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Can a reg force also be a reservist during the weekend


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I know, its probably a silly question, but I am missing action in my current position and I have been itching to get some more courses that unfortunately will probably never be available to me. I am currently posted(Reg force) in Kingston but would very much like to join The Queens own rifle in Toronto. I am sure I can pull of the schedule, as it is always dead where I currently am.

I do not even care if I get payed for my reserve time, is there any way to go on training with that regiment without joining the Primary reserve exclusively and quitting Reg Force.

I know the answer is probably no, but I figured its worth a shot. Is there a CANFORGEN that prohibits this? Like I mentioned, its not extra income that I seek and would give my time for free if I must as long as I get to train with them
No you can not be a Regular Force member and a Reservist at the same time.  AFAIK the only way for a Regular Force member to be part of a Reserve unit is through RSS positions.

If you want to be Infantry,  submit a VOT and hope for the best.
No. You are currently posted to a unit, and belong to them. More to the point, why would a reserve unit throw away course positions on a guy who doesn't even belong to them? If you want to do infantry stuff, take the necessary actions to get posted to an infantry battalion.

And why a Toronto unit when there's already a reserve infantry unit in the city you're in? Frankly it sounds like you're just lusting after a jump course or something silly like that.
No. You can not be a member of two components of the CF at the same time.
To expand on what Skeletor said, you can only serve in one component of the CAF at any one time.  However, there is no regulation that would prohibit you from volunteering with a Reserve unit if your chain of command and the Reserve unit chain of command concur.

As Brihard said, no Reserve unit CO is going to give up a rare unit vacancy on any course to a member who is not on their establishment. 

Try volunteering with a local cadet unit.  They're always looking for talented leadership.
No  :facepalm: No  :facepalm: No.
Ack...that was a silly question. Don't complain about having nothing to do. I'm sure I could convince your supervisor to find you some time filler.
There's a unit in Kingston where you get to do all your RegF work, and then work on the weekends doing all the reservists work too! Its not as fun as it sounds...
Thank you Haggis, good advice, I will look into it.

The reason I chose Toronto, is because its my hometown and am very often there during the week ends and when on leave.

I understand that no unit would be willing to train a member that is not theirs. VOT is an impossibility for me I cannot join the infantry due to posting reasons and cannot join the Res because of salary. I understand that to some this may sound silly, and that I am just an adrenaline junkie looking to play soldier. Truth is I am very good at my job and have reached a stalemate in my career due to a lower cadence of training. I always volunteer for every assignment that comes my way.

And yes, having jump wings would be interesting, I don't see anything wrong with that. I work hard every day to stay in shape and would like to see what I am worth by taking what is arguably one of the most difficult course a non SOF member can get. Some people might think that its a dumb delusion, but not me.
Jammer said:
You need to get posted brother...:)

I think I may be the only person in the world that can't get posted to the Bde when they ask...  ;D
THAT is surprising...I spent 10 yrs where you are...but the CM forgot he had some of us there...lol.
goinghomebroke said:
And yes, having jump wings would be interesting, I don't see anything wrong with that. I work hard every day to stay in shape and would like to see what I am worth by taking what is arguably one of the most difficult course a non SOF member can get. Some people might think that its a dumb delusion, but not me.

Getting a slot on a B Para serial does not guarantee getting jump wings.

If you want a change,  and a chance to do more then what you are currently doing apply for a CANSOFCOM unit.
Jammer said:
THAT is surprising...I spent 10 yrs where you are...but the CM forgot he had some of us there...lol.

He knows we're there, for the last 3 years every single member of the section has asked for a posting every year. Morale at an alltime high. 8)
Hmmm...interesting. Some JSR guys are posted even though they didn't ask for one....
Jammer said:
Hmmm...interesting. Some JSR guys are posted even though they didn't ask for one....
Pick me!  I did not want to get posted, but such is life.  As my father once said in an interview "All you can do is put your heals together and say "Yes Sir!"".
...or cry to a social worker, pull the PTSD card and get posted to JPSU...waaaiiit a minute....
goinghomebroke said:
VOT is an impossibility for me I cannot join the infantry due to posting reasons

Can you expand on that statement?
SAR Techs and Clearance Divers might take issue with that opinion...