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British Military Current Events

British spy was 20 years with Sinn Fein leader

Adams' meetings and secret talks with Irish Government were all known to MI5 agent

This would include secret meetings with the Irish Government leading up to the ceasefires.

Mr McShane was rarely far from Mr Adams' side from the time the Sinn Fein leader entered the public arena in the mid-Eighties.

It would also mean that at least two figures who acted as Mr Adams' closest personal aides, Mr McShane and Denis Donaldson, were reporting back to their handlers.

It is believed both were among the small army of double agents inside the IRA recruited by the RUC Special Branch from the 1980s onwards, under the direction of former Special Branch boss and subsequent RUC Chief Constable, Ronnie Flanagan.

Mr Flanagan's officers infiltrated republican and loyalist terror groups to an extent that is only now becoming apparent.

daftandbarmy said:
At a rate of only 8 heads per day they should blame it on the ladies of the RAF Regiment  8)

The article says there are only 200,000 ISIS followers to take care of.  At the rate of 8 a day that means they should work their way through ISIS  in something like 25,000 days or some 68 years.  Long enough for three generations to get their pensions.
The initial head of the Malaysian Communist Guerrillas was a French/British spy, he was a Vietnamese Communist, the CT's twigged to him and he ran but they caught up and killed him in Thailand I think. 
Kirkhill said:
The article says there are only 200,000 ISIS followers to take care of.  At the rate of 8 a day that means they should work their way through ISIS  in something like 25,000 days or some 68 years.  Long enough for three generations to get their pensions.
Assuming zero new sign-ups between now and then, of course ....
Many of those followers are Tribesmen, so if their tribe says "We are done with the ISIS" then they might lose thousands of followers in a day. That number seems really high, I would expect their true strength is somewhere in the 15,000 range with a host of temporary allies of varying degrees of effectiveness and trustworthiness. 
Colin P said:
Many of those followers are Tribesmen, so if their tribe says "We are done with the ISIS" then they might lose thousands of followers in a day. That number seems really high, I would expect their true strength is somewhere in the 15,000 range with a host of temporary allies of varying degrees of effectiveness and trustworthiness.

A prescription for the Anti-ISIS rebellion:

It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base, something guarded not merely from attack, but from the fear of it: such a base as we had in the Red Sea Parts, the desert, or in the minds of the men we converted to our creed. It must have a sophisticated alien enemy, in the form of a disciplined army of occupation too small to fulfil the doctrine of acreage: too few to adjust number to space, in order to dominate the whole area effectively from fortified posts. It must have a friendly population, not actively friendly, but sympathetic to the point of not betraying rebel movements to the enemy. Rebellions can be made by 2 per cent. active in a striking force, and 98 per cent. passively sympathetic. The few active rebels must have the qualities of speed and endurance, ubiquity and independence of arteries of supply. They must have the technical equipment to destroy or paralyse the enemy’s organized communications, for irregular war is fairly Willisen’s definition of strategy, “the study of communication” in its extreme degree, of attack where the enemy is not.

TE Lawrence
Aircraft removes that "safe area" but still depend on intel, so to prevent intel leakage your inner circle must have a significant bond, such as tribe or family. But that bond also limits your ability to grow and adopt new allies and becomes a weakness in itself if properly exploited by the other side.
Soldier sells Conspicuous Gallantry Cross to give family better life

A soldier who was twice blown up by the Taliban and awarded a prestigious gallantry medal is selling it for up to £100,000

Jean McConville murder: IRA veteran Bobby Storey arrested

Detectives investigating the murder and abduction of Jean McConville in 1972 say Bobby Storey has been arrested in West Belfast
A senior Northern Ireland republican alleged to have been a director of IRA intelligence has been arrested by detectives investigating the murder and abduction of Jean McConville in 1972.

Bobby Storey was arrested in West Belfast in the early hours of Wednesday morning and taken for questioning to the serious crime suite in Antrim.

A spokeswoman for Northern Ireland Police confirmed a 58-year-old man has been arrested in relation to the murder investigation.

The abduction, killing and secret burial of Mrs McConville is one of the most notorious crimes of the Northern Ireland Troubles.

Mrs McConville was dragged, screaming, away from her children in the Divis flats in west Belfast by a gang of up to 12 men and women after being wrongly accused of informing to the security forces.

She was interrogated, shot dead and secretly buried, becoming one of the "Disappeared" victims of the Troubles. Her body was not found until 2003 on a beach in Co Louth, 50 miles from her home.

The police case lay effectively dormant for decades until a flurry of activity this year after a court in the United States compelled a university in Boston to hand over to police recorded interviews with veteran republicans about Mrs McConville’s murder.

Soldier Ryan McGee jailed for making nail bomb

A young British soldier who made 'viable' bomb with 181 metal screws and bits of glass in his bedroom in Eccles, near Manchester, is jailed for two years at the Old Bailey

Para Platoon: Earning the Maroon Beret

LUXURY! When I were't lad....

Episodes 1 -6


Joe Crow is sad.... then happy... then sad.... then happy  :-\
Secret British role in halting Isil 'massacre' in Lebanon

Clandestine British squad worked at speed to coordinate huge effort to build 12 towers along Syrian border to prevent town from falling to Isil forces

Not quite "Rae Days", but extra time off for the troops to save a few O&M bucks ....
The British Ministry of Defense gave British soldiers an extra week of break this winter to save on utility bills. More than 100 barracks across Britain will operate on skeleton crews as the majority of the nation’s 80,000 soldiers will be sent home. Forces abroad in Canada, Germany and Kenya will also enjoy a longer break than normal. The break begins December 12 and soldiers report back on January 5 ....
Falklands War veteran Jimmy looks back at beating death on Mount Longdon

"I was at death’s door. I had dressings covering my face to stop the blood and remember being loaded onto a stretcher. I heard one of the guys carrying me say ‘This one’s alive’ and the other said ‘Is he? Let’s take him back, then’.

“There was a makeshift mortuary – and I think I was being taken there to be placed with the dead.”

This is the incredible story of Scouser Jimmy O’Connell. The incredible story of a bitter and bloody battle and a brave battalion.

And it’s being told by the man, himself.

Former Liverpool black cab driver Jimmy, 53, isn’t just a Falklands’ hero and newly- published author – he’s also a master of understatement.

Recalling the battle that helped win the Falklands War, almost robbed him of his life – and certainly changed it forever – the former private in the 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, describes it as “a bit of a dust-up”.

Sitting in his home in Orrell Park, the former paratrooper, who has just written Three Days In June, an account of the Battle of Mount Longdon, recalls: “We got caught in artillery and machine gun fire.

“I was hit in the head and face – a bullet went through my nose and took out my cheekbone and right eye.

“I expected to get hit again because there was that much stuff coming down around me. I thought ‘I can’t see myself getting out of this one’.

“They couldn’t get helicopters to the wounded for 12 hours, so it was only then that I was able to be evacuated and  properly treated.”

Unfortunately the source link didn't have a picture...  :(

From the Mirror:

RAF appoints first female bomber squadron commander

Jan 07, 2015 22:30 By Chris Hughes
Female war veteran will be wing commander of a squadron of Tornado jets - the first woman in history to take this kind of rank...
S.M.A. said:
Unfortunately the source link didn't have a picture...  :(

Why unfortunately?  Was she hired for her looks?  ::)

She wasn't even named in the article and you want a picture...

He's a guy.

Say the word female and 8 seconds later the question going through his mind is "Is she a candidate?"

;D >:D
Kirkhill said:

He's a guy.

Say the word female and 8 seconds later the question going through his mind is "Is she a candidate?"

;D >:D

Thankfully, not all guys do that.  ;)
daftandbarmy said:
Falklands War veteran Jimmy looks back at beating death on Mount Longdon

What an interesting man, thanks for the post.