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British budget troubles

Hack, hack, hack--though the UK military have a stronger political position than the CF, and are much more willing to go , one way or another (can you imagine the Wrath of Harper?)(usual copyright disclaimer):

Will Dr Liam Fox reopen the box?
There is a growing clamour for the Defence Review to be revisited. But Pandora’s Box contains yet more savage cuts, says James Kirkup.


One of the macabre pleasures that certain government ministers enjoy is listing which of their colleagues has the worst job. Watching Liam Fox this week scrambling to defend the imminent sacking of 11,000 Armed Forces personnel – some of them now in Afghanistan – it is easy to see why the Defence Secretary is always near the top of that bleak list.

Sacking Servicemen and women is tough enough at the best of times, and these are far from the best of times. Barely hours after David Cameron said he was considering imposing a no-fly zone over Libya, the Ministry of Defence began its redundancy programme with 1,000 Royal Air Force personnel, including 170 trainee pilots.

It gets worse. Next Friday, as Mr Cameron arrives in Brussels to discuss the European Union’s response to the Libyan crisis, HMS Ark Royal, Britain’s flagship and last remaining aircraft carrier, will be formally decommissioned, two years ahead of schedule.

That sad ceremony, like the redundancy programme, is the bitter fruit of last year’s Strategic Defence and Security Review. To call the SDSR controversial would be a grotesque understatement. Field Marshal Lord Bramall; Major General Julian Thompson; Admiral Sir Jeremy Black; Lord Ashdown – the roll call of those who have criticised the SDSR is heavy with military honours.

Yesterday, Sir Laurence Martin, a former head of the Chatham House think tank, said the review amounted to “panicked asset-stripping”. Jim Murphy, the Labour shadow defence secretary, joined the chorus, calling for a “wider reassessment of the assumptions on which defence policy has been based”.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. The SDSR was supposed to prepare Britain and its Armed Forces for an unpredictable world, anticipating crises and equipping us to respond.

The bedrock on which British defence stands is British foreign policy. Soldiers, ships and planes all exist to promote and defend our interests around the globe. So what is our foreign policy?

If we’d had a working aircraft carrier, would it really be steaming towards the North African coast, ready to project British power and values into sovereign Libyan territory? Are we still that sort of country?

Some of the public reaction to the Libyan crisis suggests that many people believe the answer should be yes. Mr Cameron’s vacillations suggest his answer is: not sure yet.

The SDSR was also supposed to make the big decisions about the Services, their structure, size and mission. In fact, it deferred many major questions, launching a small armada of reviews, commissions and studies. One was a study of “force generation” ratios, the way the Services produce deployable units. Today, an Army of 100,000 can sustain a frontline force of around 10,000 in Afghanistan. Improve the force generation ratio and you need a smaller standing Army, an outcome as financially attractive as it is politically toxic. Likewise the deferred decisions about which military bases around Britain will close: announcements are due later this year.

A further review is considering the allowances paid to members of the Armed Forces, for everything from children’s school fees to living overseas. Yet another is working on thinning out the top-heavy upper ranks of the three services, sacking the brigadiers, commodores and air commodores whose numbers have grown even as the Armed Forces have shrunk...
[cf. LGEN Leslie and transformation:
http://forums.milnet.ca/forums/threads/99602.0.html ]

like almost every one of his predecessors, Dr Fox is learning that the Armed Forces are at least as good at Whitehall warfare as the real thing. Each of the three Services has fought ferociously to defend its interests, often at the expense of the others: the venom of inter-Service feuds and vendettas can make civilian politicking seem tame.

One of the last decisions the review made was on the Navy’s Harriers. Dr Fox said the aircraft were deleted instead of the RAF’s Tornadoes because the Tornado offered “greater capability” in Afghanistan. It was “a very difficult decision”, he conceded.

Yet some insiders are convinced the Harriers were sacrificed simply to keep the RAF happy and ensure that pain was evenly distributed across the Services. One of those involved in the review said: “It was depressingly simple really: because the Navy got their new aircraft carriers, they had to lose something else.”

That is precisely the sort of salami-slicing that Dr Fox promised to avoid, yet it kept a fragile peace between the Services. Formally reopening the SDSR, or even quietly revisiting some of its decisions, could inflame inter-service tensions.

Friends say Dr Fox must tread carefully because, politically, the chiefs are nuclear-armed. The top brass make little secret of their continuing unease; criticism from retired officers is often sanctioned by serving chiefs. The political impact of public criticism from a serving chief would be immense; a resignation would be catastrophic. The Armed Forces and their leaders have immense public sympathy [emphasis added]. No matter what private exasperations ministers may have about the chiefs, none would risk his own position in a public confrontation.

Mr Cameron knows that rows with the top brass destroyed Labour on defence. Under fire, would he back his Defence Secretary against the military? The question must haunt Dr Fox.

Yet elsewhere in Whitehall, there is less sympathy...

In my opinion the Brits are "doing the right thing" and "doing things right."

While the defence of the realm may well be the most important task of the government of the day, the "realm' is not worth defending if it is an economic basket case. A responsible nation cannot bankrupt itself in the same of national security nor, similarly, can any nation borrow its way to military power - not for long, anyway. When the Brits balance the books they can, prudently, rebuild their defences and give their large stock of "soft power" some of the, completely necessary, "hard power' that must back it up.
E.R. Campbell said:
In my opinion the Brits are "doing the right thing" and "doing things right."

Agreed - no money = political will.  The Brits are using the political will wisely instead of just wishing the problem away or taking ineffective, half-measures.
The push-back continues:

Military chiefs sign letter calling for rethink on defence
Dozens of leading officers and experts say strategic defence review was profoundly flawed


David Cameron is under mounting pressure to perform a U-turn amid claims his military blueprint for the future defence of Britain is flawed and costing lives on the frontline.

Dozens of Britain's most respected military leaders, politicians, academic experts and forces families groups have signed a letter in The Independent on Sunday, calling on the Prime Minister to reopen the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), barely five months after it was completed.

The move has been prompted after the wave of popular uprisings in North Africa exposed serious concerns over Britain's long-term military planning – not least the controversial decision to axe the Harrier jump jet fleet and HMS Ark Royal.

One of Britain's most respected military figures, Admiral Sir John "Sandy" Woodward, commander of Britain's taskforce during the Falklands War, condemned the disposal of Britain's Harrier jump jets. "Lives are being lost in the front line where the Harriers were maintained at 20 minutes' notice for sortie. The Tornadoes, because they are so old and decrepit, have to be given 24 hours' notice," he said.

The admiral is one of 50 people to have signed a letter in the IoS, warning how the "security landscape has radically changed" as a result of events in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya.

Other signatories include Admiral Lord West, former First Sea Lord, Major General Julian Thompson, former commander of the Royal Marines, Julie McCarthy, chief executive of the Army Families Federation and Baroness Brenda Dean, chairman of the House of Lords Defence Group.

The SDSR, published in October, failed to mention North Africa. The Government has been criticised for its slowness in evacuating Britons from Libya in particular. The main frigate eventually used to get hundreds to safety, HMS Cumberland, is one of more than 260 ships and planes to be axed under plans to downsize Britain's armed forces...


But cuts will keep coming:

U.K. Must Examine Further Defense Savings This Year, Defense Minister Says

The U.K. government must find further savings in its military programs beyond cuts announced in a review last October, Defense Minister Peter Luff said.

Spending reductions so far identified fall short of what’s needed for the 12 months beginning in April to balance the ministry’s budget, Luff said in an interview.

“Perhaps it is our fault for failing to make our position clear. We thought we had told the outside world,” Luff said in London today. “The big decisions have been taken; the fundamental assumptions won’t be changed, but there were unallocated savings identified which were a matter of public record and which we now have to find.”

The defense ministry has to reduce its budget by 8 percent over four years. Plans announced in October included the ordering of fewer, cheaper planes for one new aircraft carrier and the possible mothballing of a second, which will carry only helicopters. Defense Secretary Liam Fox said last week as many as 11,000 members of the armed forces face losing their jobs.

“We always said it would take more than two planning rounds to sort out the full financial consequences of the inheritance we had,” Luff said, citing the 38 billion-pound ($61 billion) black hole in the defense budget left by the previous Labour administration after it lost power to Prime Minister David Cameron’s coalition of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats last May.

‘Stack of Options’

“There are a whole stack of options on the table which we are still looking at and I’m not going to rule in or out any one of them,” Luff said.

Asked if further cuts would add up to 1 billion pounds worth of savings or more, Luff replied: “It depends on how you define it.”

Luff declined to comment when asked if an order for 12 Boeing Co. (BA) Chinook helicopters might be reduced or whether the U.K. will slim its 134-strong fleet of Tornado fighter-bombers, saying discussions have not yet concluded...

Luff also identified Italy as a key European partner for future defense equipment sharing programs. His comments follow the signing of a defense treaty between the U.K. and France last November.

“Just because we have a French relationship of a very deep and profound nature doesn’t mean we don’t have other very close relations around Europe as well,” Luff said. “I would highlight Italy as the most important of those. Our interests and mutual opportunities are most closely aligned.”
