  You course may go to the pool for PT, but that will not affect the course.
I have my BMQ Land FTX coming up and I am pretty excited and nervous about it, as I don't want to fail it.
That being said, what is all included in the week-long FTX that I should be prepared for?
It has been a few years since I taught it but what I remember is Section attacks, Patrolling and Defensive.
I did mine on weekends but the content should be pretty close to the same. You will cover basic field craft, section attacks, how to do patrols, and the defensive (getting to spend the night in trenches) Don't worry about failing it, just listen to your staff and you'll be fine. Expect to work very hard and get little sleep.
DangerWaffles said:
Thanks for the replies, guys.  Guess who's got a date with 5 hour energy that week...

Generally speaking, that's a pretty bad idea. Once you come down from those you crash much harder, better to just rough it out in my opinion. The last thing you want is to be crashing just as they call stand to.
Like posted above, lots of work, very little sleep.

Tabasco is fairly natural, and will help you stay awake.
You"ll do fine mate. Just keep your nose clean, and play along.

Good luck on your FTX.

NSDreamer said:
Generally speaking, that's a pretty bad idea. Once you come down from those you crash much harder, better to just rough it out in my opinion. The last thing you want is to be crashing just as they call stand to.

Not only that, but every time I've gone out for a FTX we're told any kinds of energy or caffeine supplements are not allowed. And on the last one they inspected us to make sure.

Jerky, Spitz, and smokes did the job for keeping me awake ;)
Zeal and vicious 2ICs keep you awake. The rest is just extra weight.
I'd have to agree that caffeine is a bad idea.  The crash will knock you out, and if you've had enough that will keep you alert and you find time to rack out the caffeine will mess up any rest you might be able to grab.  A 60 pack of chewing gum is nice to have.  Beware of racoons.  I had one guy on crse bring out about $40 worth of assorted nuts from bulk barn, and the local raccoon population decided to mount a section attack on his ruck.
Robert0288 said:
Beware of racoons.  I had one guy on crse bring out about $40 worth of assorted nuts from bulk barn, and the local raccoon population decided to mount a section attack on his ruck.

lol,  yea we  experienced that on SQ out there too...  was around 1/2am coming,  soaking wet and coming back into the PB from a patrol and hoping to have a snack only to find out the racoons raided our rucks.  I remember them even seeing the opportunity during a small "TIC" to raid our rucks while we were in the defensive/trenches.
Haha... I had a skunk inspect one of my troop's houchie during the night. Classic.
Wow that was a fun course.

Learning about the C6,C9,LAW and grenades in the first 3 weeks then going out for the last week to the field for the defensive lesson.

The time really flew by and now that I am back I am having a hard time adapting to not having 9 others living and sleeping around me. I assume that will take a little time but damn.

In any case, everything is still fresh in my head so if anyone has any questions or would like to know about what I went through or learned please let me know :)

Also as I know everyone asks this.. I cleared about 3k for the month after taxes.

(3 weeks into training I got paid 1.7k direct deposit into my account)
I handed the provided claims form in that mentions I get 450 back for food as I am a class A reservist. Plus on the other side travel is listed as me getting 550 back.

Plus they owe me 2-3 days pay on the next pay as my course ended on the 17th

so roughly 3k :)

Please feel free to ask away! Oh and on a side note.. My finger tips on my right hand are all numb and have been for 4 days now.. I think it was from firing the C6 so much during the defensive.. It worries me slightly as it doesn't seem to be going away
not to bust your bubble, but enjoy the money while you can, b/c as a class A reservist ( and I used to be one) the rest of the winter you will not be clearing near that, but more like 300 to 400 a month on a good month. Not trying to get ppl down, but just wanted to make sure that anyone reading this doesn't  think they will clear that every month. Other then that I had a great time while in the reserves and Hey, congrats on completing BMQ land It was a blast when I did it as well.
Thank you and yeah :P This was just for the month of training ;)
I do have a full time secondary job so I dont have to worry about the slow seasons. I am just incredibly happy to have finally finished all of basic and now I finally have my cap badge
oinyo said:
Oh and on a side note.. My finger tips on my right hand are all numb and have been for 4 days now.. I think it was from firing the C6 so much during the defensive.. It worries me slightly as it doesn't seem to be going away

It's called the curse of the machine spirit.

It was first recorded early in the first world war by a german machine gunner (MG 08 I believe).  Machinegunners would discover that when not firing their gun their hands would ache (hands wrists fingers). The only time they wouldn't notice this pain is when they were actively firing their machine gun.

The symptoms of the curse can only be (temporally) appeased by shooting machineguns. You're infected (cursed) and the only time you'll be free of it is when you're on a range firing.

We leave that out in the recruiting pamphlets, sorry.
oinyo said:
(3 weeks into training I got paid 1.7k direct deposit into my account)
I handed the provided claims form in that mentions I get 450 back for food as I am a class A reservist. Plus on the other side travel is listed as me getting 550 back.

First off your claim amount can and probably will change plus or minus. The amount that is shown to you is only an estimate it is NOT the amount you will be getting. The claim will change for any amount of reasons yours will change a bit since you probably have some CLDA for time spent in the field which is a different allowance. This means you will not get TD for the CLDA dates.

The $450 for food is wrong. On your course you should have had meals provided unless you paid out of pocket for all your meals. If meals were provided you will be getting $0 for food. The only amount for food is if you were traveling over a meal time.

Be careful at what you post and make sure it is accurate as others will start asking questions as to why they got less money on claims.