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British Military Current Events

Task Force Black seems to be back in operation.Good hunting.


tomahawk6 said:
Task Force Black seems to be back in operation.Good hunting.


They have identified the executioner. Any odds on him not making it to see next weekend? Anyone?

British intelligence agencies MI5 and MI6 identified the killer and named Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 24, as a key suspect, The Sunday Times reported, citing unnamed officials. Abdel Bary, also known as L Jinny or Lyricist Jinn in London, left a budding music career that included appearances on BBC Radio in 2012, several British newspapers reported.


daftandbarmy said:
They have identified the executioner. Any odds on him not making it to see next weekend? Anyone?

British intelligence agencies MI5 and MI6 identified the killer and named Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 24, as a key suspect, The Sunday Times reported, citing unnamed officials. Abdel Bary, also known as L Jinny or Lyricist Jinn in London, left a budding music career that included appearances on BBC Radio in 2012, several British newspapers reported.


He should be arrested and made to stand trial. Let the world see how cowardly these "people" really are.

Mind you, I won't shed a tear if he doesn't make it to the weekend.
tomahawk6 said:
Task Force Black seems to be back in operation.Good hunting.


I expect others from the SOF community will be joining the fight here too. No doubt they're all chomping at the bit to take a few scalps from these SOB's. I wish them all good hunting, a safe return, and huge thanks for their service!

Afghan crash helicopter 'unsuitable' inquest hears

A Canadian helicopter that crashed in southern Afghanistan killing a British officer on-board was unsuitable for its role because of the temperature and heat

daftandbarmy said:
Afghan crash helicopter 'unsuitable' inquest hears

A Canadian helicopter that crashed in southern Afghanistan killing a British officer on-board was unsuitable for its role because of the temperature and heat



We, the great big, human "we," always want to find some reason for death, and it's always nice if there is someone to blame, isn't it?

E.R. Campbell said:

We, the great big, human "we," always want to find some reason for death, and it's always nice if there is someone to blame, isn't it?
To be fair, notwithstanding professional cheap shots taken well after the fact, I wonder how many improvements in how things are done or made have come out of the inquests the U.K. has held into every soldier killed?
milnews.ca said:
To be fair, notwithstanding professional cheap shots taken well after the fact, I wonder how many improvements in how things are done or made have come out of the inquests the U.K. has held into every soldier killed?

We bought some Chinooks, AFAIK, largely because the Griffins couldn't hack it for certain missions.
The Griffon is un-suited anything other than basic pilot training and ferrying staff weenies in Canada, that was said before AND when it replaced the Huey, been said in Bosnia doing Evac, and in Labrador doing SAR.  BUT it would take 50 years to replace 'em if they decided to. 
Lightguns said:
The Griffon is un-suited anything other than basic pilot training and ferrying staff weenies in Canada, that was said before AND when it replaced the Huey, been said in Bosnia doing Evac, and in Labrador doing SAR.  BUT it would take 50 years to replace 'em if they decided to.

Whoa you better watch what you say about the Griffin on here.  You'll get told pretty sharpish to wind it in, that it's a mega piece of kit, and was apparently known by the Taliban as "Allah's Breath", but not because it stinks. Yeah cheers!
Bet they are still afraid of the RSM:

Marching makes groups more cohesive and helps them feel safe in the face of adversity

    "Well-disciplined soldiers who regularly drill may both operate more efficiently as a cohesive unit and be less likely to flinch in the face of danger, the study suggests."


E.R. Campbell said:
    "Well-disciplined soldiers who regularly drill may both operate more efficiently as a cohesive unit and be less likely to flinch in the face of danger, the study suggests."



If you don't drill you can't kill.
There is a bit to be said about that - my Grandad was one of the last guys out of Dunkirk.  When they were getting off the beach, it was done pretty much in parade format, formal orders to attention, turns and quick march into the sea to the ships...while being bombed and shot at.


Almost everyone I met in the UK who had done NS had hated every minute of it...

How national service transformed a generation of British men

Richard Vinen, author of a new book on national service, explains how conscription changed the lives of thousands of British men, but in unexpected ways

daftandbarmy said:
Almost everyone I met in the UK who had done NS had hated every minute of it...

How national service transformed a generation of British men

Richard Vinen, author of a new book on national service, explains how conscription changed the lives of thousands of British men, but in unexpected ways


But how many had lapel pins and/or ties?

Most of my male relatives were conscripts or NS.  Like most Brits they didn't brag about their service.  They preferred to advertise by laughing and moaning.  It would have been considered inappropriate to brag.  But many bookshelves in many homes were filled with military books and many kids of NS men ended up in uniforms of one sort or another voluntarily.
Keep calm and deter on:

Britain facing 'greatest terrorist threat' in history

David Cameron warns that Isil have made 'specific' threats against Britain as the terror threat level is raised


Brigadier resigns amid claims he covered up the bullying of triple-amputee war hero blown up by the Taliban
•Corporal Tom Neathway lost legs and left arm in Helmand province in 2008
•He lodged complaint against RSM Alistair Hutcheson for victimisation
•Brigadier Greville Bibby appointed to review Army inquiry into allegations
•He cleared RSM, called witnesses liars and doubted Cpl Neathway's evidence
•Findings were later quashed - Brig Bibby was forced to issue an apology 

It's from the Daily 'Wail' so grain of salt is likely indicated:

Millions spent on advertising campaign to help boost Army Reserve...but just 140 recruits join up in six months
Only 140 new Army reservists have been recruited this year
This is despite the MoD spending millions on an advertising campaign
Works out at a cost of around £15,000 for each of the 140 recruits
Under the Armed Forces shake-up, ministers are cutting the strength of the regular Army by 20,000 while doubling the Army Reserve to 30,000 by 2020

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2739360/Millions-spent-advertising-campaign-help-boost-Army-Reserve-just-140-recruits-join-six-months.html#ixzz3C4cwUAJW
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