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I was wondering if cadets are permitted to wear CADPAT on bush excersises. Can they? :confused:
Find out through your unit.

As far as I know though, it is illegal for Civilians(yes, Cadets are civilians) to own real issue CADPAT, so your have to get the Frontenac CADPAT.
Originally posted by D-n-A:
[qb] Find out through your unit.

As far as I know though, it is illegal for Civilians(yes, Cadets are civilians) to own real issue CADPAT, so your have to get the Frontenac CADPAT. [/qb]
Ok first if cadets don‘t know they‘re civilians there‘s something wrong with our training :D Second it‘s legal to own CADPATS if you get it from a surplus dealer with permission to sell it (not many do) And I don‘t think the CATOs say anything about CADPAT since they‘ve only been giving licenses for a month or two to sell CADPAT so I guess it‘s all up to the sqn. standing orders. I do know it does annoy some officers since I wore just the pants when going flying once and I heard an officer mumble something to a f/sgt about it, but atleast I impressed the f/sgt, yay for browy points lol. (no I‘m not one of those suck ups everyone hates)
This topic was beaten to death on the CanadianPeacekeeper (Wheeler‘s) forum a few month‘s back, but here‘s my take: there is NO requirement for cadets to wear CADPAT. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA.

The good old green did the Reg Force for many years, and it will suit your purposes just fine for many more to come. The CADPAT camouflage has a purpose: to make the soldier 40% less visible in certain environments in ***COMBAT***. It isn‘t Gucci-flage that is worn to look cool, or to make your 16 year old flight sergeant worship you.

That‘s the bottom line. If you want to waste perfectly good money to do some good, donate it to Mike here at Army.ca. It will do far more good in years to come (as you will undoubtedly learn plenty about the army from know-it-all‘s like me) than some WannaBe (R) CADPAT knock-off pajama bottoms that would make you the laughing stock of your Reg Force Battalion, Battery, Squadron or Regiment, etc if you wore them outside of your Mama‘s house.

Knock yourself out wearing them on your cadet "exercises", maneuvres, camping weekends, etc. I‘m sure they (the other cadets) will think "yr kewl". I was in cadets (2943 PPCLI Campbell River, BC) for 5 years so I have a right to mock you "kid-ettes".

I‘m sure Mark Wheeler and whomever owns Frontenac must be happier than pigs in poop that all the cadets and reservists are all over the CADPAT thing (I do in fact own a CADPAT FMP cover, but mainly for the water resistancy that the better material provides, and yes I get mocked by my peers and superiors for owning Gucci-flage kit).

Have a good one,

There is nothing in the CATO‘s against it or for it. If you want to waste your money go ahead, but it could be better spent.
Hey AL.. nice FMP on ya!! I for one, have taken the time to go at my green issue underwear with a black felt tip marker so that they too will resemble the CADPAT and impress all the guys and girls I work with. Not really.

I however don‘t like the fact that "corporal-cam" mixed civilian and military attire, even if it did get him "browneye points". You shouldn‘t be mixing combats and civvies at any time. Just looks even sillier than a cadet with CADPAT!!

Just my two cents...
AHH shucks the cadets just want to be growed up and look like troops. Just remember when you wear CF attire in public you represent everone who wears the uniform. Thats a pretty big resonsiblity. I personnally don‘t have aproblem with cadets in CADPAT as long as they conduct themselves in a very professional way on civi street. People see the uniform and look at you as an example of what the CF is.Don‘t let us down. If your not of age and you smoke do it VERY discretly.BE PROFESSIONAL. Cheers

I may have to "out" you with your real name if you pick on me like that (read my "request/suggestion/demand" thread) or at least knock your rating average down (how you could manage a 4 rating is beyond me anyway.......).

I‘m not sure if your "browneye" comment was intentional or not, but I read it the way it looks right there (right in the browneye....)

BTW, stop smelling the fumes from the marker that you‘re using on your illegally modded underwear, that might help (though I know it makes the time in J7 more tolerable...)

Cadets with CADPAT? Why should Cadets wear CADPAT, when Regular Force troops, just out of Basic, in Wainwright ,wear the old Combats? This fact identifies them as " Students". As for mixing Civilian, and Military Attire , come on now , get a " Life". When , I am off duty , I don‘t wear military underwear , nor my " dogtags".Some people mix their attire to look " cool".My GF , is a waitress ,in a pub , near the Garrison , in Edmonton.She gets hit on , all the time by the " Baby Rambo‘s" as she calls then, they display their "dogtags", and such, and she is sick , to death of hearing , " I am going to Afghanistan, I might not come back, will you come home with me?"
I‘m sorry, but I have to admit that I DO wear military underwear in civvie life. It‘s a horrible thing, I know. I just can‘t help it though, they‘re so gosh darn comfy!
Allan, for you and you only, I will put my "real" name in my signature block.. is that kewl??

As for my underwear, I am eagerly awaiting my request through "clothe the soldier" to trial my new CADPAT thong underwear.. which I will be testing up and down the hallways of J7 with only an Army.ca T-shirt as cover!

She gets hit on , all the time by the " Baby Rambo‘s" as she calls then, they display their "dogtags", and such, and she is sick , to death of hearing , " I am going to Afghanistan, I might not come back, will you come home with me?"
Old Cent Hand - I‘m an older Rambo and going to Afghanistan, might not come home. Where‘s she work? ;)
I for one am tired of all the CADPAT hype. Canada has gone off the deep end... Everything must be so "purely Canadian" that it‘s sickening. There is nothing special about CADPAT, it‘s all a gimmick, just a better technique to blend colours to look *ironically* less man made. If there is any such thing as an IR treatment, the effect is negligible, and a colossal waste of money. CADPAT is digital camouflage, and that‘s all. It‘s no better or worse then any of the copycat patterns out there. Only we were crybabies who had to patent it so that we could be special...
It‘s all up to your CO...

you cannot wear issued CADPAT, but depending on your CO you can wear frontenac and other reproduction CADPAT as civilian wear. You , of course, cannot wear with the fake CADPAT head dress with insignia and rank.

It‘s really up to your officers. I know a few army units that allow cadets to wear the fake stuff but as first.

Me... being a former cadet in the us and here in canada, I don‘t see a need for cadets to wear CADPAT! Other than the LCF...
Originally posted by BOOMER004:
[qb] AHH shucks the cadets just want to be growed up and look like troops. Just remember when you wear CF attire in public you represent everone who wears the uniform. Thats a pretty big resonsiblity. I personnally don‘t have aproblem with cadets in CADPAT as long as they conduct themselves in a very professional way on civi street. People see the uniform and look at you as an example of what the CF is.Don‘t let us down. If your not of age and you smoke do it VERY discretly.BE PROFESSIONAL. Cheers [/qb]
Don‘t worry, I agree with Ned Fladers in the "jokers are smokers" theory so no need to worry about that. And I like most (but sadly, not all cadets) act very professional both in and out of uniform.

Originally posted by Old Cent‘ Hand:
[qb] Cadets with CADPAT? Why should Cadets wear CADPAT, when Regular Force troops, just out of Basic, in Wainwright ,wear the old Combats? This fact identifies them as " Students". As for mixing Civilian, and Military Attire , come on now , get a " Life". When , I am off duty , I don‘t wear military underwear , nor my " dogtags".Some people mix their attire to look " cool".My GF , is a waitress ,in a pub , near the Garrison , in Edmonton.She gets hit on , all the time by the " Baby Rambo‘s" as she calls then, they display their "dogtags", and such, and she is sick , to death of hearing , " I am going to Afghanistan, I might not come back, will you come home with me?" [/qb]
For the first part about me haveing cadpat when reg forces guys dont, think of it as me doing them a favour since the CF charges the surplus guys alot to buy it then they take that money and go buy another 2 or 3 sets of CADPAT, so I‘m actually helping by spending my money on this. As for the guys hitting on your wife, they‘ve watched Pearl Harbour (crapy movie by the way) a few too many times.

edited cause I got confused and thought I was someone else, don‘t ask....

edited again because I forgot to add this:

The whole browneye points thing was sarcasm, apparently no one can read the sarcasm in my voice when I‘m typing. Not to mention the fact I ment browny points or however it‘s spelt (you know thie little chocolate things.)
Corporal-cam, you still didn‘t address the fact of why you were wearing both civvies and combats?? I am sure it is well known that that is a no-no. Please refrain from doing it again.

As for the "Brownie points"... my comment was meant to be spelt "browneye".. as a sort of silly play on words. That‘s all.. I am funny like that.

Cadets cannot be representing the CF by wearing CADPAT.

So listen.
You may wear the uniform and feel "cool" but the minute you use that uniform with a selfish concious you ruin the beauty of it.So go ahead Cadets wear CADPAT all you want just dont forget what you are representing and prepare to face the consiquences afterwards.
Hey, whether you like or not... cadet ARE representing the CF...

Most goons off the street can‘t tell the difference other than the immature look of some younger cadets.

Once again, as I stated about. Cadets are not allowed to wear issued CADPAT combats... BUT... are, if permitted by the CO of the unit to wear the frontenac and other fake CADPAT as they would wear civi combats.

Some units allow other nation‘s combats, mostly US, and some allow fake CADPAT... Most, officer staff will not allow the wearing of CADPAT outright.

Frankly.. I think, that cadets in no capacity should wear anything that resembles CADPAT. CADPAT is for the use of those who are entitled it.


Originally posted by Usman_Syed:
[qb] Cadets cannot be representing the CF by wearing CADPAT.

So listen.
You may wear the uniform and feel "cool" but the minute you use that uniform with a selfish concious you ruin the beauty of it.So go ahead Cadets wear CADPAT all you want just dont forget what you are representing and prepare to face the consiquences afterwards. [/qb]
Now you are threatening the kid?

Look... were you a cadet? I just wanted to know.
Ease up on the kid.

there is this adolecsent pubecsent ideal as a cadet/boy/kid... I WANT TO LOOK COOL.. Now with that said. As people in the know, most of use simply want to make sure that the proper lines are drawn: Cadets aren‘t and shouldn‘t be able to wear a uniform not entitled to them... same as normal people... BUT! these kids are superised by CIC officer and that puts them in a situation where by they must make proper distinguishing guidlines.

Frankly, cadets can use the argument and say, they are not a uniform they are civies worn on exe. BUT they are too close looking to the real deal and therefore must not be allowed.

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