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Calling Up Reserve Troops

Hatchet Man said:
While doing some web surfing, I discovered that the policy for those employed directly by the city of Toronto (not including, police, fire TTC), that members of the reserve are allowed two weeks of paid leave for reserve training, however they have to payback all compensentation received from the army to city if they are on leave during a period they were scheduled to work.   I think policies like this are unfair and are meant to discourage one from going on leave (kinda like dangling a carrot on stick, you can have the leave however there is a catch), especially if you would be making more working those two weeks with the army (although thats kinda hard now what with the large salary increases the city unions got in this round of contracts).

Hatchetman.... it says two weeks of "PAID LEAVE"... meaning that you get your better city salary while you are doing your reserve thing..... what's wrong with that?

If you are away and you happen to be getting a higher salary while you are away (doubt it - but I guess it's possible) ... have it recorded as "leave without pay"... I think what is important is that the company allows for you to go, keeps your job station warm for you & ensures that your seniority does not get affected by your regular & ongoing requests for leave....

Some companies say it differently; they will cover the difference between you regularly earn & what you got paid while you were away (pay stubs proving same)

I think that it's great - would have loved to have had that kind of chance with some of my employers back then.
Nothing is wrong with paid leave except that the city expects you to handover the money the army is going to pay you.
During the FLQ crisis, I was in the Reserves.  While we were not activated, we were placed on one hour notice to move.  Which meant we had to have our gear with us all the time, and had to leave phone numbers with the duty officer whenever we went somewhere.  This situation lasted for about a week, then we were stood down.

It certainly created a lot of discussion at our work places and schools!  Actually, I think we lost quite a few people from the Reserves then, as people started realizing the responsibilities they had assumed when signing on the line.

I think it was an automatic drill, when Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act, we were automatically placed on alert.  I'm not 100% sure of that, however, it may have been some local big wig that did it, but I don't think so.

I realize that this is a sidetrack of the original topic, but I thought I would add a bit more information for anyone interested.  :)
Hatchet Man said:
Nothing is wrong with paid leave except that the city expects you to handover the money the army is going to pay you.
It's called "topping up" and the CFLC actually encourages employers to do it.  It's not reasonable to ask employers to pay someone's full salary for a couple of weeks a year so that they can go work somewhere else, but it is within their ability to pay the difference between your salary and your military pay so that you don't need to take a pay cut to volunteer in the CF.  Where I work, I can barely take unpaid time off to go on contract for a couple of weeks.
Hatchet Man said:
Nothing is wrong with paid leave except that the city expects you to handover the money the army is going to pay you.
but at that same time.... they continue to pay you 100% of your regular salary
Lance Wiebe said:
During the FLQ crisis, I was in the Reserves.   While we were not activated, we were placed on one hour notice to move.   Which meant we had to have our gear with us all the time, and had to leave phone numbers with the duty officer whenever we went somewhere.   This situation lasted for about a week, then we were stood down.

It certainly created a lot of discussion at our work places and schools!   Actually, I think we lost quite a few people from the Reserves then, as people started realizing the responsibilities they had assumed when signing on the line.

I think it was an automatic drill, when Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act, we were automatically placed on alert.   I'm not 100% sure of that, however, it may have been some local big wig that did it, but I don't think so.

Lance, I was a recruit at the time.
I think it was DND being prudent by ramping up everyone, placing everyone on alert - esp because the War Measures act had been invoked....

With respect to the responsibility of Reserves.... the US is getting a taste of that right now. Some years ago, they tasked out a large number of their CSS responsibilities to Reserve & NG units... unfortunately, now that push has come to shove, a lot of units are having major recruiting problems which are causing major staffing problems which is having for effect... the US Army rethinking their role for the Reserves & NG.

Yeah - reservists have responsabilities.