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Bradley VS King Tiger

MedTech said:
OMG you are all nerds and dorks! My Transformer KoenigsTiger vill kicks all of your behinds and make them into schnizel! I call my KoenigsTiger... *dramatic drumroll* FLUFFY! Ven it is in tank mode it vill be crewed by Rebel Troopers who are all veterans from Star Wars universe, and Star Wars Empire at War! I dare you to challenge my powa!!!

Star Wars? Star Wars! ;)

SCNR again,

Can we have a P-51 vs F-4 phantom fight. No afterburners or missiles for the F-4. P-51 gets 15,000 feet of altitude on the F-4 and a rear aspect, so he can dive in and put some lead up the fans. (I mean a modified F-4 with the cannon pod, not the original F-4 with no weapons)

On a semi related note, I think some T-34's are in service with some African countries still...but we still wont really know about WWII MTB vs modern IFV, cause western crews in a Bradley...or even eastern bloc crews in a BTR are going to blow away in terms of skill an African crew in a T-34. But it may be the closest we get to find out.
Ah yes, the eternal question. The one i'd ask is this though, If a bradley & King Tiger had a fight...wouldnt it be cool!
How about Spiderman Vs a Great White Shark? My money is on the shark because spiderman's webs dont work under water.

Wasnt there a few T34's running around during the Bosnian War? Maybe what we should be doing is shipping old tanks to the Taliban and getting History/Discovery Channel to film us then brewing them up with a variety of different vehicles!

"And in tonights battle! A long awaited struggle in the light weight division! The M.ONE.ONE.THREEEEEEEEEEEE with T50 turret! Takes on the uni-VERSAL CARRIER!!! Hold onto your hats sports fans, its going to be a bumpy battle!"

"And the taliban lead out strongly, spitting bren gun 303 lead as the 113 takes up a position...AND ITS ALL OVER! That .50Cal has cut the bren carrier to ribbons, its a shocking lose for the taliban who were really fancying their chances here tonight. I dont think they'll be able to come back from this one Rick..."