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CAF rank system [Merged]

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recceguy said:
And if a sergeant gets busted for being a bad boy, he goes directly to corporal, does not pass default to master corporal, loses $200, maybe....

There, fixed that for you.

Which, simply, just proves my point ;)

Guess you haven't played Monopoly for awhile.  I would say that the pay difference between a sergeant and corporal is such that they individual will definitely lose $200.  (i.e. I'm not referring to a fine)
Pusser said:
Some occupations do not have master corporals (e.g. musician, dental tech, I believe).  They go directly from corporal to sergeant.

I'm familiar with quite a number of MCpls in the musician trade. I can't speak for reg force musicians, but certainly in the reserves there are plenty.
Reg F musicians are almost immediately madfe Sgts, because they always have been.

The continued utility of the music branch in the Reg F is another discussion; if they are intended to raise morale perhaps they should go to where the troops are some time.  If they are too busy touring European massed bands concerts to entertain deployed troops, I have several suggestions of what we can do with the PYs...
I was at the Canadian War Musium a few years back in Ottawa and I saw some 2Lt's walking arould in Cadpat but with red bars on thier slip-on's.  Does anyone know what that means?
Yes, they are in Basic Officer Training at St Jean. There is a weekend trip up to the War Museum.
Brihard said:
I'm familiar with quite a number of MCpls in the musician trade. I can't speak for reg force musicians, but certainly in the reserves there are plenty.

That is correct.  I was referring to regular force musicians.  As DA Paterson said, they are promoted rather quickly.  I knew a regular force musician who was a sergeant at 20 years old.
Lowlander said:

Depending on their commissioning plan, they may have been 2Lts from the get-go (vice OCdts).  Specialist officer's such as Lawyers come in as Captains.
And, believe it or not, there was one Maj red-stripe in St Jean (summer '05 or '06) that was doing his own special IAP/BOTP. As soon as he was done, off the Kingston for another course at the (I think) PSTC then off the A'stan.

Orthopedic trauma surgeon.

He looked very lonely marching around in the basement all by himself so we had to ask  ;D Not that us old guys were nosey or anything.

Infanteer said:
Depending on their commissioning plan, they may have been 2Lts from the get-go (vice OCdts).  Specialist officer's such as Lawyers come in as Captains.

Medical Officer Training Plan(MOTP) and Dental Officer Training Plan(DOTP) candidates come in as 2Lts.
DEO specialists are enrolled as 2Lt with simultaneous promotion to Capt (generally).  This means they can be busted down to 2Lt in the event of a court-martial.  Administrivia.
Wookilar said:
And, believe it or not, there was one Maj red-stripe in St Jean (summer '05 or '06) that was doing his own special IAP/BOTP. As soon as he was done, off the Kingston for another course at the (I think) PSTC then off the A'stan.

Orthopedic trauma surgeon.

He looked very lonely marching around in the basement all by himself so we had to ask  ;D Not that us old guys were nosey or anything.

I remember that guy. 2006 it was.
Lowlander said:
Do just the officer students wear red at st. jean or is it everyone?

I think it's only the officer students.  When you see any of the NCOs at BMQ, they all complete BMQ as PTE (R), so they actually have a blank rank symbol on their sleeves...  Everytime I saw an instructor on all of the Basic Up videos, they had their regular CADPAT ranks on, and they're green (or whatever colour they make them for whatever element they're in, I don't know for sure, I haven't gone yet)

But this may have changed, again I'm not 100% sure.

NavyHopeful said:
When you see any of the NCOs at BMQ, they all complete BMQ as PTE (R),

Technical point Rev, NCMs complete BMQ...............A private is not an NCO.

NCO = Cpls ( and MCpl by extension) and Sgts.
And to add to the OPs confusion the Navy has their own rank structure as well.
Of course, the Air Force has its own ranks as well.

"Hey Bob."

"Yes Frank?"

"Have you seen Chuck?"

Hey there. I have a question that I haven't been able to figure out on my own and it regards one working their way up the military chain.

I know of a member who has been in for close to 20 years and is still in corporal rank. I also know someone who has been in less than 10 years and she is a Captian if I recall correctly.

Just curious how that works if anyone has the time to explain. Thank you!
AshleyMarie34 said:
Hey there. I have a question that I haven't been able to figure out on my own and it regards one working their way up the military chain.

I know of a member who has been in for close to 20 years and is still in corporal rank. I also know someone who has been in less than 10 years and she is a Captian if I recall correctly.

Just curious how that works if anyone has the time to explain. Thank you!

A short explanation is that personnel can be recruited as either non-commissioned members (NCM) or as officers.  If you join as an NCM, promotion to corporal is automatic, provided you pass all the requisite training and it takes about four years from enrollment.  If you join as an officer, promotion to captain is also automatic, provided you pass all the requisite training, but it can take a little longer because the four year clock only starts when you are commissioned, which may not happen until some time after enrollment.  Promotion beyond corporal for NCMs and captain for officers, is based on merit, in competition with one's peers.  The ranks above corporal and captain are "controlled" with strict limits on how many personnel may hold these ranks at any one time.  It is quite conceivable that one can serve many years (and many cases entire careers) and never be promoted beyond corporal/captain.  It doesn't mean these folks are idiots, just that in competition with everyone else, they didn't make it far enough up the merit list to get one of the limited spots available.

This is a very simple explanation and there are many possible variations (e.g. someone who joins as an NCM, but is later selected for commissioning as an officer).